blob: 7fd971f96130a736b7983b6224175a06a820cc95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle_timing.h"
#include "content/public/browser/reload_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
namespace content {
// Gathers data from the NavigationHandle assigned to navigations that start
// with the expected URL.
class NavigationHandleObserver : public WebContentsObserver {
NavigationHandleObserver(WebContents* web_contents,
const GURL& expected_start_url);
~NavigationHandleObserver() override;
void DidStartNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void DidFinishNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
bool has_committed() { return has_committed_; }
bool is_error() { return is_error_; }
bool is_main_frame() { return is_main_frame_; }
bool is_parent_main_frame() { return is_parent_main_frame_; }
bool is_renderer_initiated() { return is_renderer_initiated_; }
bool is_same_document() { return is_same_document_; }
bool was_redirected() { return was_redirected_; }
int frame_tree_node_id() { return frame_tree_node_id_; }
const GURL& last_committed_url() { return last_committed_url_; }
ui::PageTransition page_transition() { return page_transition_; }
net::Error net_error_code() { return net_error_code_; }
int64_t navigation_id() { return navigation_id_; }
bool is_download() { return is_download_; }
ukm::SourceId next_page_ukm_source_id() { return next_page_ukm_source_id_; }
base::Optional<net::AuthChallengeInfo> auth_challenge_info() {
return auth_challenge_info_;
const net::ResolveErrorInfo& resolve_error_info() {
return resolve_error_info_;
base::TimeTicks navigation_start() { return navigation_start_; }
const NavigationHandleTiming& navigation_handle_timing() {
return navigation_handle_timing_;
ReloadType reload_type() { return reload_type_; }
// A reference to the NavigationHandle so this class will track only
// one navigation at a time. It is set at DidStartNavigation and cleared
// at DidFinishNavigation before the NavigationHandle is destroyed.
NavigationHandle* handle_ = nullptr;
bool has_committed_ = false;
bool is_error_ = false;
bool is_main_frame_ = false;
bool is_parent_main_frame_ = false;
bool is_renderer_initiated_ = true;
bool is_same_document_ = false;
bool was_redirected_ = false;
int frame_tree_node_id_ = -1;
ui::PageTransition page_transition_ = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK;
GURL expected_start_url_;
GURL last_committed_url_;
net::Error net_error_code_ = net::OK;
int64_t navigation_id_ = -1;
bool is_download_ = false;
ukm::SourceId next_page_ukm_source_id_ = ukm::kInvalidSourceId;
base::Optional<net::AuthChallengeInfo> auth_challenge_info_;
net::ResolveErrorInfo resolve_error_info_;
base::TimeTicks navigation_start_;
NavigationHandleTiming navigation_handle_timing_;
ReloadType reload_type_ = ReloadType::NONE;
} // namespace content