blob: ef6463f78c6c9aa74e19eab9a919c61bc1b5abee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/base/x/x11_os_exchange_data_provider.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "net/base/filename_util.h"
#include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard_constants.h"
#include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard_format_type.h"
#include "ui/base/dragdrop/file_info/file_info.h"
#include "ui/base/x/selection_utils.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_atom_cache.h"
// Note: the GetBlah() methods are used immediately by the
//, while the omnibox is a
// little more discriminating and calls HasBlah() before trying to get the
// information.
namespace ui {
namespace {
const char kDndSelection[] = "XdndSelection";
const char kRendererTaint[] = "chromium/x-renderer-taint";
const char kNetscapeURL[] = "_NETSCAPE_URL";
} // namespace
x11::Window x_window,
const SelectionFormatMap& selection)
: connection_(x11::Connection::Get()),
selection_owner_(connection_, x_window_, gfx::GetAtom(kDndSelection)) {}
: connection_(x11::Connection::Get()),
x_window_(CreateDummyWindow("Chromium Drag & Drop Window")),
selection_owner_(connection_, x_window_, gfx::GetAtom(kDndSelection)) {}
XOSExchangeDataProvider::~XOSExchangeDataProvider() {
if (own_window_)
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::TakeOwnershipOfSelection() const {
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::RetrieveTargets(
std::vector<x11::Atom>* targets) const {
SelectionFormatMap XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetFormatMap() const {
// We return the |selection_owner_|'s format map instead of our own in case
// ours has been modified since TakeOwnershipOfSelection() was called.
return selection_owner_.selection_format_map();
std::unique_ptr<OSExchangeDataProvider> XOSExchangeDataProvider::Clone() const {
std::unique_ptr<XOSExchangeDataProvider> ret(new XOSExchangeDataProvider());
return std::move(ret);
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::MarkOriginatedFromRenderer() {
std::string empty;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::DidOriginateFromRenderer() const {
return format_map_.find(gfx::GetAtom(kRendererTaint)) != format_map_.end();
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetString(const base::string16& text_data) {
if (HasString())
std::string utf8 = base::UTF16ToUTF8(text_data);
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> mem(
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeText), mem);
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeLinuxText), mem);
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeLinuxString), mem);
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeLinuxUtf8String), mem);
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetURL(const GURL& url,
const base::string16& title) {
// TODO(dcheng): The original GTK code tries very hard to avoid writing out an
// empty title. Is this necessary?
if (url.is_valid()) {
// Mozilla's URL format: (UTF16: URL, newline, title)
base::string16 spec = base::UTF8ToUTF16(url.spec());
std::vector<unsigned char> data;
ui::AddString16ToVector(spec, &data);
ui::AddString16ToVector(base::ASCIIToUTF16("\n"), &data);
ui::AddString16ToVector(title, &data);
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> mem(
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeMozillaURL), mem);
// Set a string fallback as well.
// Return early if this drag already contains file contents (this implies
// that file contents must be populated before URLs). Nautilus (and possibly
// other file managers) prefer _NETSCAPE_URL over the X Direct Save
// protocol, but we want to prioritize XDS in this case.
if (!file_contents_name_.empty())
// Set _NETSCAPE_URL for file managers like Nautilus that use it as a hint
// to create a link to the URL. Setting text/uri-list doesn't work because
// Nautilus will fetch and copy the contents of the URL to the drop target
// instead of linking...
// Format is UTF8: URL + "\n" + title.
std::string netscape_url = url.spec();
netscape_url += "\n";
netscape_url += base::UTF16ToUTF8(title);
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetFilename(const base::FilePath& path) {
std::vector<FileInfo> data;
data.emplace_back(path, base::FilePath());
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetFilenames(
const std::vector<FileInfo>& filenames) {
std::vector<std::string> paths;
for (const auto& filename : filenames) {
std::string url_spec = net::FilePathToFileURL(filename.path).spec();
if (!url_spec.empty())
std::string joined_data = base::JoinString(paths, "\n");
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> mem(
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeURIList), mem);
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetPickledData(const ClipboardFormatType& format,
const base::Pickle& pickle) {
const unsigned char* data =
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(;
std::vector<unsigned char> bytes;
bytes.insert(bytes.end(), data, data + pickle.size());
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> mem(
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(format.GetName().c_str()), mem);
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetString(base::string16* result) const {
if (HasFile()) {
// Various Linux file managers both pass a list of file:// URIs and set the
// string representation to the URI. We explicitly don't want to return use
// this representation.
return false;
std::vector<x11::Atom> text_atoms = ui::GetTextAtomsFrom();
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(text_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
std::string text = data.GetText();
*result = base::UTF8ToUTF16(text);
return true;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetURLAndTitle(FilenameToURLPolicy policy,
GURL* url,
base::string16* title) const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms = ui::GetURLAtomsFrom();
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
// TODO(erg): Technically, both of these forms can accept multiple URLs,
// but that doesn't match the assumptions of the rest of the system which
// expect single types.
if (data.GetType() == gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeMozillaURL)) {
// Mozilla URLs are (UTF16: URL, newline, title).
base::string16 unparsed;
std::vector<base::string16> tokens =
base::SplitString(unparsed, base::ASCIIToUTF16("\n"),
if (tokens.size() > 0) {
if (tokens.size() > 1)
*title = tokens[1];
*title = base::string16();
*url = GURL(tokens[0]);
return true;
} else if (data.GetType() == gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeURIList)) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = ui::ParseURIList(data);
for (const std::string& token : tokens) {
GURL test_url(token);
if (!test_url.SchemeIsFile() ||
policy == FilenameToURLPolicy::CONVERT_FILENAMES) {
*url = test_url;
*title = base::string16();
return true;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetFilename(base::FilePath* path) const {
std::vector<FileInfo> filenames;
if (GetFilenames(&filenames)) {
*path = filenames.front().path;
return true;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetFilenames(
std::vector<FileInfo>* filenames) const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms = ui::GetURIListAtomsFrom();
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = ui::ParseURIList(data);
for (const std::string& token : tokens) {
GURL url(token);
base::FilePath file_path;
if (url.SchemeIsFile() && net::FileURLToFilePath(url, &file_path)) {
filenames->push_back(FileInfo(file_path, base::FilePath()));
return !filenames->empty();
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetPickledData(const ClipboardFormatType& format,
base::Pickle* pickle) const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
// Note that the pickle object on the right hand side of the assignment
// only refers to the bytes in |data|. The assignment copies the data.
*pickle = base::Pickle(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.GetData()),
return true;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::HasString() const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> text_atoms = ui::GetTextAtomsFrom();
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(text_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
return !requested_types.empty() && !HasFile();
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::HasURL(FilenameToURLPolicy policy) const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms = ui::GetURLAtomsFrom();
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
if (requested_types.empty())
return false;
// The Linux desktop doesn't differentiate between files and URLs like
// Windows does and stuffs all the data into one mime type.
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
if (data.GetType() == gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeMozillaURL)) {
// File managers shouldn't be using this type, so this is a URL.
return true;
} else if (data.GetType() == gfx::GetAtom(ui::kMimeTypeURIList)) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = ui::ParseURIList(data);
for (const std::string& token : tokens) {
if (!GURL(token).SchemeIsFile() ||
policy == FilenameToURLPolicy::CONVERT_FILENAMES)
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::HasFile() const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms = ui::GetURIListAtomsFrom();
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
if (requested_types.empty())
return false;
// To actually answer whether we have a file, we need to look through the
// contents of the kMimeTypeURIList type, and see if any of them are file://
// URIs.
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = ui::ParseURIList(data);
for (const std::string& token : tokens) {
GURL url(token);
base::FilePath file_path;
if (url.SchemeIsFile() && net::FileURLToFilePath(url, &file_path))
return true;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::HasCustomFormat(
const ClipboardFormatType& format) const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms;
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
return !requested_types.empty();
#if defined(USE_X11)
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetFileContents(
const base::FilePath& filename,
const std::string& file_contents) {
DCHECK(!base::Contains(format_map(), gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeMozillaURL)));
// Direct save handling is a complicated juggling affair between this class,
// SelectionFormat, and XDragDropClient. The general idea behind
// the protocol is this:
// - The source window sets its XdndDirectSave0 window property to the
// proposed filename.
// - When a target window receives the drop, it updates the XdndDirectSave0
// property on the source window to the filename it would like the contents
// to be saved to and then requests the XdndDirectSave0 type from the
// source.
// - The source is supposed to copy the file here and return success (S),
// failure (F), or error (E).
// - In this case, failure means the destination should try to populate the
// file itself by copying the data from application/octet-stream. To make
// things simpler for Chrome, we always 'fail' and let the destination do
// the work.
std::string failure("F");
std::string file_contents_copy = file_contents;
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetHtml(const base::string16& html,
const GURL& base_url) {
std::vector<unsigned char> bytes;
// Manually jam a UTF16 BOM into bytes because otherwise, other programs will
// assume UTF-8.
ui::AddString16ToVector(html, &bytes);
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> mem(
format_map_.Insert(gfx::GetAtom(kMimeTypeHTML), mem);
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetHtml(base::string16* html,
GURL* base_url) const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms;
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
ui::SelectionData data(format_map_.GetFirstOf(requested_types));
if (data.IsValid()) {
*html = data.GetHtml();
*base_url = GURL();
return true;
return false;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::HasHtml() const {
std::vector<x11::Atom> url_atoms;
std::vector<x11::Atom> requested_types;
GetAtomIntersection(url_atoms, GetTargets(), &requested_types);
return !requested_types.empty();
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::SetDragImage(const gfx::ImageSkia& image,
const gfx::Vector2d& cursor_offset) {
drag_image_ = image;
drag_image_offset_ = cursor_offset;
gfx::ImageSkia XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetDragImage() const {
return drag_image_;
gfx::Vector2d XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetDragImageOffset() const {
return drag_image_offset_;
bool XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetPlainTextURL(GURL* url) const {
base::string16 text;
if (GetString(&text)) {
GURL test_url(text);
if (test_url.is_valid()) {
*url = test_url;
return true;
return false;
std::vector<x11::Atom> XOSExchangeDataProvider::GetTargets() const {
return format_map_.GetTypes();
void XOSExchangeDataProvider::InsertData(
x11::Atom format,
const scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>& data) {
format_map_.Insert(format, data);
} // namespace ui