blob: 9faad4055e6f19d4af5fd310e3579262bb3a6c49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/issues_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/media_routes_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/media_router_contextual_menu.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
// Controller for the Cast toolbar icon that determines when to show and hide
// icon. There should be one instance of this class per profile, and it should
// only be used on the UI thread.
// TODO(takumif): Rename this class to CastToolbarIconController.
class MediaRouterActionController : public media_router::IssuesObserver,
public media_router::MediaRoutesObserver,
public MediaRouterContextualMenu::Observer {
// TODO(takumif): CastToolbarIcon is the only Observer implementation.
// Observer should be renamed to make it clear that it is responsible for
// changing icon states when its methods are called.
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = default;
virtual void ShowIcon() {}
virtual void HideIcon() {}
// TODO( Use the common code path to show and hide
// the icon's inkdrop.
// This is called when the icon should enter pressed state.
virtual void ActivateIcon() {}
// This is called when the icon should enter unpressed state.
virtual void DeactivateIcon() {}
explicit MediaRouterActionController(Profile* profile);
// Constructor for injecting dependencies in tests.
MediaRouterActionController(Profile* profile,
media_router::MediaRouter* router);
~MediaRouterActionController() override;
// Whether the media router action is shown by an administrator policy.
static bool IsActionShownByPolicy(Profile* profile);
// Gets and sets the preference for whether the media router action should be
// pinned to the toolbar/overflow menu.
static bool GetAlwaysShowActionPref(Profile* profile);
static void SetAlwaysShowActionPref(Profile* profile, bool always_show);
// media_router::IssuesObserver:
void OnIssue(const media_router::Issue& issue) override;
void OnIssuesCleared() override;
// media_router::MediaRoutesObserver:
void OnRoutesUpdated(const std::vector<media_router::MediaRoute>& routes,
const std::vector<media_router::MediaRoute::Id>&
joinable_route_ids) override;
// Called when a Media Router dialog is shown or hidden, and updates the
// visibility of the action icon. Overridden in tests.
virtual void OnDialogShown();
virtual void OnDialogHidden();
// MediaRouterContextualMenu::Observer:
void OnContextMenuShown() override;
void OnContextMenuHidden() override;
// On Windows, when the user right-clicks on the toolbar icon, the context
// menu appears on mouse release. Since the dialog, if shown, disappears on
// mouse press, we need to make sure that the icon does not get hidden between
// mouse press and mouse release. These methods ensure that.
void KeepIconOnRightMousePressed();
void MaybeHideIconOnRightMouseReleased();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Returns |true| if the Media Router action should be present on the toolbar
// or the overflow menu.
bool ShouldEnableAction() const;
friend class MediaRouterActionControllerUnitTest;
// Adds or removes the Cast icon to/from the toolbar if necessary,
// depending on whether or not we have issues, local routes or a dialog.
virtual void MaybeAddOrRemoveAction();
// The profile |this| is associated with. There should be one instance of this
// class per profile.
Profile* const profile_;
bool has_issue_ = false;
bool has_local_display_route_ = false;
// Whether the media router action is shown by an administrator policy.
bool shown_by_policy_;
// The number of dialogs that are currently open.
size_t dialog_count_ = 0;
// Whether the Cast toolbar icon is showing a context menu. The toolbar icon
// should not be hidden while a context menu is shown.
bool context_menu_shown_ = false;
// Whether the right mouse button is pressed on the toolbar icon. On Windows,
// when the user right clicks on the toolbar icon, the dialog gets hidden on
// mouse press, and the context menu gets shown on mouse release. If the icon
// is ephemeral, it gets hidden on mouse press and can't show the context
// menu. So we must keep the icon shown while right mouse button is pressed.
bool keep_visible_for_right_mouse_button_ = false;
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaRouterActionController> weak_factory_;