blob: f5e57e5b396d46486da7462989ba3d997d1ef5b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_pref_names.h"
namespace ash {
namespace prefs {
// A boolean pref which determines whether the large cursor feature is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityLargeCursorEnabled[] =
// An integer pref that specifies the size of large cursor for accessibility.
const char kAccessibilityLargeCursorDipSize[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether the sticky keys feature is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityStickyKeysEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether spoken feedback is enabled.
const char kAccessibilitySpokenFeedbackEnabled[] = "settings.accessibility";
// A boolean pref which determines whether high conrast is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityHighContrastEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether screen magnifier is enabled.
// NOTE: We previously had prefs named settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type and
// settings.a11y.screen_magnifier_type2, but we only shipped one type (full).
// See for history.
const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether screen magnifier should center
// the text input focus.
const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierCenterFocus[] =
// A double pref which determines a zooming scale of the screen magnifier.
const char kAccessibilityScreenMagnifierScale[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether the virtual keyboard is enabled for
// accessibility. This feature is separate from displaying an onscreen keyboard
// due to lack of a physical keyboard.
const char kAccessibilityVirtualKeyboardEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether the mono audio output is enabled for
// accessibility.
const char kAccessibilityMonoAudioEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.mono_audio";
// A boolean pref which determines whether autoclick is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityAutoclickEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.autoclick";
// An integer pref which determines time in ms between when the mouse cursor
// stops and when an autoclick is triggered.
const char kAccessibilityAutoclickDelayMs[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether caret highlighting is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityCaretHighlightEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether cursor highlighting is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityCursorHighlightEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether focus highlighting is enabled.
const char kAccessibilityFocusHighlightEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether select-to-speak is enabled.
const char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakEnabled[] =
// A boolean pref which determines whether switch access is enabled.
const char kAccessibilitySwitchAccessEnabled[] = "settings.a11y.switch_access";
// A boolean pref which determines whether the accessibility menu shows
// regardless of the state of a11y features.
const char kShouldAlwaysShowAccessibilityMenu[] = "settings.a11y.enable_menu";
// A boolean pref which stores whether a stylus has been seen before.
const char kHasSeenStylus[] = "ash.has_seen_stylus";
// A boolean pref which stores whether a the palette warm welcome bubble
// (displayed when a user first uses a stylus) has been shown before.
const char kShownPaletteWelcomeBubble[] = "ash.shown_palette_welcome_bubble";
// A boolean pref that specifies if the stylus tools should be enabled/disabled.
const char kEnableStylusTools[] = "settings.enable_stylus_tools";
// A boolean pref that specifies if the ash palette should be launched after an
// eject input event has been received.
const char kLaunchPaletteOnEjectEvent[] =
// A boolean pref storing the enabled status of the NightLight feature.
const char kNightLightEnabled[] = "ash.night_light.enabled";
// A double pref storing the screen color temperature set by the NightLight
// feature. The expected values are in the range of 0.0 (least warm) and 1.0
// (most warm).
const char kNightLightTemperature[] = "ash.night_light.color_temperature";
// An integer pref storing the type of automatic scheduling of turning on and
// off the NightLight feature. Valid values are:
// 0 -> NightLight is never turned on or off automatically.
// 1 -> NightLight is turned on and off at the sunset and sunrise times
// respectively.
// 2 -> NightLight schedule times are explicitly set by the user.
// See ash::NightLightController::ScheduleType.
const char kNightLightScheduleType[] = "ash.night_light.schedule_type";
// Integer prefs storing the start and end times of the automatic schedule at
// which NightLight turns on and off respectively when the schedule type is set
// to a custom schedule. The times are represented as the number of minutes from
// 00:00 (12:00 AM) regardless of the date or the timezone.
// See ash::TimeOfDayTime.
const char kNightLightCustomStartTime[] = "ash.night_light.custom_start_time";
const char kNightLightCustomEndTime[] = "ash.night_light.custom_end_time";
// |kShelfAlignment| and |kShelfAutoHideBehavior| have a local variant. The
// local variant is not synced and is used if set. If the local variant is not
// set its value is set from the synced value (once prefs have been
// synced). This gives a per-machine setting that is initialized from the last
// set value.
// These values are default on the machine but can be overridden by per-display
// values in kShelfPreferences (unless overridden by managed policy).
// String value corresponding to ash::ShelfAlignment (e.g. "Bottom").
const char kShelfAlignment[] = "shelf_alignment";
const char kShelfAlignmentLocal[] = "shelf_alignment_local";
// String value corresponding to ash::ShelfAutoHideBehavior (e.g. "Never").
const char kShelfAutoHideBehavior[] = "auto_hide_behavior";
const char kShelfAutoHideBehaviorLocal[] = "auto_hide_behavior_local";
// Dictionary value that holds per-display preference of shelf alignment and
// auto-hide behavior. Key of the dictionary is the id of the display, and
// its value is a dictionary whose keys are kShelfAlignment and
// kShelfAutoHideBehavior.
const char kShelfPreferences[] = "shelf_preferences";
// Boolean pref indicating whether to show a logout button in the system tray.
const char kShowLogoutButtonInTray[] = "show_logout_button_in_tray";
// Integer pref indicating the length of time in milliseconds for which a
// confirmation dialog should be shown when the user presses the logout button.
// A value of 0 indicates that logout should happen immediately, without showing
// a confirmation dialog.
const char kLogoutDialogDurationMs[] = "logout_dialog_duration_ms";
// A dictionary pref that maps usernames to wallpaper info.
const char kUserWallpaperInfo[] = "user_wallpaper_info";
// A dictionary pref that maps wallpaper file paths to their prominent colors.
const char kWallpaperColors[] = "ash.wallpaper.prominent_colors";
// Boolean pref indicating whether a user has enabled the bluetooth adapter.
const char kUserBluetoothAdapterEnabled[] =
// Boolean pref indicating system-wide setting for bluetooth adapter power.
const char kSystemBluetoothAdapterEnabled[] =
// Boolean prefs for the status of the touchscreen and the touchpad.
const char kTouchpadEnabled[] = "events.touch_pad.enabled";
const char kTouchscreenEnabled[] = "events.touch_screen.enabled";
// String pref storing the salt for the pin quick unlock mechanism.
const char kQuickUnlockPinSalt[] = "";
// NOTE: New prefs should start with the "ash." prefix. Existing prefs moved
// into this file should not be renamed, since they may be synced.
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace ash