blob: 1358e05eefd51fa5afe89c4f1d6391e2cac035bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button_label.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/image_view.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/label.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/layout_provider.h"
#include "ui/views/native_theme_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/style/typography.h"
namespace views {
class InkDropContainerView;
class LabelButtonBorder;
// LabelButton is a button with text and an icon, it's not focusable by default.
class VIEWS_EXPORT LabelButton : public Button, public NativeThemeDelegate {
// Creates a LabelButton with ButtonPressed() events sent to |listener| and
// label |text|. |button_context| is a value from views::style::TextContext
// and determines the appearance of |text|.
LabelButton(ButtonListener* listener,
const base::string16& text,
int button_context = style::CONTEXT_BUTTON);
~LabelButton() override;
// Gets or sets the image shown for the specified button state.
// GetImage returns the image for STATE_NORMAL if the state's image is empty.
virtual gfx::ImageSkia GetImage(ButtonState for_state) const;
void SetImage(ButtonState for_state, const gfx::ImageSkia& image);
// Gets or sets the text shown on the button.
const base::string16& GetText() const;
virtual void SetText(const base::string16& text);
// Makes the button report its preferred size without the label. This lets
// AnimatingLayoutManager gradually shrink the button until the text is
// invisible, at which point the text gets cleared. Think of this as
// transitioning from the current text to SetText("").
// Note that the layout manager (or manual SetBounds calls) need to be
// configured to eventually hit the the button's preferred size (or smaller)
// or the text will never be cleared.
void ShrinkDownThenClearText();
// Sets the text color shown for the specified button |for_state| to |color|.
void SetTextColor(ButtonState for_state, SkColor color);
// Sets the text colors shown for the non-disabled states to |color|.
virtual void SetEnabledTextColors(SkColor color);
// Sets drop shadows underneath the text.
void SetTextShadows(const gfx::ShadowValues& shadows);
// Sets whether subpixel rendering is used on the label.
void SetTextSubpixelRenderingEnabled(bool enabled);
// Sets the elide behavior of this button.
void SetElideBehavior(gfx::ElideBehavior elide_behavior);
// Sets the horizontal alignment used for the button; reversed in RTL. The
// optional image will lead the text, unless the button is right-aligned.
void SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::HorizontalAlignment alignment);
gfx::HorizontalAlignment GetHorizontalAlignment() const;
gfx::Size GetMinSize() const;
void SetMinSize(const gfx::Size& min_size);
gfx::Size GetMaxSize() const;
void SetMaxSize(const gfx::Size& max_size);
// Gets or sets the option to handle the return key; false by default.
bool GetIsDefault() const;
void SetIsDefault(bool is_default);
// Sets the spacing between the image and the text.
int GetImageLabelSpacing() const;
void SetImageLabelSpacing(int spacing);
// Creates the default border for this button. This can be overridden by
// subclasses.
virtual std::unique_ptr<LabelButtonBorder> CreateDefaultBorder() const;
// Button:
void SetBorder(std::unique_ptr<Border> border) override;
void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) override;
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
int GetHeightForWidth(int w) const override;
void Layout() override;
void EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI(bool flip) override;
void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) override;
void AddLayerBeneathView(ui::Layer* new_layer) override;
void RemoveLayerBeneathView(ui::Layer* old_layer) override;
// NativeThemeDelegate:
ui::NativeTheme::Part GetThemePart() const override;
gfx::Rect GetThemePaintRect() const override;
ui::NativeTheme::State GetThemeState(
ui::NativeTheme::ExtraParams* params) const override;
const gfx::Animation* GetThemeAnimation() const override;
ui::NativeTheme::State GetBackgroundThemeState(
ui::NativeTheme::ExtraParams* params) const override;
ui::NativeTheme::State GetForegroundThemeState(
ui::NativeTheme::ExtraParams* params) const override;
ImageView* image() const { return image_; }
Label* label() const { return label_; }
InkDropContainerView* ink_drop_container() const {
return ink_drop_container_;
bool explicitly_set_normal_color() const {
return explicitly_set_colors_[STATE_NORMAL];
const std::array<bool, STATE_COUNT>& explicitly_set_colors() const {
return explicitly_set_colors_;
void set_explicitly_set_colors(const std::array<bool, STATE_COUNT>& colors) {
explicitly_set_colors_ = colors;
// Updates the image view to contain the appropriate button state image.
void UpdateImage();
// Updates the border as per the NativeTheme, unless a different border was
// set with SetBorder.
void UpdateThemedBorder();
// Returns the available area for the label and image. Subclasses can change
// these bounds if they need room to do manual painting.
gfx::Rect GetChildAreaBounds();
// Fills |params| with information about the button.
virtual void GetExtraParams(ui::NativeTheme::ExtraParams* params) const;
// Resets colors from the NativeTheme, explicitly set colors are unchanged.
void ResetColorsFromNativeTheme();
// Changes the visual styling to match changes in the default state. Returns
// the PropertyEffects triggered as a result.
virtual PropertyEffects UpdateStyleToIndicateDefaultStatus();
// Button:
void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) override;
void PreferredSizeChanged() override;
void OnFocus() override;
void OnBlur() override;
void OnThemeChanged() override;
void StateChanged(ButtonState old_state) override;
void SetTextInternal(const base::string16& text);
void ClearTextIfShrunkDown();
// Resets |cached_preferred_size_|.
void ResetCachedPreferredSize();
// Gets the preferred size (without respecting min_size_ or max_size_), but
// does not account for the label. This is shared between GetHeightForWidth
// and CalculatePreferredSize. GetHeightForWidth will subtract the width
// returned from this method to get width available for the label while
// CalculatePreferredSize will just add the preferred width from the label.
// Both methods will then use the max of inset height + label height and this
// height as total height, and clamp to min/max sizes as appropriate.
gfx::Size GetUnclampedSizeWithoutLabel() const;
// Updates additional state related to focus or default status, rather than
// merely the Button::state(). E.g. ensures the label text color is
// correct for the current background.
void ResetLabelEnabledColor();
// The image and label shown in the button.
ImageView* image_;
LabelButtonLabel* label_;
// A separate view is necessary to hold the ink drop layer so that it can
// be stacked below |image_| and on top of |label_|, without resorting to
// drawing |label_| on a layer (which can mess with subpixel anti-aliasing).
InkDropContainerView* ink_drop_container_;
// The cached font lists in the normal and default button style. The latter
// may be bold.
gfx::FontList cached_normal_font_list_;
gfx::FontList cached_default_button_font_list_;
// The images and colors for each button state.
gfx::ImageSkia button_state_images_[STATE_COUNT] = {};
SkColor button_state_colors_[STATE_COUNT] = {};
// Used to track whether SetTextColor() has been invoked.
std::array<bool, STATE_COUNT> explicitly_set_colors_ = {};
// |min_size_| and |max_size_| may be set to clamp the preferred size.
gfx::Size min_size_;
gfx::Size max_size_;
// Cache the last computed preferred size.
mutable base::Optional<gfx::Size> cached_preferred_size_;
// A flag indicating that this button should not include the label in its
// desired size. Furthermore, once the bounds of the button adapt to this
// desired size, the text in the label should get cleared.
bool shrinking_down_label_ = false;
// Flag indicating default handling of the return key via an accelerator.
// Whether or not the button appears or behaves as the default button in its
// current context;
bool is_default_ = false;
// True if current border was set by UpdateThemedBorder.
bool border_is_themed_border_ = true;
// Spacing between the image and the text.
int image_label_spacing_ = LayoutProvider::Get()->GetDistanceMetric(
// Alignment of the button. This can be different from the alignment of the
// text; for example, the label may be set to ALIGN_TO_HEAD (alignment matches
// text direction) while |this| is laid out as ALIGN_LEFT (alignment matches
// UI direction).
gfx::HorizontalAlignment horizontal_alignment_ = gfx::ALIGN_LEFT;
} // namespace views