blob: 91916d3001d21d8a13b6aa13e44f0596e3c851f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h"
#include "ui/base/x/selection_utils.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_drag_context.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_topmost_window_finder.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xproto.h"
namespace ui {
class OSExchangeData;
class XOSExchangeDataProvider;
// Converts the current set of X masks into the set of ui::EventFlags.
// Works for both incoming and outgoing drags. For the incoming drags, receives
// XDND events via HandleXdndEvent() and routes them to OnXdnd...() handlers;
// outgoing drags are handled via Handle...() methods. Both ways end up in
// SendXdnd...() calls that target the window that is currently at the drag
// location. If the target is another Chrome window, the event is delivered
// directly to its XdndHandler, bypassing the X server.
// The owner is notified about the ongoing drag through the Delegate interface.
// Handlers and callbacks that should be implemented at the consumer side.
class Delegate {
// Creates the window finder.
virtual std::unique_ptr<XTopmostWindowFinder> CreateWindowFinder() = 0;
// Updates the drag status by the new position. Returns the drag operation
// possible at that position.
// Handling XdndPosition can be paused while waiting for more data; this is
// called either synchronously from OnXdndPosition, or asynchronously after
// we've received data requested from the other window.
virtual int UpdateDrag(const gfx::Point& screen_point) = 0;
// Updates the mouse cursor shape.
virtual void UpdateCursor(
DragDropTypes::DragOperation negotiated_operation) = 0;
// Called when data from another application (not Chrome) enters the window.
virtual void OnBeginForeignDrag(x11::Window window) = 0;
// Called when data from another application (not Chrome) is about to leave
// the window.
virtual void OnEndForeignDrag() = 0;
// Called just before the drag leaves the window.
virtual void OnBeforeDragLeave() = 0;
// Drops data at the current location and returns the resulting operation.
virtual int PerformDrop() = 0;
// Called to end the drag loop that is maintained by the subclass.
virtual void EndDragLoop() = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
XDragDropClient(Delegate* delegate, x11::Window xwindow);
virtual ~XDragDropClient();
XDragDropClient(const XDragDropClient&) = delete;
XDragDropClient& operator=(const XDragDropClient&) = delete;
x11::Window xwindow() const { return xwindow_; }
XDragContext* target_current_context() {
return target_current_context_.get();
const XOSExchangeDataProvider* source_provider() const {
return source_provider_;
int current_modifier_state() const { return current_modifier_state_; }
// Handling XdndPosition can be paused while waiting for more data; this is
// called by XDragContext either synchronously or asynchronously, depending on
// whether the context has data requested from the other window.
void CompleteXdndPosition(x11::Window source_window,
const gfx::Point& screen_point);
void ProcessMouseMove(const gfx::Point& screen_point,
unsigned long event_time);
// During the blocking StartDragAndDrop() call, this converts the views-style
// |drag_operation_| bitfield into a vector of Atoms to offer to other
// processes.
std::vector<x11::Atom> GetOfferedDragOperations() const;
// Tries to handle the XDND event. Returns true for all known event types:
// XdndEnter, XdndLeave, XdndPosition, XdndStatus, XdndDrop, and XdndFinished;
// returns false if an event of an unexpected type has been passed.
bool HandleXdndEvent(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
// These |Handle...| methods essentially implement the
// views::X11MoveLoopDelegate interface.
void HandleMouseMovement(const gfx::Point& screen_point,
int flags,
base::TimeTicks event_time);
void HandleMouseReleased();
void HandleMoveLoopEnded();
// Called when XSelection data has been copied to our process.
void OnSelectionNotify(const x11::SelectionNotifyEvent& xselection);
// Resets the drag state so the object is ready to handle the drag. Sets
// X window properties so that the desktop environment is aware of available
// actions. Sets |source_provider_| so properties of dragged data can be
// queried afterwards. Should be called before entering the main drag loop.
void InitDrag(int operation, const OSExchangeData* data);
// Cleans up the drag state after the drag is done. Removes the X window
// properties related to the drag operation. Should be called after exiting
// the main drag loop.
void CleanupDrag();
enum class SourceState {
// |source_current_window_| will receive a drop once we receive an
// XdndStatus from it.
// The move looped will be ended once we receive XdndFinished from
// |source_current_window_|. We should not send XdndPosition to
// |source_current_window_| while in this state.
// There is no drag in progress or there is a drag in progress and the
// user has not yet released the mouse.
DragDropTypes::DragOperation negotiated_operation() const {
return negotiated_operation_;
// Updates |current_modifier_state_| with the given set of flags.
void UpdateModifierState(int flags);
// Resets the drag context. Calls |OnEndForeignDrag()| if necessary.
void ResetDragContext();
void StopRepeatMouseMoveTimer();
// Start timer to end the move loop if the target is too slow to respond after
// the mouse is released.
void StartEndMoveLoopTimer();
void StopEndMoveLoopTimer();
// These methods handle the various X11 client messages from the platform.
void OnXdndEnter(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
void OnXdndPosition(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
void OnXdndStatus(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
void OnXdndLeave(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
void OnXdndDrop(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
void OnXdndFinished(const x11::ClientMessageEvent& event);
// Creates an XEvent and fills it in with values typical for XDND messages:
// the type of event is set to ClientMessage, the format is set to 32 (longs),
// and the zero member of data payload is set to |xwindow_|. All other data
// members are zeroed, as per XDND specification.
x11::ClientMessageEvent PrepareXdndClientMessage(const char* message,
x11::Window recipient) const;
// Finds the topmost X11 window at |screen_point| and returns it if it is
// Xdnd aware. Returns x11::None otherwise.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual x11::Window FindWindowFor(const gfx::Point& screen_point);
// Sends |xev| to |window|, optionally short circuiting the round trip to the
// X server. Virtual for testing.
virtual void SendXClientEvent(x11::Window window,
const x11::ClientMessageEvent& xev);
void SendXdndEnter(x11::Window dest_window,
const std::vector<x11::Atom>& targets);
void SendXdndPosition(x11::Window dest_window,
const gfx::Point& screen_point,
unsigned long event_time);
void SendXdndLeave(x11::Window dest_window);
void SendXdndDrop(x11::Window dest_window);
// We maintain a mapping of live XDragDropClient objects to their X11 windows,
// so that we'd able to short circuit sending X11 messages to windows in our
// process.
static XDragDropClient* GetForWindow(x11::Window window);
void EndMoveLoop();
Delegate* const delegate_;
const x11::Window xwindow_;
// Target side information.
x11::Window target_current_window_ = x11::Window::None;
std::unique_ptr<XDragContext> target_current_context_;
// Source side information.
SourceState source_state_ = SourceState::kOther;
const XOSExchangeDataProvider* source_provider_ = nullptr;
// The operation bitfield as requested by StartDragAndDrop.
int drag_operation_ = 0;
// The modifier state for the most recent mouse move. Used to bypass an
// asynchronous roundtrip through the X11 server.
int current_modifier_state_ = 0;
// We offer the other window a list of possible operations,
// XdndActionsList. This is the requested action from the other window. This
// is DRAG_NONE if we haven't sent out an XdndPosition message yet, haven't
// yet received an XdndStatus or if the other window has told us that there's
// no action that we can agree on.
DragDropTypes::DragOperation negotiated_operation_ = DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE;
// In the Xdnd protocol, we aren't supposed to send another XdndPosition
// message until we have received a confirming XdndStatus message.
bool waiting_on_status_ = false;
// If we would send an XdndPosition message while we're waiting for an
// XdndStatus response, we need to cache the latest details we'd send.
std::unique_ptr<std::pair<gfx::Point, unsigned long>> next_position_message_;
// Reprocesses the most recent mouse move event if the mouse has not moved
// in a while in case the window stacking order has changed and
// |source_current_window_| needs to be updated.
base::OneShotTimer repeat_mouse_move_timer_;
// Ends the move loop if the target is too slow to respond after the mouse is
// released.
base::OneShotTimer end_move_loop_timer_;
// When the mouse is released, we need to wait for the last XdndStatus message
// only if we have previously received a status message from
// |source_current_window_|.
bool status_received_since_enter_ = false;
} // namespace ui