blob: c11e85ba8f5c12a8ee6edada041ece91e4235bb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sql/meta_table.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "sql/database.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"
namespace {
// Keys understood directly by sql:MetaTable.
const char kVersionKey[] = "version";
const char kCompatibleVersionKey[] = "last_compatible_version";
const char kMmapStatusKey[] = "mmap_status";
} // namespace
namespace sql {
MetaTable::MetaTable() = default;
MetaTable::~MetaTable() = default;
// static
constexpr int64_t MetaTable::kMmapFailure;
constexpr int64_t MetaTable::kMmapSuccess;
// static
bool MetaTable::DoesTableExist(sql::Database* db) {
return db->DoesTableExist("meta");
// static
bool MetaTable::DeleteTableForTesting(sql::Database* db) {
return db->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS meta");
// static
bool MetaTable::GetMmapStatus(Database* db, int64_t* status) {
const char* kMmapStatusSql = "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = ?";
Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(kMmapStatusSql));
if (!s.is_valid())
return false;
// It is fine for the status to be missing entirely, but any error prevents
// memory-mapping.
s.BindString(0, kMmapStatusKey);
*status = s.Step() ? s.ColumnInt64(0) : 0;
return s.Succeeded();
// static
bool MetaTable::SetMmapStatus(Database* db, int64_t status) {
DCHECK(status == kMmapFailure || status == kMmapSuccess || status >= 0);
const char* kMmapUpdateStatusSql = "REPLACE INTO meta VALUES (?, ?)";
Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(kMmapUpdateStatusSql));
s.BindString(0, kMmapStatusKey);
s.BindInt64(1, status);
return s.Run();
// static
void MetaTable::RazeIfIncompatible(Database* db,
int lowest_supported_version,
int current_version) {
if (!sql::MetaTable::DoesTableExist(db))
// TODO( Share sql with PrepareGetStatement().
sql::Statement s(
db->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key=?"));
s.BindCString(0, kVersionKey);
if (!s.Step())
int on_disk_schema_version = s.ColumnInt(0);
s.Assign(db->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key=?"));
s.BindCString(0, kCompatibleVersionKey);
if (!s.Step())
int on_disk_compatible_version = s.ColumnInt(0);
s.Clear(); // Clear potential automatic transaction for Raze().
if ((lowest_supported_version != kNoLowestSupportedVersion &&
lowest_supported_version > on_disk_schema_version) ||
(current_version < on_disk_compatible_version)) {
bool MetaTable::Init(Database* db, int version, int compatible_version) {
DCHECK(!db_ && db);
db_ = db;
// If values stored are nullptr or missing entirely, 0 will be reported.
// Require new clients to start with a greater initial version.
DCHECK_GT(version, 0);
DCHECK_GT(compatible_version, 0);
// Make sure the table is created an populated atomically.
sql::Transaction transaction(db_);
if (!transaction.Begin())
return false;
if (!DoesTableExist(db)) {
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE meta"
return false;
// Newly-created databases start out with mmap'ed I/O, but have no place to
// store the setting. Set here so that later opens don't need to validate.
SetMmapStatus(db_, kMmapSuccess);
// Note: there is no index over the meta table. We currently only have a
// couple of keys, so it doesn't matter. If we start storing more stuff in
// there, we should create an index.
return transaction.Commit();
void MetaTable::Reset() {
db_ = nullptr;
void MetaTable::SetVersionNumber(int version) {
DCHECK_GT(version, 0);
SetValue(kVersionKey, version);
int MetaTable::GetVersionNumber() {
int version = 0;
return GetValue(kVersionKey, &version) ? version : 0;
void MetaTable::SetCompatibleVersionNumber(int version) {
DCHECK_GT(version, 0);
SetValue(kCompatibleVersionKey, version);
int MetaTable::GetCompatibleVersionNumber() {
int version = 0;
return GetValue(kCompatibleVersionKey, &version) ? version : 0;
bool MetaTable::SetValue(const char* key, const std::string& value) {
Statement s;
PrepareSetStatement(&s, key);
s.BindString(1, value);
return s.Run();
bool MetaTable::SetValue(const char* key, int value) {
Statement s;
PrepareSetStatement(&s, key);
s.BindInt(1, value);
return s.Run();
bool MetaTable::SetValue(const char* key, int64_t value) {
Statement s;
PrepareSetStatement(&s, key);
s.BindInt64(1, value);
return s.Run();
bool MetaTable::GetValue(const char* key, std::string* value) {
Statement s;
if (!PrepareGetStatement(&s, key))
return false;
*value = s.ColumnString(0);
return true;
bool MetaTable::GetValue(const char* key, int* value) {
Statement s;
if (!PrepareGetStatement(&s, key))
return false;
*value = s.ColumnInt(0);
return true;
bool MetaTable::GetValue(const char* key, int64_t* value) {
Statement s;
if (!PrepareGetStatement(&s, key))
return false;
*value = s.ColumnInt64(0);
return true;
bool MetaTable::DeleteKey(const char* key) {
Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("DELETE FROM meta WHERE key=?"));
s.BindCString(0, key);
return s.Run();
void MetaTable::PrepareSetStatement(Statement* statement, const char* key) {
DCHECK(db_ && statement);
SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO meta (key,value) VALUES (?,?)"));
statement->BindCString(0, key);
bool MetaTable::PrepareGetStatement(Statement* statement, const char* key) {
DCHECK(db_ && statement);
SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key=?"));
statement->BindCString(0, key);
return statement->Step();
} // namespace sql