blob: 4775e801e8ad85bc3298f3676ca2606bf9c027a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_access_token_consumer.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_access_token_fetcher.h"
// This is an implementation of the OAuth2 fetcher that immediately returns
// an error. This is useful as a replacement to a real fetcher when a
// immediate error has previously been seen.
// This class should be used on a single thread, but it can be whichever thread
// that you like.
// Also, do not reuse the same instance. Once Start() is called, the instance
// should not be reused.
// Usage:
// * Create an instance with a consumer.
// * Call Start()
// * The consumer passed in the constructor will be called on the same
// thread Start was called with the results.
// This class can handle one request at a time. To parallelize requests,
// create multiple instances.
class OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError : public OAuth2AccessTokenFetcher {
OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError(OAuth2AccessTokenConsumer* consumer,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
const OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError&) = delete;
OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError& operator=(
const OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError&) = delete;
~OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError() override;
void Start(const std::string& client_id,
const std::string& client_secret,
const std::vector<std::string>& scopes) override;
void CancelRequest() override;
class FailCaller : public base::RefCounted<FailCaller> {
FailCaller(OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError* fetcher);
void run();
void detach();
friend class base::RefCounted<FailCaller>;
raw_ptr<OAuth2AccessTokenFetcherImmediateError> fetcher_;
void Fail();
scoped_refptr<FailCaller> failer_;
GoogleServiceAuthError immediate_error_;