blob: 33c69da1e44501e7ae6bc7c2edea346fe0105617 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/web_cache/browser/web_cache_manager.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/interface_provider.h"
using base::Time;
using base::TimeDelta;
namespace web_cache {
static const int kReviseAllocationDelayMS = 200;
// The default size limit of the in-memory cache is 8 MB
static const int kDefaultMemoryCacheSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
namespace {
int GetDefaultCacheSize() {
// Start off with a modest default
int default_cache_size = kDefaultMemoryCacheSize;
// Check how much physical memory the OS has
int mem_size_mb = base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB();
if (mem_size_mb >= 1000) // If we have a GB of memory, set a larger default.
default_cache_size *= 4;
else if (mem_size_mb >= 512) // With 512 MB, set a slightly larger default.
default_cache_size *= 2;
default_cache_size / 1024 / 1024);
return default_cache_size;
} // anonymous namespace
// static
WebCacheManager* WebCacheManager::GetInstance() {
static base::NoDestructor<WebCacheManager> s_instance;
return s_instance.get();
: global_size_limit_(GetDefaultGlobalSizeLimit()) {
WebCacheManager::~WebCacheManager() {
void WebCacheManager::Add(int renderer_id) {
DCHECK(inactive_renderers_.count(renderer_id) == 0);
DCHECK(active_renderers_.count(renderer_id) == 0);
RendererInfo* stats = &(stats_[renderer_id]);
memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
stats->access = Time::Now();
content::RenderProcessHost* host =
if (host) {
mojo::Remote<mojom::WebCache> service;
BindInterface(host, service.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());
web_cache_services_[renderer_id] = std::move(service);
// Revise our allocation strategy to account for this new renderer.
void WebCacheManager::Remove(int renderer_id) {
// Erase all knowledge of this renderer
// Reallocate the resources used by this renderer
void WebCacheManager::ObserveActivity(int renderer_id) {
auto item = stats_.find(renderer_id);
if (item == stats_.end())
return; // We might see stats for a renderer that has been destroyed.
auto active_elmt = active_renderers_.find(renderer_id);
auto inactive_elmt = inactive_renderers_.find(renderer_id);
// Record activity, but only if we already received the notification that the
// render process host exist. We might have stats from a destroyed renderer
// that is about to be recreated for a new tab from which we're already
// receiving activity.
if (active_elmt != active_renderers_.end() ||
inactive_elmt != inactive_renderers_.end()) {
item->second.access = Time::Now();
if (inactive_elmt != inactive_renderers_.end()) {
// A renderer that was inactive, just became active. We should make sure
// it is given a fair cache allocation, but we defer this for a bit in
// order to make this function call cheap.
void WebCacheManager::ObserveStats(int renderer_id,
uint64_t capacity,
uint64_t size) {
auto entry = stats_.find(renderer_id);
if (entry == stats_.end())
return; // We might see stats for a renderer that has been destroyed.
// Record the updated stats.
entry->second.capacity = capacity;
entry->second.size = size;
void WebCacheManager::SetGlobalSizeLimit(uint64_t bytes) {
global_size_limit_ = bytes;
void WebCacheManager::ClearCache() {
// Tell each renderer process to clear the cache.
ClearRendererCache(active_renderers_, INSTANTLY);
ClearRendererCache(inactive_renderers_, INSTANTLY);
void WebCacheManager::ClearCacheOnNavigation() {
// Tell each renderer process to clear the cache when a tab is reloaded or
// the user navigates to a new website.
ClearRendererCache(active_renderers_, ON_NAVIGATION);
ClearRendererCache(inactive_renderers_, ON_NAVIGATION);
void WebCacheManager::OnRenderProcessHostCreated(
content::RenderProcessHost* process_host) {
void WebCacheManager::RenderProcessExited(
content::RenderProcessHost* process_host,
const content::ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) {
void WebCacheManager::RenderProcessHostDestroyed(
content::RenderProcessHost* process_host) {
// static
uint64_t WebCacheManager::GetDefaultGlobalSizeLimit() {
return GetDefaultCacheSize();
void WebCacheManager::GatherStats(const std::set<int>& renderers,
uint64_t* capacity,
uint64_t* size) {
*capacity = *size = 0;
auto iter = renderers.begin();
while (iter != renderers.end()) {
auto elmt = stats_.find(*iter);
if (elmt != stats_.end()) {
*capacity += elmt->second.capacity;
*size += elmt->second.size;
// static
uint64_t WebCacheManager::GetSize(AllocationTactic tactic, uint64_t size) {
switch (tactic) {
// We aren't going to reserve any space for existing objects.
return 0;
// We need enough space for our current objects, plus some headroom.
return 3 * GetSize(KEEP_CURRENT, size) / 2;
// We need enough space to keep our current objects.
return size;
NOTREACHED() << "Unknown cache allocation tactic";
return 0;
bool WebCacheManager::AttemptTactic(AllocationTactic active_tactic,
uint64_t active_used_size,
AllocationTactic inactive_tactic,
uint64_t inactive_used_size,
AllocationStrategy* strategy) {
uint64_t active_size = GetSize(active_tactic, active_used_size);
uint64_t inactive_size = GetSize(inactive_tactic, inactive_used_size);
// Give up if we don't have enough space to use this tactic.
if (global_size_limit_ < active_size + inactive_size)
return false;
// Compute the unreserved space available.
uint64_t total_extra = global_size_limit_ - (active_size + inactive_size);
// The plan for the extra space is to divide it evenly amoung the active
// renderers.
uint64_t shares = active_renderers_.size();
// The inactive renderers get one share of the extra memory to be divided
// among themselves.
uint64_t inactive_extra = 0;
if (!inactive_renderers_.empty()) {
inactive_extra = total_extra / shares;
// The remaining memory is allocated to the active renderers.
uint64_t active_extra = total_extra - inactive_extra;
// Actually compute the allocations for each renderer.
AddToStrategy(active_renderers_, active_tactic, active_extra, strategy);
AddToStrategy(inactive_renderers_, inactive_tactic, inactive_extra, strategy);
// We succeeded in computing an allocation strategy.
return true;
void WebCacheManager::AddToStrategy(const std::set<int>& renderers,
AllocationTactic tactic,
uint64_t extra_bytes_to_allocate,
AllocationStrategy* strategy) {
// Nothing to do if there are no renderers. It is common for there to be no
// inactive renderers if there is a single active tab.
if (renderers.empty())
// Divide the extra memory evenly among the renderers.
uint64_t extra_each = extra_bytes_to_allocate / renderers.size();
auto iter = renderers.begin();
while (iter != renderers.end()) {
uint64_t cache_size = extra_each;
// Add in the space required to implement |tactic|.
auto elmt = stats_.find(*iter);
if (elmt != stats_.end()) {
cache_size += GetSize(tactic, elmt->second.size);
// Record the allocation in our strategy.
strategy->push_back(Allocation(*iter, cache_size));
void WebCacheManager::EnactStrategy(const AllocationStrategy& strategy) {
// Inform each render process of its cache allocation.
auto allocation = strategy.begin();
while (allocation != strategy.end()) {
content::RenderProcessHost* host =
if (host) {
// This is the capacity this renderer has been allocated.
uint64_t capacity = allocation->second;
// Find the mojo::Remote<WebCache> by renderer process id.
auto it = web_cache_services_.find(allocation->first);
if (it != web_cache_services_.end()) {
const mojo::Remote<mojom::WebCache>& service = it->second;
void WebCacheManager::ClearCacheForProcess(int render_process_id) {
std::set<int> renderers;
ClearRendererCache(renderers, INSTANTLY);
void WebCacheManager::ClearRendererCache(
const std::set<int>& renderers,
WebCacheManager::ClearCacheOccasion occasion) {
auto iter = renderers.begin();
for (; iter != renderers.end(); ++iter) {
content::RenderProcessHost* host =
if (host) {
// Find the mojo::Remote<WebCache> by renderer process id.
auto it = web_cache_services_.find(*iter);
if (it != web_cache_services_.end()) {
const mojo::Remote<mojom::WebCache>& service = it->second;
service->ClearCache(occasion == ON_NAVIGATION);
void WebCacheManager::ReviseAllocationStrategy() {
DCHECK(stats_.size() <=
active_renderers_.size() + inactive_renderers_.size());
// Check if renderers have gone inactive.
// Gather statistics
uint64_t active_capacity, active_size, inactive_capacity, inactive_size;
GatherStats(active_renderers_, &active_capacity, &active_size);
GatherStats(inactive_renderers_, &inactive_capacity, &inactive_size);
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Cache.ActiveTabs", active_renderers_.size());
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Cache.InactiveTabs", inactive_renderers_.size());
active_capacity / 1024 / 1024);
UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_MB("Cache.ActiveLiveSizeMB", active_size / 1024 / 1024);
inactive_capacity / 1024 / 1024);
inactive_size / 1024 / 1024);
// Compute an allocation strategy.
// We attempt various tactics in order of preference. Our first preference
// is not to evict any objects. If we don't have enough resources, we'll
// first try to evict dead data only. If that fails, we'll just divide the
// resources we have evenly.
// We always try to give the active renderers some head room in their
// allocations so they can take memory away from an inactive renderer with
// a large cache allocation.
// Notice the early exit will prevent attempting less desirable tactics once
// we've found a workable strategy.
AllocationStrategy strategy;
if ( // Ideally, we'd like to give the active renderers some headroom and
// keep all our current objects.
inactive_size, &strategy) ||
// Next, we try to keep the current objects in the active renders (with
// some room for new objects) and give whatever is left to the inactive
// renderers.
inactive_size, &strategy) ||
// If we've gotten this far, then we are very tight on memory. Let's try
// to at least keep around the live objects for the active renderers.
AttemptTactic(KEEP_CURRENT, active_size, DIVIDE_EVENLY, inactive_size,
&strategy) ||
// We're basically out of memory. The best we can do is just divide up
// what we have and soldier on.
AttemptTactic(DIVIDE_EVENLY, active_size, DIVIDE_EVENLY, inactive_size,
&strategy)) {
// Having found a workable strategy, we enact it.
} else {
// DIVIDE_EVENLY / DIVIDE_EVENLY should always succeed.
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to find a cache allocation";
void WebCacheManager::ReviseAllocationStrategyLater() {
// Ask to be called back in a few milliseconds to actually recompute our
// allocation.
void WebCacheManager::FindInactiveRenderers() {
auto iter = active_renderers_.begin();
while (iter != active_renderers_.end()) {
auto elmt = stats_.find(*iter);
DCHECK(elmt != stats_.end());
TimeDelta idle = Time::Now() - elmt->second.access;
if (idle >= TimeDelta::FromMinutes(kRendererInactiveThresholdMinutes)) {
// Moved to inactive status. This invalidates our iterator.
iter = active_renderers_.begin();
} // namespace web_cache