blob: 43530231ec411560eb17cc0dc80eaf26ddb773bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Much of this file has been adapted from Chromium (net/http/ and
// Breakpad (common/linux/
// See for a description of the
// multipart/form-data HTTP message type implemented in this file.
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/http/internet_helpers.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#include <winhttp.h> // NOLINT
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
namespace chrome_cleaner {
namespace {
// Returns the index of the closing quote of the string, if any. |start| points
// at the opening quote.
size_t FindStringEnd(const std::wstring& line, size_t start, wchar_t delim) {
DCHECK_LT(start, line.length());
DCHECK_EQ(line[start], delim);
DCHECK((delim == L'"') || (delim == L'\''));
const wchar_t set[] = {delim, L'\\', L'\0'};
for (size_t end = line.find_first_of(set, start + 1);
end != std::wstring::npos; end = line.find_first_of(set, end + 2)) {
if (line[end] != L'\\')
return end;
return line.length();
const wchar_t kHttpLws[] = L" \t";
bool IsLWS(wchar_t c) {
return ::wcschr(kHttpLws, c) != NULL;
void TrimLWS(std::wstring::const_iterator* begin,
std::wstring::const_iterator* end) {
// Skip leading whitespace.
while (*begin < *end && IsLWS((*begin)[0]))
// Skip trailing whitespace.
while (*begin < *end && IsLWS((*end)[-1]))
} // namespace
void ParseContentType(const std::wstring& content_type_str,
std::wstring* mime_type,
std::wstring* charset,
bool* had_charset,
std::wstring* boundary) {
const std::wstring::const_iterator begin = content_type_str.begin();
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace from type. We include '(' in the
// trailing trim set to catch media-type comments, which are not at all
// standard, but may occur in rare cases.
size_t type_val = content_type_str.find_first_not_of(kHttpLws);
type_val = std::min(type_val, content_type_str.length());
size_t type_end =
content_type_str.find_first_of(std::wstring(kHttpLws) + L";(", type_val);
if (type_end == std::wstring::npos)
type_end = content_type_str.length();
size_t charset_val = 0;
size_t charset_end = 0;
bool type_has_charset = false;
// Iterate over parameters.
size_t param_start = content_type_str.find_first_of(';', type_end);
if (param_start != std::string::npos) {
base::StringTokenizerT<std::wstring, std::wstring::const_iterator>
tokenizer(begin + param_start, content_type_str.end(), L";");
while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
std::wstring::const_iterator equals_sign =
std::find(tokenizer.token_begin(), tokenizer.token_end(), L'=');
if (equals_sign == tokenizer.token_end())
std::wstring::const_iterator param_name_begin = tokenizer.token_begin();
std::wstring::const_iterator param_name_end = equals_sign;
TrimLWS(&param_name_begin, &param_name_end);
std::wstring::const_iterator param_value_begin = equals_sign + 1;
std::wstring::const_iterator param_value_end = tokenizer.token_end();
DCHECK(param_value_begin <= tokenizer.token_end());
TrimLWS(&param_value_begin, &param_value_end);
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
base::MakeWStringPiece(param_name_begin, param_name_end),
"charset")) {
charset_val = param_value_begin - begin;
charset_end = param_value_end - begin;
type_has_charset = true;
} else if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
base::MakeWStringPiece(param_name_begin, param_name_end),
"boundary")) {
if (boundary)
boundary->assign(param_value_begin, param_value_end);
if (type_has_charset) {
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace from charset_val. We include '(' in
// the trailing trim set to catch media-type comments, which are not at all
// standard, but may occur in rare cases.
charset_val = content_type_str.find_first_not_of(kHttpLws, charset_val);
charset_val = std::min(charset_val, charset_end);
wchar_t first_char = content_type_str[charset_val];
if (first_char == L'"' || first_char == L'\'') {
charset_end = FindStringEnd(content_type_str, charset_val, first_char);
DCHECK(charset_end >= charset_val);
} else {
charset_end = std::min(content_type_str.find_first_of(
std::wstring(kHttpLws) + L";(", charset_val),
// If the server sent "*/*", it is meaningless, so do not store it.
// Also, if type_val is the same as mime_type, then just update the charset
// However, if charset is empty and mime_type hasn't changed, then don't
// wipe-out an existing charset. We also want to reject a mime-type if it does
// not include a slash. Some servers give junk after the charset parameter,
// which may include a comma, so this check makes us a bit more tolerant.
if (content_type_str.length() != 0 && content_type_str != L"*/*" &&
content_type_str.find_first_of(L'/') != std::wstring::npos) {
// The common case here is that mime_type is empty.
bool eq = !mime_type->empty() &&
base::MakeWStringPiece(begin + type_val, begin + type_end),
if (!eq) {
base::MakeWStringPiece(begin + type_val, begin + type_end)));
if ((!eq && *had_charset) || type_has_charset) {
*had_charset = true;
base::MakeWStringPiece(begin + charset_val, begin + charset_end)));
bool DecomposeUrl(const std::wstring& url,
std::wstring* scheme,
std::wstring* host,
uint16_t* port,
std::wstring* path) {
wchar_t scheme_buffer[16], host_buffer[256], path_buffer[256];
URL_COMPONENTS components;
memset(&components, 0, sizeof(components));
components.dwStructSize = sizeof(components);
components.lpszScheme = scheme_buffer;
components.dwSchemeLength = sizeof(scheme_buffer) / sizeof(scheme_buffer[0]);
components.lpszHostName = host_buffer;
components.dwHostNameLength = sizeof(host_buffer) / sizeof(host_buffer[0]);
components.lpszUrlPath = path_buffer;
components.dwUrlPathLength = sizeof(path_buffer) / sizeof(path_buffer[0]);
if (!::WinHttpCrackUrl(url.c_str(), 0, 0, &components))
return false;
*scheme = scheme_buffer;
*host = host_buffer;
*path = path_buffer;
*port = components.nPort;
return true;
std::wstring ComposeUrl(const std::wstring& host,
uint16_t port,
const std::wstring& path,
bool secure) {
if (secure) {
if (port == 443)
return L"https://" + host + path;
return L"https://" + host + L':' + base::NumberToWString(port) + path;
if (port == 80)
return L"http://" + host + path;
return L"http://" + host + L':' + base::NumberToWString(port) + path;
std::wstring GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBoundary() {
// The boundary has 27 '-' characters followed by 16 hex digits.
static const wchar_t kBoundaryPrefix[] = L"---------------------------";
static const size_t kBoundaryLength = 27 + 16;
// Generate some random numbers to fill out the boundary.
int r0 = rand();
int r1 = rand();
// Add one character for the NULL termination.
wchar_t temp[kBoundaryLength + 1];
::swprintf(temp, sizeof(temp) / sizeof(*temp), L"%s%08X%08X", kBoundaryPrefix,
r0, r1);
return std::wstring(temp, kBoundaryLength);
std::wstring GenerateMultipartHttpRequestContentTypeHeader(
const std::wstring boundary) {
return L"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
std::string GenerateMultipartHttpRequestBody(
const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>& parameters,
const std::string& upload_file,
const std::wstring& file_part_name,
const std::wstring& boundary) {
std::string boundary_utf8 = base::WideToUTF8(boundary);
std::string request_body;
// Append each of the parameter pairs as a form-data part.
for (const auto& entry : parameters) {
request_body.append("--" + boundary_utf8 + "\r\n");
request_body.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" +
base::WideToUTF8(entry.first) + "\"\r\n\r\n" +
base::WideToUTF8(entry.second) + "\r\n");
std::string file_part_name_utf8 = base::WideToUTF8(file_part_name);
request_body.append("--" + boundary_utf8 + "\r\n");
"Content-Disposition: form-data; "
"name=\"" +
file_part_name_utf8 +
"\"; "
"filename=\"" +
file_part_name_utf8 + "\"\r\n");
request_body.append("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n");
request_body.append("--" + boundary_utf8 + "--\r\n");
return request_body;
} // namespace chrome_cleaner