blob: b6e024eeaef8c1db37074f44ac14edcd2fe073c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
namespace blink {
class CounterStyle;
class LayoutListItem;
class LayoutNGListItem;
class LayoutText;
// This class holds code shared among all classes for list markers, for both
// legacy layout and LayoutNG.
class CORE_EXPORT ListMarker {
friend class LayoutListItem;
friend class LayoutNGListItem;
explicit ListMarker();
static const ListMarker* Get(const LayoutObject*);
static ListMarker* Get(LayoutObject*);
static LayoutObject* MarkerFromListItem(const LayoutObject*);
LayoutObject* ListItem(const LayoutObject&) const;
LayoutBlockFlow* ListItemBlockFlow(const LayoutObject&) const;
String MarkerTextWithSuffix(const LayoutObject&) const;
String MarkerTextWithoutSuffix(const LayoutObject&) const;
// Marker text with suffix, e.g. "1. ", for use in accessibility.
String TextAlternative(const LayoutObject&) const;
bool IsMarkerImage(const LayoutObject&) const;
void UpdateMarkerTextIfNeeded(LayoutObject& marker) {
DCHECK_EQ(Get(&marker), this);
if (marker_text_type_ == kUnresolved)
void UpdateMarkerContentIfNeeded(LayoutObject&);
LayoutObject* SymbolMarkerLayoutText(const LayoutObject&) const;
// Compute inline margins for 'list-style-position: inside' and 'outside'.
static std::pair<LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit> InlineMarginsForInside(
const ComputedStyle& marker_style,
const ComputedStyle& list_item_style);
static std::pair<LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit> InlineMarginsForOutside(
const ComputedStyle& marker_style,
const ComputedStyle& list_item_style,
LayoutUnit marker_inline_size);
static LayoutRect RelativeSymbolMarkerRect(const ComputedStyle&, LayoutUnit);
static LayoutUnit WidthOfSymbol(const ComputedStyle&);
// A reduced set of list style categories allowing for more concise expression
// of list style specific logic.
enum class ListStyleCategory { kNone, kSymbol, kLanguage, kStaticString };
// Returns the list's style as one of a reduced high level categorical set of
// styles.
static ListStyleCategory GetListStyleCategory(Document&,
const ComputedStyle&);
static const CounterStyle& GetCounterStyle(Document&, const ComputedStyle&);
enum MarkerTextFormat { kWithPrefixSuffix, kWithoutPrefixSuffix };
enum MarkerTextType {
kNotText, // The marker doesn't have a LayoutText, either because it has
// not been created yet or because 'list-style-type' is 'none',
// 'list-style-image' is not 'none', or 'content' is not
// 'normal'.
kUnresolved, // The marker has a LayoutText that needs to be updated.
kOrdinalValue, // The marker text depends on the ordinal.
kStatic, // The marker text doesn't depend on the ordinal.
kSymbolValue, // Like kStatic, but the marker is painted as a symbol.
MarkerTextType MarkerText(const LayoutObject&,
MarkerTextFormat) const;
void UpdateMarkerText(LayoutObject&);
void ListStyleTypeChanged(LayoutObject&);
void OrdinalValueChanged(LayoutObject&);
void CounterStyleChanged(LayoutObject&);
int ListItemValue(const LayoutObject&) const;
LayoutText& GetTextChild(const LayoutObject& marker) const;
LayoutObject* GetContentChild(const LayoutObject& marker) const;
unsigned marker_text_type_ : 3; // MarkerTextType
} // namespace blink