blob: a4eb032e1ffc8b41fedf5d5d9a77023f7041cef4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The entry point for all Mac Chromium processes, including the outer app
// bundle (browser) and helper app (renderer, plugin, and friends).
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/allocator/early_zone_registration_mac.h"
#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_version.h"
#include "sandbox/mac/seatbelt_exec.h" // nogncheck
extern "C" {
// abort_report_np() records the message in a special section that both the
// system CrashReporter and Crashpad collect in crash reports. Using a Crashpad
// Annotation would be preferable, but this executable cannot depend on
// Crashpad directly.
void abort_report_np(const char* fmt, ...);
namespace {
typedef int (*ChromeMainPtr)(int, char**);
#if !defined(HELPER_EXECUTABLE) && defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && \
// This is for, and more generally,
// (and all of the associated bugs). It's horrible!
// When the main executable is updated on disk while the application is running,
// and the offset of the Mach-O image at the main executable's path changes from
// the offset that was determined when the executable was loaded, SecCode ceases
// to be able to work with the executable. This may be triggered when the
// product is updated on disk but the application has not yet relaunched. This
// affects SecCodeCopySelf and SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes. Bugs are evident
// even when validation (SecCodeCheckValidity) is not attempted.
// Practically, this is only a concern for fat (universal) files, because the
// offset of a Mach-O image in a thin (single-architecture) file is always 0.
// The branded product always ships a fat executable, and because some uses of
// SecCode are in OS code beyond Chrome's control, an effort is made to freeze
// the geometry of the branded (BUILDFLAG(GOOGLE_CHROME_BRANDING))
// for-public-release (defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)) main executable.
// The fat file is produced by installer/mac/ The x86_64 slice
// always precedes the arm64 slice: lipo, as used by, always
// places the arm64 slice last. See Xcode 12.0
// cmp_qsort, used by create_fat at #L962. ensures that the
// first slice in the file is located at a constant offset (16kB since
// 98.0.4758.80), but if the first slice's size changes, it can affect the
// offset of the second slice, the arm64 one, triggering SecCode-related bugs
// for arm64 users across updates.
// As quite a hack of a workaround, the offset of the arm64 slice within the fat
// main executable is influenced to land at the desired location by introducing
// padding to the x86_64 slice that precedes it. The arm64 slice needs to remain
// at offset 304kB (since 98.0.4758.80). The signed x86_64 slice has size 287296
// bytes in 98.0.4758.80, but has shrunk since then, and before the introduction
// of any padding, would now be 216784 bytes long. To make up the 70512-byte
// difference, 68kB (69632 bytes) of padding is added to the x86_64 slice to
// ensure that its size is stable, causing the arm64 slice to land where it
// needs to be when universalized. This padding needs to be added to the thin
// form of the x86_64 image before being fed to Why 69632
// bytes and not 70512? To keep it an even multiple of linker pages (not machine
// pages: linker pages are 4kB for lld targeting x86_64 and 16kB for ld64
// targeting x86_64, but Chrome uses lld). In any case, I'll make up almost all
// of the 880-byte difference with one more weird trick below.
// There are several terrible ways to insert this padding into the x86_64 image.
// Best would be something that considers the size of the x86_64 image without
// padding, and inserts the precise amount required. It may be possible to do
// this after linking, but the options that have been attempted so far were not
// successful. So this quick and very dirty 68kB buffer is added to increase the
// size of __TEXT,__const in a way that no tool could possibly see as suspicious
// after link time. The variable is marked with the "used" attribute to prevent
// the compiler from issuing warnings about the referenced variable, to prevent
// the compiler from removing it under optimization, and to set the
// S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP section attribute to prevent the linker from removing it
// under -dead_strip. Note that the standardized [[maybe_unused]] attribute only
// suppresses the warning, but does not prevent the compiler or linker from
// removing it.
// The introduction of this fixed 68kB of padding causes the unsigned linker
// output to grow by 68kB precisely, but the signed output will grow by slightly
// more. This is because the code signature's code directory contains SHA-1 and
// SHA-256 hashes of each 4kB code signing page (note, not machine pages or
// linker pages) in the image, adding 20 and 32 bytes each (macOS 12.0.1
// Security::CodeSigning::SecCodeSigner::Signer::prepare). For the 68kB
// addition, the code signature grows by (68 / 4) * (20 + 32) = 884 bytes, thus
// the total size of the linker output grows by 68kB + 884 = 70516 bytes. It is
// not possible to control this any more granularly: if the buffer were sized at
// 68kB - 884 = 68748 bytes, it would either cause no change in the space
// allocated to the __TEXT segment (due to padding for alignment) or would cause
// the segment to shrink by a linker page (note, not a code signing or machine
// page) which would which would cause the linker output to shrink by the same
// amount and would be absolutely undesirable. Luckily, the net growth of 70516
// bytes is almost at the target of 70512 on the nose. In any event, having the
// signed x86_64 slice sized at 287300 bytes instead of 287296 should not be a
// problem. Subtle differences in characteristics including the code signature
// itself can easily produce differences of that magnitude. It's necessary for
// the size to wind up in the range (278528, 294912], and as long as that's met,
// the 16kB alignment for the arm64 slice that follows it in the fat file will
// cause it to appear at the desired 304kB.
// If the main executable has a significant change in size, this will need to be
// revised. Hopefully a more elegant solution will become apparent before that's
// required.
__attribute__((used)) const char kGrossPaddingForCrbug1300598[68 * 1024] = {};
[[noreturn]] void FatalError(const char* format, ...) {
va_list valist;
va_start(valist, format);
char message[4096];
if (vsnprintf(message, sizeof(message), format, valist) >= 0) {
fputs(message, stderr);
abort_report_np("%s", message);
} // namespace
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
uint32_t exec_path_size = 0;
int rv = _NSGetExecutablePath(NULL, &exec_path_size);
if (rv != -1) {
FatalError("_NSGetExecutablePath: get length failed.");
std::unique_ptr<char[]> exec_path(new char[exec_path_size]);
rv = _NSGetExecutablePath(exec_path.get(), &exec_path_size);
if (rv != 0) {
FatalError("_NSGetExecutablePath: get path failed.");
sandbox::SeatbeltExecServer::CreateFromArgumentsResult seatbelt =
sandbox::SeatbeltExecServer::CreateFromArguments(exec_path.get(), argc,
if (seatbelt.sandbox_required) {
if (!seatbelt.server) {
FatalError("Failed to create seatbelt sandbox server.");
if (!seatbelt.server->InitializeSandbox()) {
FatalError("Failed to initialize sandbox.");
// The helper lives within the versioned framework directory, so simply
// go up to find the main dylib.
const char rel_path[] = "../../../../" PRODUCT_FULLNAME_STRING " Framework";
const char rel_path[] = "../Frameworks/" PRODUCT_FULLNAME_STRING
" Framework.framework/Versions/" CHROME_VERSION_STRING
#endif // defined(HELPER_EXECUTABLE)
// Slice off the last part of the main executable path, and append the
// version framework information.
const char* parent_dir = dirname(exec_path.get());
if (!parent_dir) {
FatalError("dirname %s: %s.", exec_path.get(), strerror(errno));
const size_t parent_dir_len = strlen(parent_dir);
const size_t rel_path_len = strlen(rel_path);
// 2 accounts for a trailing NUL byte and the '/' in the middle of the paths.
const size_t framework_path_size = parent_dir_len + rel_path_len + 2;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> framework_path(new char[framework_path_size]);
snprintf(framework_path.get(), framework_path_size, "%s/%s", parent_dir,
void* library =
dlopen(framework_path.get(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_FIRST);
if (!library) {
FatalError("dlopen %s: %s.", framework_path.get(), dlerror());
const ChromeMainPtr chrome_main =
reinterpret_cast<ChromeMainPtr>(dlsym(library, "ChromeMain"));
if (!chrome_main) {
FatalError("dlsym ChromeMain: %s.", dlerror());
rv = chrome_main(argc, argv);
// exit, don't return from main, to avoid the apparent removal of main from
// stack backtraces under tail call optimization.