blob: b4429cff03a7e0397900e7ddbc3afe1252985348 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace cronet {
class TestServer {
// Starts the server serving files from default test data directory.
// Returns true if started, false if server is already running.
static bool Start();
// Starts the server serving files from |test_files_root| directory.
// Returns true if started, false if server is already running.
static bool StartServeFilesFromDirectory(
const base::FilePath& test_files_root);
// Shuts down the server.
static void Shutdown();
// Returns port number of the server.
static int GetPort();
// Returns host:port string of the server.
static std::string GetHostPort();
// Returns URL which responds with the body "The quick brown fox jumps over
// the lazy dog".
static std::string GetSimpleURL();
// Returns URL which respond with echo of the method in response body.
static std::string GetEchoMethodURL();
// Returns URL which respond with echo of header with |header_name| in
// response body.
static std::string GetEchoHeaderURL(const std::string& header_name);
// Returns URL which responds with "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
// dog" in specified encoding.
static std::string GetUseEncodingURL(const std::string& encoding_name);
// Returns URL which respond with setting cookie to |cookie_line| and echo it
// in response body.
static std::string GetSetCookieURL(const std::string& cookie_line);
// Returns URL which echoes all request headers.
static std::string GetEchoAllHeadersURL();
// Returns URL which echoes data in a request body.
static std::string GetEchoRequestBodyURL();
// Returns URL which redirects to URL that echoes data in a request body.
static std::string GetRedirectToEchoBodyURL();
// Returns a URL that the server will return an Exabyte of data.
static std::string GetExabyteResponseURL();
// Prepares response and returns URL which respond with |data_size| of bytes
// in response body.
static std::string PrepareBigDataURL(size_t data_size);
// Releases response created by PrepareBigDataURL().
static void ReleaseBigDataURL();
// The following URLs will make TestServer serve a response based on
// the contents of the corresponding file and its mock-http-headers file.
// Returns URL which responds with content of file at |file_path|.
static std::string GetFileURL(const std::string& file_path);
// Returns URL which responds with plain/text success.
static std::string GetSuccessURL() { return GetFileURL("/success.txt"); }
// Returns URL which redirects to plain/text success.
static std::string GetRedirectURL() { return GetFileURL("/redirect.html"); }
// Returns URL which redirects to redirect to plain/text success.
static std::string GetMultiRedirectURL() {
return GetFileURL("/multiredirect.html");
// Returns URL which responds with status code 404 - page not found..
static std::string GetNotFoundURL() { return GetFileURL("/notfound.html"); }
} // namespace cronet