blob: f777567829380d604e34c18c7710a57d7c002c1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_interrupt_reasons.h"
#include "crypto/secure_hash.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
// File being downloaded and saved to disk. This is a base class
// for DownloadFile and SaveFile, which keep more state information. BaseFile
// considers itself the owner of the physical file and will delete it when the
// BaseFile object is destroyed unless the ownership is revoked via a call to
// Detach().
class CONTENT_EXPORT BaseFile {
// May be constructed on any thread. All other routines (including
// destruction) must occur on the same sequence.
BaseFile(uint32_t download_id);
// Returns DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_NONE on success, or a
// DownloadInterruptReason on failure. Upon success, the file at |full_path()|
// is assumed to be owned by the BaseFile. It will be deleted when the
// BaseFile object is destroyed unless Detach() is called before destroying
// the BaseFile instance.
// |full_path|: Full path to the download file. Can be empty, in which case
// the rules described in |default_directory| will be used to generate a
// temporary filename.
// |default_directory|: specifies the directory to create the temporary file
// in if |full_path| is empty. If |default_directory| and |full_path| are
// empty, then a temporary file will be created in the default download
// location as determined by ContentBrowserClient.
// |file|: The base::File handle to use. If specified, BaseFile will not open
// a file and will use this handle. The file should be opened for both
// read and write. Only makes sense if |full_path| is non-empty since it
// implies that the caller already knows the path to the file. There's no
// perfect way to come up with a canonical path for a file. So BaseFile
// will not attempt to determine the |full_path|.
// |bytes_so_far|: If a file is provided (via |full_path| or |file|), then
// this argument specifies the amount of data that has been written to
// the file. If |is_sparse_file| is false, this value should be the size
// of the file to expect. It is legal for the file to be larger, in which
// case the file will be truncated down to this size if |is_sparse_file|
// is false. However, if the file is shorter, then the operation will
// |hash_so_far|: If |bytes_so_far| is non-zero and |is_sparse_file| is
// false, this specifies the SHA-256 hash of the first |bytes_so_far|
// bytes of the target file. If specified, BaseFile will read the first
// |bytes_so_far| of the target file in order to calculate the hash and
// verify that the file matches. If there's a mismatch, then the operation
// |hash_state| is also specified.
// |hash_state|: The partial hash object to use. Only meaningful if there's a
// preexisting target file and it is non-empty (i.e. bytes_so_far is
// non-zero). If specified, BaseFile will assume that the bytes up to
// |bytes_so_far| has been accurately hashed into |hash_state| and will
// ignore |hash_so_far|. Not used if |is_sparse_file| is true.
// |is_sparse_file|: Specifies whether the file is a sparse file. If so, it is
// possible that a write can happen at an offset that is larger than the
// file size, thus creating holes in it.
DownloadInterruptReason Initialize(
const base::FilePath& full_path,
const base::FilePath& default_directory,
base::File file,
int64_t bytes_so_far,
const std::string& hash_so_far,
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SecureHash> hash_state,
bool is_sparse_file);
// Write a new chunk of data to the file. Returns a DownloadInterruptReason
// indicating the result of the operation. Works only if |is_sparse_file| is
// false.
DownloadInterruptReason AppendDataToFile(const char* data, size_t data_len);
// Write a new chunk of data to the file. Returns a DownloadInterruptReason
// indicating the result of the operation.
DownloadInterruptReason WriteDataToFile(
int64_t offset,
const char* data,
size_t data_len);
// Rename the download file. Returns a DownloadInterruptReason indicating the
// result of the operation. A return code of NONE indicates that the rename
// was successful. After a failure, the full_path() and in_progress() can be
// used to determine the last known filename and whether the file is available
// for writing or retrying the rename. Call Finish() to obtain the last known
// hash state.
DownloadInterruptReason Rename(const base::FilePath& full_path);
// Mark the file as detached. Up until this method is called, BaseFile assumes
// ownership of the file and hence will delete the file if the BaseFile object
// is destroyed. Calling Detach() causes BaseFile to assume that it no longer
// owns the file. Detach() can be called at any time. Close() must still be
// called to close the file if it is open.
void Detach();
// Abort the download and automatically close and delete the file.
void Cancel();
// Indicate that the download has finished. No new data will be received.
// Returns the SecureHash object representing the state of the hash function
// at the end of the operation. If |is_sparse_file_| is true, calling this
// will cause |secure_hash_| to get calculated.
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SecureHash> Finish();
// Informs the OS that this file came from the internet. Returns a
// DownloadInterruptReason indicating the result of the operation.
// |client_guid|: The client GUID which will be used to identify the caller to
// the system AV scanning function.
// |source_url| / |referrer_url|: Source and referrer for the network request
// that originated this download. Will be used to annotate source
// information and also to determine the relative danger level of the
// file.
DownloadInterruptReason AnnotateWithSourceInformation(
const std::string& client_guid,
const GURL& source_url,
const GURL& referrer_url);
// Returns the last known path to the download file. Can be empty if there's
// no file.
const base::FilePath& full_path() const { return full_path_; }
// Returns true if the file is open. If true, the file can be written to or
// renamed.
bool in_progress() const { return file_.IsValid(); }
// Returns the number of bytes that has been written so far. If
// |is_sparse_file_| is false, this should always be equal to the file size.
// If |is_sparse_file_| is true, this should not be larger than the file size
// as the file may contain holes in it.
int64_t bytes_so_far() const { return bytes_so_far_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
friend class BaseFileTest;
// Creates and opens the file_ if it is invalid.
// If |is_sparse_file_| is false and |hash_so_far| is not empty, then it must
// match the SHA-256 hash of the first |bytes_so_far_| bytes of |file_|. If
// there's a hash mismatch, Open() fails with
// If the opened file is shorter than |bytes_so_far_| bytes, then Open() fails
// with DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_FILE_TOO_SHORT. If the opened file is longer
// and |is_sparse_file_| is false, then the file is truncated to
// |bytes_so_far_|.
// Open() can fail for other reasons as well. In that case, it returns a
// relevant interrupt reason. Unless Open() return
// DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_NONE, it should be assumed that |file_| is not
// valid.
DownloadInterruptReason Open(const std::string& hash_so_far);
// Closes and resets file_.
void Close();
// Resets file_.
void ClearFile();
// Platform specific method that moves a file to a new path and adjusts the
// security descriptor / permissions on the file to match the defaults for the
// new directory.
DownloadInterruptReason MoveFileAndAdjustPermissions(
const base::FilePath& new_path);
// Split out from CurrentSpeed to enable testing.
int64_t CurrentSpeedAtTime(base::TimeTicks current_time) const;
// Verifies that:
// * Size of the file represented by |file_| is at least |bytes_so_far_|.
// * If |hash_to_expect| is not empty, then the result of hashing the first
// |bytes_so_far_| bytes of |file_| matches |hash_to_expect|.
// If the result is REASON_NONE, then on return |secure_hash_| is valid and
// is ready to hash bytes from offset |bytes_so_far_| + 1.
// If |is_sparse_file_| is true, this function is only called when Finish()
// is called.
DownloadInterruptReason CalculatePartialHash(
const std::string& hash_to_expect);
// Log a TYPE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_ERROR NetLog event with |error| and passes error
// on through, converting to a |DownloadInterruptReason|.
DownloadInterruptReason LogNetError(const char* operation, net::Error error);
// Log the system error in |os_error| and converts it into a
// |DownloadInterruptReason|.
DownloadInterruptReason LogSystemError(const char* operation,
logging::SystemErrorCode os_error);
// Log a TYPE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_ERROR NetLog event with |os_error| and |reason|.
// Returns |reason|.
DownloadInterruptReason LogInterruptReason(
const char* operation, int os_error,
DownloadInterruptReason reason);
// Full path to the file including the file name.
base::FilePath full_path_;
// OS file for writing
base::File file_;
// Amount of data received up so far, in bytes.
int64_t bytes_so_far_ = 0;
// Used to calculate hash for the file when calculate_hash_ is set.
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SecureHash> secure_hash_;
// Start time for calculating speed.
base::TimeTicks start_tick_;
// Indicates that this class no longer owns the associated file, and so
// won't delete it on destruction.
bool detached_ = false;
// Whether the file is sparse.
// TODO(qinmin): pass the slice information to this class so that we can
// verify that writes are not overlapping.
bool is_sparse_file_ = false;
// ID of the download, used for trace events.
uint32_t download_id_;
} // namespace content