blob: 2b62b347b8573d1b3a35d53dbc780909f552c12d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_detailed_view.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
namespace ash {
namespace mojom {
class ImeInfo;
class ImeMenuItem;
class KeyboardStatusRow;
// Base class used to represent a selecatable list of available IMEs.
// Optionally shows a toggle which is used to enable or disable the invocation
// of the virtual keyboard.
class ImeListView : public TrayDetailedView {
enum SingleImeBehavior {
// Shows the IME menu if there's only one IME in system.
// Hides the IME menu if there's only one IME in system.
// The former uses default for |use_unified_theme|.
explicit ImeListView(DetailedViewDelegate* delegate);
ImeListView(DetailedViewDelegate* delegate, bool use_unified_theme);
~ImeListView() override;
// Initializes the contents of a newly-instantiated ImeListView.
void Init(bool show_keyboard_toggle, SingleImeBehavior single_ime_behavior);
// Updates the view.
virtual void Update(const std::string& current_ime_id,
const std::vector<mojom::ImeInfo>& list,
const std::vector<mojom::ImeMenuItem>& property_items,
bool show_keyboard_toggle,
SingleImeBehavior single_ime_behavior);
// Removes (and destroys) all child views.
virtual void ResetImeListView();
// Closes the view.
void CloseImeListView();
// Scrolls contents such that |item_view| is visible.
void ScrollItemToVisible(views::View* item_view);
void set_last_item_selected_with_keyboard(
bool last_item_selected_with_keyboard) {
last_item_selected_with_keyboard_ = last_item_selected_with_keyboard;
void set_should_focus_ime_after_selection_with_keyboard(
const bool focus_current_ime) {
should_focus_ime_after_selection_with_keyboard_ = focus_current_ime;
bool should_focus_ime_after_selection_with_keyboard() const {
return should_focus_ime_after_selection_with_keyboard_;
// TrayDetailedView:
void HandleViewClicked(views::View* view) override;
void HandleButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
const ui::Event& event) override;
// views::View:
void VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) override;
friend class ImeListViewTestApi;
// Appends the IMEs and properties to the IME menu's scrollable area.
void AppendImeListAndProperties(
const std::string& current_ime_id,
const std::vector<mojom::ImeInfo>& list,
const std::vector<mojom::ImeMenuItem>& property_items);
// Initializes |keyboard_status_row_| and adds it above the scrollable list.
void PrependKeyboardStatusRow();
// Requests focus on the current IME if it was selected with keyboard so that
// accessible text will alert the user of the IME change.
void FocusCurrentImeIfNeeded();
std::map<views::View*, std::string> ime_map_;
std::map<views::View*, std::string> property_map_;
KeyboardStatusRow* keyboard_status_row_;
// The id of the last item selected with keyboard. It will be empty if the
// item is not selected with keyboard.
std::string last_selected_item_id_;
// True if the last item is selected with keyboard.
bool last_item_selected_with_keyboard_;
// True if focus should be requested after switching IMEs with keyboard in
// order to trigger spoken feedback with ChromeVox enabled.
bool should_focus_ime_after_selection_with_keyboard_;
// The item view of the current selected IME.
views::View* current_ime_view_;
const bool use_unified_theme_;
class ASH_EXPORT ImeListViewTestApi {
explicit ImeListViewTestApi(ImeListView* ime_list_view);
virtual ~ImeListViewTestApi();
views::View* GetToggleView() const;
const std::map<views::View*, std::string>& ime_map() const {
return ime_list_view_->ime_map_;
ImeListView* ime_list_view_;
} // namespace ash