blob: a97da2f1011fa6b43e20f32a8fc84d17de7816a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/pseudo_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/frame_selection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/position_with_affinity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/selection_template.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/testing/selection_sample.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/core_unit_test_helper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/runtime_enabled_features_test_helpers.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
class LayoutTextTest : public RenderingTest {
void SetBasicBody(const char* message) {
"<div id='target' style='font-size: 10px;'>%s</div>", message));
void SetAhemBody(const char* message, const unsigned width) {
"<div id='target' style='font: 10px Ahem; width: %uem'>%s</div>", width,
LayoutText* GetLayoutTextById(const char* id) {
return To<LayoutText>(GetLayoutObjectByElementId(id)->SlowFirstChild());
LayoutText* GetBasicText() { return GetLayoutTextById("target"); }
void SetSelectionAndUpdateLayoutSelection(const std::string& selection_text) {
const SelectionInDOMTree selection =
SelectionSample::SetSelectionText(GetDocument().body(), selection_text);
const LayoutText* FindFirstLayoutText() {
for (const Node& node :
NodeTraversal::DescendantsOf(*GetDocument().body())) {
if (node.GetLayoutObject() && node.GetLayoutObject()->IsText())
return To<LayoutText>(node.GetLayoutObject());
return nullptr;
PhysicalRect GetSelectionRectFor(const std::string& selection_text) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "<div style='font: 10px/10px Ahem;'>" << selection_text
<< "</div>";
const Node* target = GetDocument().getElementById("target");
const LayoutObject* layout_object =
target ? target->GetLayoutObject() : FindFirstLayoutText();
return layout_object->LocalSelectionVisualRect();
std::string GetSnapCode(const LayoutText& layout_text,
const std::string& caret_text) {
return GetSnapCode(layout_text, caret_text.find('|'));
std::string GetSnapCode(const char* id, const std::string& caret_text) {
return GetSnapCode(*GetLayoutTextById(id), caret_text);
std::string GetSnapCode(const std::string& caret_text) {
return GetSnapCode(*GetBasicText(), caret_text);
std::string GetSnapCode(const LayoutText& layout_text, unsigned offset) {
std::string result(3, '_');
// Note:: |IsBeforeNonCollapsedCharacter()| and |ContainsCaretOffset()|
// accept out-of-bound offset but |IsAfterNonCollapsedCharacter()| doesn't.
result[0] = layout_text.IsBeforeNonCollapsedCharacter(offset) ? 'B' : '-';
result[1] = layout_text.ContainsCaretOffset(offset) ? 'C' : '-';
if (offset <= layout_text.TextLength())
result[2] = layout_text.IsAfterNonCollapsedCharacter(offset) ? 'A' : '-';
return result;
const char kTacoText[] = "Los Compadres Taco Truck";
// Helper class to run the same test code with and without LayoutNG
class ParameterizedLayoutTextTest : public testing::WithParamInterface<bool>,
private ScopedLayoutNGForTest,
public LayoutTextTest {
ParameterizedLayoutTextTest() : ScopedLayoutNGForTest(GetParam()) {}
bool LayoutNGEnabled() const {
return RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGEnabled();
// TODO(yosin): Once we release EditingNG, this function is used for
// specifying legacy specific behavior.
const char* ValueWithLegacy(const char* ng_text,
const char* legacy_text,
const char* reason) {
DCHECK_NE(*reason, 0);
return LayoutNGEnabled() ? ng_text : legacy_text;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(All, ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, testing::Bool());
} // namespace
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthZeroFromZeroLength) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetBasicText()->Width(0u, 0u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr,
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthMaxFromZeroLength) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetBasicText()->Width(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), 0u,
LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false));
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthZeroFromMaxLength) {
float width = GetBasicText()->Width(0u, std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false);
// Width may vary by platform and we just want to make sure it's something
// roughly reasonable.
ASSERT_GE(width, 100.f);
ASSERT_LE(width, 160.f);
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthMaxFromMaxLength) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetBasicText()->Width(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false));
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthWithHugeLengthAvoidsOverflow) {
// The test case from uses a 288-length string, so for
// posterity we follow that closely.
// Width may vary by platform and we just want to make sure it's something
// roughly reasonable.
const float width = GetBasicText()->Width(
23u, 4294967282u, LayoutUnit(2.59375), TextDirection::kRtl, false);
ASSERT_GE(width, 100.f);
ASSERT_LE(width, 300.f);
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthFromBeyondLength) {
ASSERT_EQ(0u, GetBasicText()->Width(1u, 1u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr,
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, WidthLengthBeyondLength) {
// Width may vary by platform and we just want to make sure it's something
// roughly reasonable.
const float width =
GetBasicText()->Width(0u, 2u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false);
ASSERT_GE(width, 4.f);
ASSERT_LE(width, 20.f);
TEST_F(LayoutTextTest, ContainsOnlyWhitespaceOrNbsp) {
// Note that '&nbsp' is needed when only including whitespace to force
// LayoutText creation from the div.
// GetWidth will also compute |contains_only_whitespace_|.
GetBasicText()->Width(0u, 1u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false);
SetBasicBody(" \t\t\n \n\t &nbsp \n\t&nbsp\n \t");
GetBasicText()->Width(0u, 18u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false);
GetBasicText()->Width(0u, 3u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false);
SetBasicBody(" \t&nbsp\nx \n");
GetBasicText()->Width(0u, 8u, LayoutUnit(), TextDirection::kLtr, false);
struct NGOffsetMappingTestData {
const char* text;
unsigned dom_start;
unsigned dom_end;
bool success;
unsigned text_start;
unsigned text_end;
} offset_mapping_test_data[] = {
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 0, 1, true, 0, 0},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 1, 2, true, 0, 1},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 2, 3, true, 1, 2},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 2, 4, true, 1, 2},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 2, 5, true, 1, 3},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 3, 4, true, 2, 2},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 3, 5, true, 2, 3},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 5, 6, true, 3, 3},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 5, 7, true, 3, 3},
{"<div id=target> a b </div>", 6, 7, true, 3, 3},
{"<div>a <span id=target> </span>b</div>", 0, 1, false, 0, 1}};
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, NGOffsetMappingTestData data) {
return out << "\"" << data.text << "\" " << data.dom_start << ","
<< data.dom_end << " => " << (data.success ? "true " : "false ")
<< data.text_start << "," << data.text_end;
class MapDOMOffsetToTextContentOffset
: public LayoutTextTest,
private ScopedLayoutNGForTest,
public testing::WithParamInterface<NGOffsetMappingTestData> {
MapDOMOffsetToTextContentOffset() : ScopedLayoutNGForTest(true) {}
TEST_P(MapDOMOffsetToTextContentOffset, Basic) {
const auto data = GetParam();
LayoutText* layout_text = GetBasicText();
const NGOffsetMapping* mapping = layout_text->GetNGOffsetMapping();
unsigned start = data.dom_start;
unsigned end = data.dom_end;
bool success =
layout_text->MapDOMOffsetToTextContentOffset(*mapping, &start, &end);
EXPECT_EQ(data.success, success);
if (success) {
EXPECT_EQ(data.text_start, start);
EXPECT_EQ(data.text_end, end);
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, CharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing) {
SetBodyInnerHTML("a<span id=target> b </span>");
LayoutText* layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ(' ', layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ('b', layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
SetBodyInnerHTML("a <span id=target> b </span>");
layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ('b', layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ('b', layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
SetBodyInnerHTML("a<span id=target> </span>b");
layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ(' ', layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ(' ', layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
SetBodyInnerHTML("a <span id=target> </span>b");
layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ(0, layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ(0, layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
"<span style='white-space: pre'>a <span id=target> </span>b</span>");
layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ(' ', layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ(' ', layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
SetBodyInnerHTML("<span id=target>Hello </span> <span>world</span>");
layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ('H', layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ(' ', layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
layout_text =
EXPECT_EQ(0, layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ(0, layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
SetBodyInnerHTML("<b id=target>&#x1F34C;_&#x1F34D;</b>");
layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
EXPECT_EQ(0x1F34C, layout_text->FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
EXPECT_EQ(0x1F34D, layout_text->LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing());
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, CaretMinMaxOffset) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetBasicText()->CaretMinOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(3, GetBasicText()->CaretMaxOffset());
SetBasicBody(" foo");
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetBasicText()->CaretMinOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(5, GetBasicText()->CaretMaxOffset());
SetBasicBody("foo ");
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetBasicText()->CaretMinOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(3, GetBasicText()->CaretMaxOffset());
SetBasicBody(" foo ");
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetBasicText()->CaretMinOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(4, GetBasicText()->CaretMaxOffset());
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ResolvedTextLength) {
EXPECT_EQ(3u, GetBasicText()->ResolvedTextLength());
SetBasicBody(" foo");
EXPECT_EQ(3u, GetBasicText()->ResolvedTextLength());
SetBasicBody("foo ");
EXPECT_EQ(3u, GetBasicText()->ResolvedTextLength());
SetBasicBody(" foo ");
EXPECT_EQ(3u, GetBasicText()->ResolvedTextLength());
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffset) {
// This test records the behavior introduced in
SetBasicBody(" foo bar ");
// text_content = "foo bar"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] = C DOM:0-1 TC:0-0
// [1] = I DOM:1-5 TC:0-4 "foo "
// [2] = C DOM:5-7 TC:4-4
// [3] = I DOM:7-10 TC:4-7 "bar"
// [4] = C DOM:10-11 TC:7-7
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("| foo bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(" |foo bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" f|oo bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" fo|o bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" foo| bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(" foo | bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(" foo | bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(" foo |bar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" foo b|ar "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" foo ba|r "));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(" foo bar| "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(" foo bar |"));
EXPECT_EQ("--_", GetSnapCode(*GetBasicText(), 12)); // out of range
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffsetInPre) {
// These tests record the behavior introduced in
InsertStyleElement("#target {white-space: pre; }");
SetBasicBody("foo bar");
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|foo bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f|oo bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("fo|o bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo| bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo | bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo | bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo |bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo b|ar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo ba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("foo bar|"));
// text_content = "abc\n"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-4 TC:0-4 "abc\n"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|abc\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a|bc\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("ab|c\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("abc|\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode("abc\n|"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|foo\nbar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f|oo\nbar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("fo|o\nbar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo|\nbar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo\n|bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo\nb|ar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo\nba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("foo\nbar|"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffsetInPreLine) {
InsertStyleElement("#target {white-space: pre-line; }");
SetBasicBody("ab \n cd");
// text_content = "ab\ncd"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "ab"
// [1] C DOM:2-3 TC:2-2
// [2] I DOM:3-4 TC:2-3 "\n"
// [3] C DOM:4-5 TC:3-3
// [4] I DOM:5-7 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|ab \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a|b \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "BCA", "before collapsed trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("ab| \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("ab |\n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "B-A", "before collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("ab \n| cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("ab \n |cd"));
SetBasicBody("ab \n cd");
// text_content = "ab\ncd"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "ab"
// [1] C DOM:2-4 TC:2-2
// [2] I DOM:4-5 TC:2-3 "\n"
// [3] C DOM:5-7 TC:3-3
// [4] I DOM:7-9 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|ab \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a|b \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "BCA", "before collapsed trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("ab| \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("---", "-CA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("ab | \n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after collapsed trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("ab |\n cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "B-A", "before collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("ab \n| cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("---", "--A", "after collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("ab \n | cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("ab \n |cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("ab \n c|d"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("ab \n cd|"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|a\n\nb"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a|\n\nb"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a\n|\nb"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a\n\n|b"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("a\n\nb|"));
SetBasicBody("a \n \n b");
// text_content = "a\n\nb"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] = I DOM:0-1 TC:0-1 "a"
// [1] = C DOM:1-2 TC:1-1
// [2] = I DOM:2-3 TC:1-2 "\n"
// [3] = C DOM:3-4 TC:2-2
// [4] = I DOM:4-5 TC:2-3 "\n"
// [5] = C DOM:5-6 TC:3-3
// [6] = I DOM:6-7 TC:3-4 "b"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|a \n \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "BCA", "before collapsed trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("a| \n \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("a |\n \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "B-A", "before leading collapsed space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n| \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n |\n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "B-A", "before collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n \n| b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n \n |b"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("a \n \n b|"));
SetBasicBody("a \n \n b");
// text_content = "a\n\nb"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] = I DOM:0-1 TC:0-1 "a"
// [1] = C DOM:1-2 TC:1-1
// [2] = I DOM:2-3 TC:1-2 "\n"
// [3] = C DOM:3-5 TC:2-2
// [4] = I DOM:5-6 TC:2-3 "\n"
// [5] = C DOM:6-7 TC:3-3
// [6] = I DOM:7-8 TC:3-4 "b"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|a \n \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "BCA", "before collapsed trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("a| \n \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode("a |\n \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "B-A", "before collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n| \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("---", "--A",
"after first trailing and in leading space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n | \n b"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("a \n |\n b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "B-A", "before collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n \n| b"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "BCA", "after collapsed leading space"),
GetSnapCode("a \n \n |b"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("a \n \n b|"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffsetWithTrailingSpace) {
SetBodyInnerHTML("<div id=target>ab<br>cd</div>");
const auto& text_ab = *GetLayoutTextById("target");
const auto& layout_br = *To<LayoutText>(text_ab.NextSibling());
const auto& text_cd = *To<LayoutText>(layout_br.NextSibling());
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "|ab<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "a|b<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "ab|<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(layout_br, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode(layout_br, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_cd, "|cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(text_cd, "c|d"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(text_cd, "cd|"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffsetWithTrailingSpace1) {
SetBodyInnerHTML("<div id=target>ab <br> cd</div>");
const auto& text_ab = *GetLayoutTextById("target");
const auto& layout_br = *To<LayoutText>(text_ab.NextSibling());
const auto& text_cd = *To<LayoutText>(layout_br.NextSibling());
// text_content = "ab\ncd"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "ab"
// [1] C DOM:2-3 TC:2-2
// [2] I DOM:0-1 TC:2-3 "\n" <br>
// [3] C DOM:0-1 TC:3-3
// [4] I DOM:1-3 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "|ab <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "a|b <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "BCA", "before after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode(text_ab, "ab| <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("---", "-CA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode(text_ab, "ab |<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(layout_br, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode(layout_br, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(text_cd, "| cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " |cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " c|d"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " cd|"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffsetWithTrailingSpace2) {
SetBodyInnerHTML("<div id=target>ab <br> cd</div>");
const auto& text_ab = *GetLayoutTextById("target");
const auto& layout_br = *To<LayoutText>(text_ab.NextSibling());
const auto& text_cd = *To<LayoutText>(layout_br.NextSibling());
// text_content = "ab\ncd"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "ab"
// [1] C DOM:2-4 TC:2-2
// [2] I DOM:0-1 TC:2-3 "\n" <br>
// [3] C DOM:0-2 TC:3-3
// [4] I DOM:2-4 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "|ab <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "a|b <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "BCA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode(text_ab, "ab| <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("---", "-CA", "after first trailing space"),
GetSnapCode(text_ab, "ab | <br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(text_ab, "ab |<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "---", "before <br>"),
GetSnapCode(layout_br, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("--A", "---", "after <br>"),
GetSnapCode(layout_br, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(text_cd, "| cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " | cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " |cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " c|d"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(text_cd, " cd|"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, ContainsCaretOffsetWithTrailingSpace3) {
SetBodyInnerHTML("<div id=target>a<br> <br>b<br></div>");
const auto& text_a = *GetLayoutTextById("target");
const auto& layout_br1 = *To<LayoutText>(text_a.NextSibling());
const auto& text_space = *To<LayoutText>(layout_br1.NextSibling());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, text_space.TextLength());
const auto& layout_br2 = *To<LayoutText>(text_space.NextSibling());
const auto& text_b = *To<LayoutText>(layout_br2.NextSibling());
// Note: the last <br> doesn't have layout object.
// text_content = "a\n \nb"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-1 TC:0-1 "a"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_a, "|a<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(text_a, "a|<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(text_a, "a|<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(layout_br1, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode(layout_br1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_space, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode(text_space, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(layout_br2, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(layout_br2, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(text_b, "|b<br>"));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode(text_b, "b|<br>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, GetTextBoxInfoWithCollapsedWhiteSpace) {
<style>pre { font: 10px/1 Ahem; white-space: pre-line; }</style>
<pre id=target> abc def
xyz </pre>)HTML");
const LayoutText& layout_text = *GetLayoutTextById("target");
const auto& results = layout_text.GetTextBoxInfo();
ASSERT_EQ(4u, results.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, results[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, results[0].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 40, 10), results[0].local_rect);
EXPECT_EQ(6u, results[1].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, results[1].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(40, 0, 30, 10), results[1].local_rect);
EXPECT_EQ(9u, results[2].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, results[2].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(70, 0, 0, 10), results[2].local_rect);
EXPECT_EQ(14u, results[3].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, results[3].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 10, 30, 10), results[3].local_rect);
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, GetTextBoxInfoWithGeneratedContent) {
div::before { content: ' a bc'; }
div::first-letter { font-weight: bold; }
div { font: 10px/1 Ahem; }
<div id="target">XYZ</div>)HTML");
const Element& target = *GetElementById("target");
const Element& before =
const auto& layout_text_xyz =
const auto& layout_text_remaining =
const LayoutText& layout_text_first_letter =
auto boxes_xyz = layout_text_xyz.GetTextBoxInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(1u, boxes_xyz.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, boxes_xyz[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, boxes_xyz[0].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(40, 0, 30, 10), boxes_xyz[0].local_rect);
auto boxes_first_letter = layout_text_first_letter.GetTextBoxInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(1u, boxes_first_letter.size());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes_first_letter[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, boxes_first_letter[0].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 10, 10), boxes_first_letter[0].local_rect);
auto boxes_remaining = layout_text_remaining.GetTextBoxInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes_remaining.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, boxes_remaining[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, boxes_remaining[0].dom_length) << "two spaces to one space";
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 0, 10, 10), boxes_remaining[0].local_rect);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, boxes_remaining[1].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes_remaining[1].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(20, 0, 20, 10), boxes_remaining[1].local_rect);
// For
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, GetTextBoxInfoWithHidden) {
#target {
font: 10px/1 Ahem;
overflow-x: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
width: 9ch;
<div id="target"> abcde fghij </div>
const Element& target = *GetElementById("target");
const LayoutText& layout_text =
auto boxes = layout_text.GetTextBoxInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes.size());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(6u, boxes[0].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 60, 10), boxes[0].local_rect);
EXPECT_EQ(9u, boxes[1].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(5u, boxes[1].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(60, 0, 50, 10), boxes[1].local_rect);
// For
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, GetTextBoxInfoWithEllipsis) {
#target {
font: 10px/1 Ahem;
overflow-x: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
width: 9ch;
<div id="target"> abcde fghij </div>
const Element& target = *GetElementById("target");
const LayoutText& layout_text =
auto boxes = layout_text.GetTextBoxInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes.size());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, boxes[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(6u, boxes[0].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 60, 10), boxes[0].local_rect);
EXPECT_EQ(9u, boxes[1].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(5u, boxes[1].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(60, 0, 50, 10), boxes[1].local_rect);
// For
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, GetTextBoxInfoWithEllipsisForPseudoAfter) {
#sample {
box-sizing: border-box;
font: 10px/1 Ahem;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
width: 5ch;
b::after { content: ","; }
<div id=sample><b id=target>abc</b><b>xyz</b></div>
const Element& target = *GetElementById("target");
const Element& after = *target.GetPseudoElement(kPseudoIdAfter);
// Set |layout_text| to "," in <pseudo::after>,</pseudo::after>
const auto& layout_text =
auto boxes = layout_text.GetTextBoxInfo();
EXPECT_EQ(1u, boxes.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, boxes[0].dom_start_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, boxes[0].dom_length);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(30, 0, 10, 10), boxes[0].local_rect);
// Test the specialized code path in |PlainText| for when |!GetNode()|.
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, PlainTextInPseudo) {
:root {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 10px;
#before_parent::before {
display: inline-block;
width: 5ch;
content: "123 456";
#before_parent_cjk::before {
display: inline-block;
width: 5ch;
content: "123)HTML") +
String(u"\u4E00") + R"HTML(456";
<div id="before_parent"></div>
<div id="before_parent_cjk"></div>
const auto GetPlainText = [](const LayoutObject* parent) {
const LayoutObject* before = parent->SlowFirstChild();
const auto* before_text = To<LayoutText>(before->SlowFirstChild());
return before_text->PlainText();
const LayoutObject* before_parent =
EXPECT_EQ("123 456", GetPlainText(before_parent));
const LayoutObject* before_parent_cjk =
EXPECT_EQ(String(u"123\u4E00456"), GetPlainText(before_parent_cjk));
IsBeforeAfterNonCollapsedCharacterNoLineWrap) {
// Basic tests
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|foo"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f|oo"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("fo|o"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("foo|"));
// Consecutive spaces are collapsed into one
SetBasicBody("f bar");
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|f bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f| bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("f | bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("f | bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("f |bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f b|ar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f ba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("f bar|"));
// Leading spaces in a block are collapsed
SetBasicBody(" foo");
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("| foo"));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode(" | foo"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(" |foo"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" f|oo"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode(" fo|o"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode(" foo|"));
// Trailing spaces in a block are collapsed
SetBasicBody("foo ");
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|foo "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f|oo "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("fo|o "));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("foo| "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("foo | "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("foo |"));
// Non-collapsed space at node end
SetBasicBody("foo <span>bar</span>");
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|foo "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f|oo "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("fo|o "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo| "));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("foo |"));
// Non-collapsed space at node start
SetBasicBody("foo<span id=bar> bar</span>");
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("bar", "| bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("bar", " |bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("bar", " b|ar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("bar", " ba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("bar", " bar|"));
// Consecutive spaces across nodes
SetBasicBody("foo <span id=bar> bar</span>");
// text_content = "foo bar"
// [0] I DOM:0-4 TC:0-4 "foo "
// [1] C DOM:0-1 TC:4-4 " bar"
// [2] I DOM:1-4 TC:4-7 " bar"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|foo "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("f|oo "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("fo|o "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("foo| "));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("foo |"));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("bar", "| bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("bar", " |bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("bar", " b|ar"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("bar", " ba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("bar", " bar|"));
// Non-collapsed whitespace text node
SetBasicBody("foo<span id=space> </span>bar");
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("space", "| "));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("space", " |"));
// Collapsed whitespace text node
SetBasicBody("foo <span id=space> </span>bar");
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("space", "| "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("space", " |"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, IsBeforeAfterNonCollapsedLineWrapSpace) {
// Note: Because we can place a caret before soft line wrap, "ab| cd",
// |GetSnapCode()| should return "BC-" for both NG and legacy.
// Line wrapping inside node
SetAhemBody("ab cd", 2);
// text_content = "ab cd"
// [0] I DOM:0-3 TC:0-3 "ab "
// [1] C DOM:3-4 TC:3-3 " "
// [2] I DOM:4-6 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|ab cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a|b cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("ab| cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "--A", "after soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("ab | cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("ab |cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("ab c|d"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("ab cd|"));
// Line wrapping at node start
// text_content = "xx"
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "xx"
// [1] I DOM:0-1 TC:2-3 " "
// [2] C DOM:1-2 TC:3-3 " "
// [3] I DOM:2-3 TC:3-5 "xx"
SetAhemBody("ab<span id=span> cd</span>", 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "---", "before soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("span", "| cd"));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "---", "after soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("span", " | cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("span", " |cd"));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("span", " c|d"));
EXPECT_EQ("-CA", GetSnapCode("span", " cd|"));
// Line wrapping at node end
SetAhemBody("ab <span>cd</span>", 2);
// text_content = "ab cd"
// [0] I DOM:0-3 TC:0-3 "ab "
// [1] C DOM:3-4 TC:3-3 " "
// [2] I DOM:0-2 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode("|ab "));
EXPECT_EQ("BCA", GetSnapCode("a|b "));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BCA", "-CA", "before soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("ab| "));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "---", "after soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("ab | "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("ab |"));
// Entire node as line wrapping
SetAhemBody("ab<span id=space> </span>cd", 2);
// text_content = "ab cd"
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "ab"
// [1] I DOM:0-1 TC:2-3 " "
// [2] C DOM:1-2 TC:3-3 " "
// [3] I DOM:0-2 TC:3-5 "cd"
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("BC-", "---", "before soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("space", "| "));
EXPECT_EQ(ValueWithLegacy("-CA", "---", "after soft line wrap"),
GetSnapCode("space", " | "));
EXPECT_EQ("---", GetSnapCode("space", " |"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, IsBeforeAfterNonCollapsedCharacterBR) {
EXPECT_EQ("BC-", GetSnapCode(*GetBasicText(), 0));
EXPECT_EQ("--A", GetSnapCode(*GetBasicText(), 1));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, AbsoluteQuads) {
body { margin: 0 }
div {
font: 10px/1 Ahem;
width: 5em;
<div>012<span id=target>345 67</span></div>
LayoutText* layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
EXPECT_THAT(quads, testing::ElementsAre(FloatRect(30, 0, 30, 10),
FloatRect(0, 10, 20, 10)));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, AbsoluteQuadsVRL) {
body { margin: 0 }
div {
font: 10px/1 Ahem;
width: 10em;
height: 5em;
writing-mode: vertical-rl;
<div>012<span id=target>345 67</span></div>
LayoutText* layout_text = GetLayoutTextById("target");
Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
EXPECT_THAT(quads, testing::ElementsAre(FloatRect(90, 30, 10, 30),
FloatRect(80, 0, 10, 20)));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, PhysicalLinesBoundingBox) {
"div {"
" font-family:Ahem;"
" font-size: 13px;"
" line-height: 19px;"
" padding: 3px;"
"<div id=div>"
" 012"
" <span id=one>345</span>"
" <br>"
" <span style='padding: 20px'>"
" <span id=two style='padding: 5px'>678</span>"
" </span>"
// Layout NG Physical Fragment Tree
// Box offset:3,3 size:778x44
// LineBox offset:3,3 size:91x19
// Text offset:0,3 size:52x13 start: 0 end: 4
// Box offset:52,3 size:39x13
// Text offset:0,0 size:39x13 start: 4 end: 7
// Text offset:91,3 size:0x13 start: 7 end: 8
// LineBox offset:3,22 size:89x19
// Box offset:0,-17 size:89x53
// Box offset:20,15 size:49x23
// Text offset:5,5 size:39x13 start: 8 end: 11
const Element& div = *GetDocument().getElementById("div");
const Element& one = *GetDocument().getElementById("one");
const Element& two = *GetDocument().getElementById("two");
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(3, 6, 52, 13),
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(55, 6, 39, 13),
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(28, 25, 39, 13),
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, PhysicalLinesBoundingBoxTextCombine) {
ScopedLayoutNGTextCombineForTest enable_layout_ng_text_combine(true);
"body { font: 100px/130px Ahem; }"
"c { text-combine-upright: all; }"
"div { writing-mode: vertical-rl; }");
SetBodyInnerHTML("<div>a<c id=target>01234</c>b</div>");
const auto& target = *GetElementById("target");
const auto& text_a = *To<Text>(target.previousSibling())->GetLayoutObject();
const auto& text_01234 = *To<Text>(target.firstChild())->GetLayoutObject();
const auto& text_b = *To<Text>(target.nextSibling())->GetLayoutObject();
// LayoutNGBlockFlow {HTML} at (0,0) size 800x600
// LayoutNGBlockFlow {BODY} at (8,8) size 784x584
// LayoutNGBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 130x300
// LayoutText {#text} at (15,0) size 100x100
// text run at (15,0) width 100: "a"
// LayoutInline {C} at (15,100) size 100x100
// LayoutNGTextCombine (anonymous) at (15,100) size 100x100
// LayoutText {#text} at (-5,0) size 110x100
// text run at (0,0) width 500: "01234"
// LayoutText {#text} at (15,200) size 100x100
// text run at (15,200) width 100: "b"
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(15, 0, 100, 100), text_a.PhysicalLinesBoundingBox());
if (text_01234.Parent()->IsLayoutNGTextCombine()) {
// Note: Width 110 comes from |100px * kTextCombineMargin| in
// |LayoutNGTextCombine::DesiredWidth()|.
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(-5, 0, 110, 100),
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(15, 100, 100, 100),
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(15, 200, 100, 100), text_b.PhysicalLinesBoundingBox());
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, PhysicalLinesBoundingBoxVerticalRL) {
div {
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 19px;
padding: 3px;
writing-mode: vertical-rl;
<div id=div>
<span id=one>345</span>
<span style='padding: 20px'>
<span id=two style='padding: 5px'>678</span>
// Similar to the previous test, with logical coordinates converted to
// physical coordinates.
const Element& div = *GetDocument().getElementById("div");
const Element& one = *GetDocument().getElementById("one");
const Element& two = *GetDocument().getElementById("two");
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(25, 3, 13, 52),
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(25, 55, 13, 39),
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(6, 28, 13, 39),
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, WordBreakElement) {
SetBasicBody("foo <wbr> bar");
const Element* wbr = GetDocument().QuerySelector("wbr");
const auto* layout_wbr = To<LayoutText>(wbr->GetLayoutObject());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, layout_wbr->ResolvedTextLength());
EXPECT_EQ(0, layout_wbr->CaretMinOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(0, layout_wbr->CaretMaxOffset());
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRect) {
// TODO(yoichio): Fix LayoutNG incompatibility.
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(10, 0, 50, 10), GetSelectionRectFor("f^oo ba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(0, 0, 40, 20),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='width: 2em'>f^oo ba|r</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(30, 0, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("foo^<br id='target'>|bar"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(10, 0, 20, 10), GetSelectionRectFor("f^oo<br>b|ar"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(10, 0, 30, 10),
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(30, 0, 10, 10), GetSelectionRectFor("foo^ |bar"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(0, 0, 0, 0), GetSelectionRectFor("^ |foo"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(0, 0, 0, 0),
GetSelectionRectFor("fo^o<wbr id='target'>ba|r"));
PhysicalRect(0, 0, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<style>:first-letter { float: right}</style>^fo|o"));
// Since we don't paint trimed white spaces on LayoutNG, we don't need fix
// this case.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
: PhysicalRect(30, 0, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("foo^ |"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectLineBreak) {
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(30, 0, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("f^oo<br id='target'><br>ba|r"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(0, 10, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("f^oo<br><br id='target'>ba|r"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectLineBreakPre) {
PhysicalRect(30, 0, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='white-space:pre;'>foo^\n|\nbar</div>"));
PhysicalRect(0, 10, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='white-space:pre;'>foo\n^\n|bar</div>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectRTL) {
// TODO(yoichio) : Fix LastLogicalLeafIgnoringLineBreak so that 'foo' is the
// last fragment.
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(-10, 0, 30, 20)
: PhysicalRect(-10, 0, 40, 20),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='width: 2em' dir=rtl>"
"f^oo ba|r baz</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(0, 0, 40, 20),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='width: 2em' dir=ltr>"
"f^oo ba|r baz</div>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectVertical) {
PhysicalRect(0, 0, 20, 40),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='writing-mode: vertical-lr; height: 2em'>"
"f^oo ba|r baz</div>"));
PhysicalRect(10, 0, 20, 40),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='writing-mode: vertical-rl; height: 2em'>"
"f^oo ba|r baz</div>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectVerticalRTL) {
// TODO(yoichio): Investigate diff (maybe soft line break treatment).
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(0, -10, 20, 30)
: PhysicalRect(0, -10, 20, 40),
"<div style='writing-mode: vertical-lr; height: 2em' dir=rtl>"
"f^oo ba|r baz</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(10, -10, 20, 30)
: PhysicalRect(10, -10, 20, 40),
"<div style='writing-mode: vertical-rl; height: 2em' dir=rtl>"
"f^oo ba|r baz</div>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectLineHeight) {
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(10, 0, 10, 50)
: PhysicalRect(10, 20, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='line-height: 50px; width:1em;'>"
"f^o|o bar baz</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(10, 50, 10, 50)
: PhysicalRect(10, 30, 10, 50),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='line-height: 50px; width:1em;'>"
"foo b^a|r baz</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(10, 100, 10, 50)
: PhysicalRect(10, 80, 10, 50),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='line-height: 50px; width:1em;'>"
"foo bar b^a|</div>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectNegativeLeading) {
<div id="container" style="font: 10px/10px Ahem">
<span id="span" style="display: inline-block; line-height: 1px">
LayoutObject* span = GetLayoutObjectByElementId("span");
LayoutObject* text = span->SlowFirstChild();
EXPECT_EQ(PhysicalRect(0, -5, LayoutNGEnabled() ? 40 : 50, 10),
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, LocalSelectionRectLineHeightVertical) {
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(0, 10, 50, 10)
: PhysicalRect(20, 10, 50, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='line-height: 50px; height:1em; "
"f^o|o bar baz</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(50, 10, 50, 10)
: PhysicalRect(70, 10, 50, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='line-height: 50px; height:1em; "
"foo b^a|r baz</div>"));
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutNGEnabled() ? PhysicalRect(100, 10, 50, 10)
: PhysicalRect(120, 10, 10, 10),
GetSelectionRectFor("<div style='line-height: 50px; height:1em; "
"foo bar b^a|z</div>"));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, VisualRectInDocumentSVGTspan) {
body {
font: 20px/20px Ahem;
<text x="10" y="50" width="100">
<tspan id="target" dx="15" dy="25">tspan</tspan>
auto* target =
const int ascent = 16;
PhysicalRect expected(10 + 15, 50 + 25 - ascent, 20 * 5, 20);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, target->VisualRectInDocument());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, target->VisualRectInDocument(kUseGeometryMapper));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, VisualRectInDocumentSVGTspanTB) {
body {
font: 20px/20px Ahem;
<text x="50" y="10" width="100" writing-mode="tb">
<tspan id="target" dx="15" dy="25">tspan</tspan>
auto* target =
PhysicalRect expected(50 + 15 - 20 / 2, 10 + 25, 20, 20 * 5);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, target->VisualRectInDocument());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, target->VisualRectInDocument(kUseGeometryMapper));
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, PositionForPointAtLeading) {
body {
margin: 0;
font-size: 10px;
line-height: 3;
font-family: Ahem;
#container {
width: 5ch;
<div id="container">line1 line2</div>
LayoutObject* container = GetLayoutObjectByElementId("container");
auto* text = To<LayoutText>(container->SlowFirstChild());
// The 1st line is at {0, 0}x{50,30} and 2nd line is {0,30}x{50,30}, with
// 10px half-leading, 10px text, and 10px half-leading. {10, 30} is the
// middle of the two lines, at the half-leading.
// line 1
// Note: All |PositionForPoint()| should return "line1"[1].
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), LayoutNGEnabled() ? 1 : 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 0}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), LayoutNGEnabled() ? 1 : 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 5}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 1),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 10}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 1),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 15}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), LayoutNGEnabled() ? 1 : 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 20}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), LayoutNGEnabled() ? 1 : 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 25}).GetPosition());
// line 2
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 30}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 35}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 40}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 45}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 50}).GetPosition());
EXPECT_EQ(Position(text->GetNode(), 7),
text->PositionForPoint({10, 55}).GetPosition());
TEST_P(ParameterizedLayoutTextTest, FloatFirstLetterPlainText) {
div::first-letter { float: left; }
<div id="target">Foo</div>
LayoutText* text =
EXPECT_EQ("Foo", text->PlainText());
} // namespace blink