blob: e8c146b3e8ad1075d0ff5ff5bd0abe5d698cf7e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/extensions_container.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar_actions_bar_bubble_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar_actions_model.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
class ToolbarActionsBarDelegate;
class ToolbarActionsBarObserver;
class ToolbarActionViewController;
// A platform-independent version of the container for toolbar actions,
// including extension actions and component actions.
// This is a per-window instance, unlike the ToolbarActionsModel, which is
// per-profile. In most cases, ordering and visible count will be identical
// between the base model and the window; however, there are exceptions in the
// case of very small windows (which may be too narrow to display all the
// icons), or windows in which an action is "popped out", resulting in a
// re-ordering.
// This can come in two flavors, main and "overflow". The main bar is visible
// next to the omnibox, and the overflow bar is visible inside the chrome
// app menu. The main bar can have only a single row of icons with flexible
// width, whereas the overflow bar has multiple rows of icons with a fixed
// width (the width of the menu).
class ToolbarActionsBar : public ExtensionsContainer,
public ToolbarActionsModel::Observer,
public TabStripModelObserver {
using ToolbarActions =
// A struct to contain the platform settings.
struct PlatformSettings {
// The spacing between each of the icons, between the start of the
// container and the first item, and between the last item and end of
// the container.
int item_spacing;
// The number of icons per row in the overflow menu.
int icons_per_overflow_menu_row;
// The type of drag that occurred in a drag-and-drop operation.
enum DragType {
// The icon was dragged to the same container it started in.
// The icon was dragged from the main container to the overflow.
// The icon was dragged from the overflow container to the main.
enum HighlightType {
ToolbarActionsBar(ToolbarActionsBarDelegate* delegate,
Browser* browser,
ToolbarActionsBar* main_bar);
~ToolbarActionsBar() override;
// Registers profile preferences.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns the size of the area where the action icon resides.
static gfx::Size GetIconAreaSize();
// Returns the size of ToolbarActionView.
gfx::Size GetViewSize() const;
// Returns the default/full size for the toolbar; this does *not* reflect any
// animations that may be running.
gfx::Size GetFullSize() const;
// Returns the [minimum|maximum] possible width for the toolbar.
virtual int GetMinimumWidth() const;
int GetMaximumWidth() const;
// Returns the width for the given number of icons.
int IconCountToWidth(size_t icons) const;
// Returns the number of icons that can fit within the given width.
size_t WidthToIconCount(int width) const;
// Returns the number of icons that should be displayed if space allows. Can
// be overridden by children to impose a smaller limit on the number of icons.
virtual size_t GetIconCount() const;
// Returns the starting index (inclusive) for displayable icons.
size_t GetStartIndexInBounds() const;
// Returns the ending index (exclusive) for displayable icons.
size_t GetEndIndexInBounds() const;
// Returns true if an overflow container is necessary to display any other
// icons for this particular window. This is different than
// ToolbarActionsModel::all_icons_visible() because the ToolbarActionsBar
// is limited to a single window, whereas the model is the underlying model
// of *all* windows, independent of size. As such, the model is identical
// between a very wide window and a very narrow window, and the user's stored
// preference may be to have all icons visible. But if the very narrow window
// doesn't have the width to display all those actions, some will need to be
// implicitly pushed to the overflow, even though the user's global preference
// has not changed.
bool NeedsOverflow() const;
// Returns the frame (bounds) that the specified index should have, taking
// into account if this is the main or overflow bar. If this is the overflow
// bar and the index should not be displayed (i.e., it is shown on the main
// bar), returns an empty rect.
gfx::Rect GetFrameForIndex(size_t index) const;
// Returns the actions in the proper order; this may differ from the
// underlying order in the case of actions being popped out to show a popup.
std::vector<ToolbarActionViewController*> GetActions() const;
// Creates the toolbar actions.
void CreateActions();
// Deletes all toolbar actions.
void DeleteActions();
// Updates all the toolbar actions.
void Update();
// Shows the popup for the action with |id|, returning true if a popup is
// shown. If |grant_active_tab| is true, then active tab permissions should
// be given to the action (only do this if this is through a user action).
bool ShowToolbarActionPopup(const std::string& id, bool grant_active_tab);
// Sets the width for the overflow menu rows.
void SetOverflowRowWidth(int width);
// Notifies the ToolbarActionsBar that a user completed a resize gesture, and
// the new width is |width|.
void OnResizeComplete(int width);
// Notifies the ToolbarActionsBar that the user has started dragging the
// action at index |index_of_dragged_item|.
void OnDragStarted(size_t index_of_dragged_item);
// Notifies the ToolbarActionsBar that a drag-and-drop sequence ended. This
// may not coincide with OnDragDrop(), since the view may be dropped somewhere
// else.
void OnDragEnded();
// Notifies the ToolbarActionsBar that a user completed a drag and drop event,
// and dragged the view from |dragged_index| to |dropped_index|.
// |drag_type| indicates whether or not the icon was dragged between the
// overflow and main containers.
// The main container should handle all drag/drop notifications.
void OnDragDrop(int dragged_index,
int dropped_index,
DragType drag_type);
// The index of the action currently being dragged, or |base::nullopt| if
// no drag is in progress. Should only be called on the main bar.
const base::Optional<size_t> IndexOfDraggedItem() const;
// Notifies the ToolbarActionsBar that the delegate finished animating.
void OnAnimationEnded();
// Called when the active bubble is closed.
void OnBubbleClosed();
// Add or remove an observer.
void AddObserver(ToolbarActionsBarObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(ToolbarActionsBarObserver* observer);
// Displays the given |bubble| once the toolbar is no longer animating.
void ShowToolbarActionBubble(
std::unique_ptr<ToolbarActionsBarBubbleDelegate> bubble);
// Same as above, but uses PostTask() in all cases.
void ShowToolbarActionBubbleAsync(
std::unique_ptr<ToolbarActionsBarBubbleDelegate> bubble);
// Returns the underlying toolbar actions, but does not order them. Primarily
// for use in testing.
const ToolbarActions& toolbar_actions_unordered() const {
return toolbar_actions_;
bool enabled() const { return model_ != nullptr; }
bool suppress_layout() const { return suppress_layout_; }
bool suppress_animation() const {
return suppress_animation_ || disable_animations_for_testing_;
bool is_highlighting() const { return model_ && model_->is_highlighting(); }
ToolbarActionsModel::HighlightType highlight_type() const {
return model_ ? model_->highlight_type()
: ToolbarActionsModel::HIGHLIGHT_NONE;
const PlatformSettings& platform_settings() const {
return platform_settings_;
ToolbarActionViewController* popup_owner() { return popup_owner_; }
bool in_overflow_mode() const { return main_bar_ != nullptr; }
bool is_showing_bubble() const { return is_showing_bubble_; }
bool is_drag_in_progress() const {
return index_of_dragged_item_ != base::nullopt;
ToolbarActionsBarDelegate* delegate_for_test() { return delegate_; }
// During testing we can disable animations by setting this flag to true,
// so that the bar resizes instantly, instead of having to poll it while it
// animates to open/closed status.
static bool disable_animations_for_testing_;
static void set_extension_bubble_appearance_wait_time_for_testing(
int time_in_seconds);
// ExtensionsContainer:
ToolbarActionViewController* GetActionForId(
const std::string& action_id) override;
ToolbarActionViewController* GetPoppedOutAction() const override;
bool IsActionVisibleOnToolbar(
const ToolbarActionViewController* action) const override;
void UndoPopOut() override;
void SetPopupOwner(ToolbarActionViewController* popup_owner) override;
void HideActivePopup() override;
bool CloseOverflowMenuIfOpen() override;
void PopOutAction(ToolbarActionViewController* action,
bool is_sticky,
const base::Closure& closure) override;
// Returns the insets by which the icon area bounds (See GetIconAreaRect())
// are insetted. This defines the amount of paddings around the icon area.
virtual gfx::Insets GetIconAreaInsets() const;
// Returns the number of icons that can fit within the given width.
size_t WidthToIconCountUnclamped(int width) const;
// ToolbarActionsModel::Observer:
void OnToolbarActionAdded(const ToolbarActionsModel::ActionId& action_id,
int index) override;
void OnToolbarActionRemoved(
const ToolbarActionsModel::ActionId& action_id) override;
void OnToolbarActionMoved(const ToolbarActionsModel::ActionId& action_id,
int index) override;
void OnToolbarActionLoadFailed() override;
void OnToolbarActionUpdated(
const ToolbarActionsModel::ActionId& action_id) override;
void OnToolbarVisibleCountChanged() override;
void OnToolbarHighlightModeChanged(bool is_highlighting) override;
void OnToolbarModelInitialized() override;
// TabStripModelObserver:
void OnTabStripModelChanged(
TabStripModel* tab_strip_model,
const TabStripModelChange& change,
const TabStripSelectionChange& selection) override;
// Resizes the delegate (if necessary) to the preferred size using the given
// |tween_type|.
void ResizeDelegate(gfx::Tween::Type tween_type);
// Returns the current web contents.
content::WebContents* GetCurrentWebContents();
// Reorders the toolbar actions to reflect the model and, optionally, to
// "pop out" any overflowed actions that want to run (depending on the
// value of |pop_out_actions_to_run|.
void ReorderActions();
// Shows an extension message bubble, if any should be shown.
void MaybeShowExtensionBubble();
// Returns the main bar, which is |main_bar_| if this is in overflow mode, and
// |this| otherwise.
ToolbarActionsBar* GetMainBar();
// The delegate for this object (in a real build, this is the view).
ToolbarActionsBarDelegate* delegate_;
// The associated browser.
Browser* const browser_;
// The observed toolbar model.
ToolbarActionsModel* model_;
// The controller for the main toolbar actions bar. This will be null if this
// is the main bar.
ToolbarActionsBar* main_bar_;
// Platform-specific settings for dimensions.
PlatformSettings platform_settings_;
// The toolbar actions.
ToolbarActions toolbar_actions_;
// The action that triggered the current popup (just a reference to an action
// from toolbar_actions_).
ToolbarActionViewController* popup_owner_;
ScopedObserver<ToolbarActionsModel, ToolbarActionsModel::Observer>
// True if we should suppress layout, such as when we are creating or
// adjusting a lot of actions at once.
bool suppress_layout_;
// True if we should suppress animation; we do this when first creating the
// toolbar, and also when switching tabs changes the state of the icons.
bool suppress_animation_;
// If this is true, actions that want to run (e.g., an extension's page
// action) will pop out of overflow to draw more attention.
// See also TabOrderHelper in the .cc file.
static bool pop_out_actions_to_run_;
// True if we should check to see if there is an extension bubble that should
// be displayed, and, if there is, started the process for showing that
// bubble. This is only ever true for the main bar.
bool should_check_extension_bubble_;
// The action, if any, which is currently "popped out" of the overflow in
// order to show a popup.
ToolbarActionViewController* popped_out_action_;
// True if the popped out action is "sticky", meaning it will stay popped
// out even if another menu is opened.
bool is_popped_out_sticky_;
// The task to alert the |popped_out_action_| that animation has finished, and
// it is fully popped out.
base::Closure popped_out_closure_;
// The controller for the toolbar action bubble to show once animation
// finishes, if any.
std::unique_ptr<ToolbarActionsBarBubbleDelegate> pending_bubble_controller_;
// True if a bubble is currently being shown.
bool is_showing_bubble_;
// The index of the action currently being dragged, or |base::nullopt| if
// no drag is in progress.
base::Optional<size_t> index_of_dragged_item_;
ScopedObserver<TabStripModel, TabStripModelObserver> tab_strip_observer_;
base::ObserverList<ToolbarActionsBarObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ToolbarActionsBar> weak_ptr_factory_;