blob: e803ee69d55460a5d46760fb7876a046c5e12b38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "google_apis/calendar/calendar_api_response_types.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h"
#include "base/json/json_value_converter.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "google_apis/common/parser_util.h"
#include "google_apis/common/time_util.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace google_apis {
namespace calendar {
namespace {
// EventList
constexpr char kCalendarEventListKind[] = "calendar#events";
constexpr char kTimeZone[] = "timeZone";
// DateTime
constexpr char kDateTime[] = "dateTime";
// CalendarEvent
constexpr char kAttendees[] = "attendees";
constexpr char kAttendeesOmitted[] = "attendeesOmitted";
constexpr char kAttendeesResponseStatus[] = "responseStatus";
constexpr char kAttendeesSelf[] = "self";
constexpr char kCalendarEventKind[] = "calendar#event";
constexpr char kColorId[] = "colorId";
constexpr char kEnd[] = "end";
constexpr char kHtmlLink[] = "htmlLink";
constexpr char kPathToCreatorSelf[] = "creator.self";
constexpr char kStart[] = "start";
constexpr char kStatus[] = "status";
constexpr char kSummary[] = "summary";
constexpr auto kEventStatuses =
base::MakeFixedFlatMap<base::StringPiece, CalendarEvent::EventStatus>(
{{"cancelled", CalendarEvent::EventStatus::kCancelled},
{"confirmed", CalendarEvent::EventStatus::kConfirmed},
{"tentative", CalendarEvent::EventStatus::kTentative}});
constexpr auto kAttendeesResponseStatuses =
base::MakeFixedFlatMap<base::StringPiece, CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus>(
{{"accepted", CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kAccepted},
{"declined", CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kDeclined},
{"needsAction", CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kNeedsAction},
{"tentative", CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kTentative}});
// Converts the `items` field from the response. This method helps to use the
// custom conversion entrypoint `CalendarEvent::CreateFrom`.
// Returns false when it fails (e.g. the value is structurally different from
// expected).
bool ConvertResponseItems(const base::Value* value,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent>>* result) {
const auto* items = value->GetIfList();
if (!items)
return false;
for (const auto& item : *items) {
auto event = CalendarEvent::CreateFrom(item);
if (!event)
return false;
return true;
// Converts the event status to `EventStatus`. Returns false when it fails
// (e.g. the value is structurally different from expected).
bool ConvertEventStatus(const base::Value* value,
CalendarEvent::EventStatus* result) {
const auto* status = value->GetIfString();
if (!status) {
return false;
const auto* it = kEventStatuses.find(*status);
if (it != kEventStatuses.end()) {
*result = it->second;
} else {
*result = CalendarEvent::EventStatus::kUnknown;
return true;
// Returns user's self response status on the event, or `absl::nullopt` in case
// the passed value is structurally different from expected.
absl::optional<CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus> CalculateSelfResponseStatus(
const base::Value& value) {
const auto* event = value.GetIfDict();
if (!event)
return absl::nullopt;
const auto* attendees_raw_value = event->Find(kAttendees);
if (!attendees_raw_value) {
// It's okay not to have `attendees` field in the response, it's possible
// in two cases:
// - this is a personal event of the `default` type without other
// attendees;
// - user invited 2+ guests and removed themselves from the event (also,
// the `attendeesOmitted` flag will be set to true).
const bool is_self_created =
const bool has_omitted_attendees =
if (is_self_created && !has_omitted_attendees) {
// It's not possible to create a personal event and mark it as
// tentative or declined.
return CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kAccepted;
return CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kUnknown;
const auto* attendees = attendees_raw_value->GetIfList();
if (!attendees)
return absl::nullopt;
for (const auto& x : *attendees) {
const auto* attendee = x.GetIfDict();
if (!attendee)
return absl::nullopt;
const bool is_self = attendee->FindBool(kAttendeesSelf).value_or(false);
if (!is_self) {
// A special case when user invited 1 more guest and removed themselves
// from the event. In this case that user will be returned as an
// attendee (the total number of attendees <= the requested number), safe
// to ignore this item.
const auto* responseStatus = attendee->FindString(kAttendeesResponseStatus);
if (!responseStatus)
return absl::nullopt;
const auto* it = kAttendeesResponseStatuses.find(*responseStatus);
if (it != kAttendeesResponseStatuses.end()) {
return it->second;
return CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus::kUnknown;
} // namespace
DateTime::DateTime() = default;
DateTime::DateTime(const DateTime& src) = default;
DateTime& DateTime::operator=(const DateTime& src) = default;
DateTime::~DateTime() = default;
// static
void DateTime::RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<DateTime>* converter) {
converter->RegisterCustomField<base::Time>(kDateTime, &DateTime::date_time_,
// static
bool DateTime::CreateDateTimeFromValue(const base::Value* value,
DateTime* time) {
base::JSONValueConverter<DateTime> converter;
if (!converter.Convert(*value, time)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Unable to create: Invalid DateTime JSON!";
return false;
return true;
CalendarEvent::CalendarEvent() = default;
CalendarEvent::~CalendarEvent() = default;
CalendarEvent::CalendarEvent(const CalendarEvent&) = default;
CalendarEvent& CalendarEvent::operator=(const CalendarEvent&) = default;
// static
void CalendarEvent::RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<CalendarEvent>* converter) {
converter->RegisterStringField(kApiResponseIdKey, &CalendarEvent::id_);
converter->RegisterStringField(kSummary, &CalendarEvent::summary_);
converter->RegisterStringField(kHtmlLink, &CalendarEvent::html_link_);
converter->RegisterStringField(kColorId, &CalendarEvent::color_id_);
converter->RegisterCustomValueField(kStatus, &CalendarEvent::status_,
converter->RegisterCustomValueField(kStart, &CalendarEvent::start_time_,
converter->RegisterCustomValueField(kEnd, &CalendarEvent::end_time_,
// static
std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent> CalendarEvent::CreateFrom(
const base::Value& value) {
auto event = std::make_unique<CalendarEvent>();
base::JSONValueConverter<CalendarEvent> converter;
if (!IsResourceKindExpected(value, kCalendarEventKind) ||
!converter.Convert(value, event.get())) {
DVLOG(1) << "Unable to create: Invalid CalendarEvent JSON!";
return nullptr;
auto self_response_status = CalculateSelfResponseStatus(value);
if (self_response_status.has_value()) {
return event;
DVLOG(1) << "Unable to calculate self response status: Invalid "
"CalendarEvent JSON!";
return nullptr;
int CalendarEvent::GetApproximateSizeInBytes() const {
int total_bytes = 0;
total_bytes += sizeof(CalendarEvent);
total_bytes += id_.length();
total_bytes += summary_.length();
total_bytes += html_link_.length();
total_bytes += color_id_.length();
total_bytes += sizeof(status_);
total_bytes += sizeof(self_response_status_);
return total_bytes;
EventList::EventList() = default;
EventList::~EventList() = default;
// static
void EventList::RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<EventList>* converter) {
converter->RegisterStringField(kTimeZone, &EventList::time_zone_);
converter->RegisterStringField(kApiResponseETagKey, &EventList::etag_);
converter->RegisterStringField(kApiResponseKindKey, &EventList::kind_);
converter->RegisterCustomValueField(kApiResponseItemsKey, &EventList::items_,
// static
std::unique_ptr<EventList> EventList::CreateFrom(const base::Value& value) {
auto events = std::make_unique<EventList>();
base::JSONValueConverter<EventList> converter;
if (!IsResourceKindExpected(value, kCalendarEventListKind) ||
!converter.Convert(value, events.get())) {
DVLOG(1) << "Unable to create: Invalid EventList JSON!";
return nullptr;
return events;
void EventList::InjectItemForTesting(std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent> item) {
} // namespace calendar
} // namespace google_apis