blob: 84e0d7fc26703e3ddda5fea27ab3eaac85748d43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/timing.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace blink {
class AnimationTimingTest : public testing::Test {
Timing::CalculatedTiming CalculateTimings(base::Optional<double> local_time,
double playback_rate) {
const bool is_keyframe_effect = false;
Timing::AnimationDirection animation_direction =
playback_rate < 0 ? Timing::AnimationDirection::kBackwards
: Timing::AnimationDirection::kForwards;
return timing_.CalculateTimings(
local_time, /*timeline_phase*/ base::nullopt, animation_direction,
is_keyframe_effect, playback_rate);
bool IsCurrent(base::Optional<double> local_time, double playback_rate) {
return CalculateTimings(local_time, playback_rate).is_current;
void SetUp() override {
timing_.iteration_duration = AnimationTimeDelta::FromSecondsD(1);
Timing timing_;
TEST_F(AnimationTimingTest, IsCurrent) {
// Before boundary time = 0, and after boundary time = 1 based on test setup
// with start delay = 0 and iteration duration = 1.
// An animation effect is current if any of the following conditions are true:
// * the animation effect is in play, or
// * the animation effect is associated with an animation with a playback
// rate > 0 and the animation effect is in the before phase, or
// * the animation effect is associated with an animation with a playback
// rate < 0 and the animation effect is in the after phase.
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(-1, 1))
<< "Expected 'current' with a positive playback rate in the before phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(-1, 0))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a zero playback rate in the before phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(-1, -1))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a negative playback rate in the before "
<< "phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(0, 1))
<< "Expected 'current' with a positive playback rate at the start of the "
<< " active phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(0, 0))
<< "Expected 'current' with a zero playback rate at the start of the "
<< "active phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(0, -1))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a negative playback rate at the end of "
<< "the before phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(0.5, 1))
<< "Expected 'current' with a positive playback rate in the active phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(0.5, 0))
<< "Expected 'current' with a zero playback rate in the active phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(0.5, -1))
<< "Expected 'current' with a negative playback rate in the active phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(1, 1))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a positive playback rate at the start "
<< "of the after phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(1, 0))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a zero playback rate at the start of "
<< "the after phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(1, -1))
<< "Expected 'current' with negative playback rate at the end of the "
<< "active phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(2, 1))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a positive playback rate in the after "
<< "phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(2, 0))
<< "Expected 'not current' with a zero playback rate in the after phase";
EXPECT_TRUE(IsCurrent(2, -1))
<< "Expected 'current' with a negative playback rate in the after phase";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(base::nullopt, 1))
<< "Expected 'not current' when time is unresolved";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(base::nullopt, 0))
<< "Expected 'not current' when time is unresolved";
EXPECT_FALSE(IsCurrent(base::nullopt, -1))
<< "Expected 'not current' when time is unresolved";
} // namespace blink