blob: 1a54e5ad5dea9e93fbc3becd9886352dbf1e7c36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
class OverlayWindow;
class WebContents;
// Interface for Picture in Picture window controllers. This is currently tied
// to a WebContents |web_contents| and created when a Picture in Picture window
// is to be shown. This allows creation of a single window for the WebContents
// WebContents.
class PictureInPictureWindowController {
// Gets a reference to the controller associated with |web_contents| and
// creates one if it does not exist. The returned pointer is guaranteed to be
// non-null.
CONTENT_EXPORT static PictureInPictureWindowController*
GetOrCreateForWebContents(WebContents* web_contents);
virtual ~PictureInPictureWindowController() = default;
// Shows the Picture-in-Picture window.
virtual void Show() = 0;
// Called to notify the controller that the window was requested to be closed
// by the user or the content.
virtual void Close(bool should_pause_video) = 0;
// Called to notify the controller that the window was requested to be closed
// by the content and that initiator should be focused.
virtual void CloseAndFocusInitiator() = 0;
// Called by the window implementation to notify the controller that the
// window was requested to be closed and destroyed by the system.
virtual void OnWindowDestroyed() = 0;
virtual OverlayWindow* GetWindowForTesting() = 0;
virtual void UpdateLayerBounds() = 0;
virtual bool IsPlayerActive() = 0;
virtual WebContents* GetWebContents() = 0;
virtual void UpdatePlaybackState(bool is_playing,
bool reached_end_of_stream) = 0;
// Called when the user interacts with the "Skip Ad" control.
virtual void SkipAd() = 0;
// Called when the user interacts with the "Next Track" control.
virtual void NextTrack() = 0;
// Called when the user interacts with the "Previous Track" control.
virtual void PreviousTrack() = 0;
// Commands.
// Returns true if the player is active (i.e. currently playing) after this
// call.
virtual bool TogglePlayPause() = 0;
// Use PictureInPictureWindowController::GetOrCreateForWebContents() to
// create an instance.
PictureInPictureWindowController() = default;
} // namespace content