blob: 31fcf39af6b1c94b7d2c7d0acc7b4648d9c16381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/values.h"
// Parses INI files in a string. Users should in inherit from this class.
// This is a very basic INI parser with these characteristics:
// - Ignores blank lines.
// - Ignores comment lines beginning with '#' or ';'.
// - Duplicate key names in the same section will simply cause repeated calls
// to HandleTriplet with the same |section| and |key| parameters.
// - No escape characters supported.
// - Global properties result in calls to HandleTriplet with an empty string in
// the |section| argument.
// - Section headers begin with a '[' character. It is recommended, but
// not required to close the header bracket with a ']' character. All
// characters after a closing ']' character is ignored.
// - Key value pairs are indicated with an '=' character. Whitespace is not
// ignored. Quoting is not supported. Everything before the first '='
// is considered the |key|, and everything after is the |value|.
class INIParser {
virtual ~INIParser();
// May only be called once per instance.
void Parse(const std::string& content);
virtual void HandleTriplet(base::StringPiece section,
base::StringPiece key,
base::StringPiece value) = 0;
bool used_;
// Parsed values are stored as strings at the "section.key" path. Triplets with
// |section| or |key| parameters containing '.' are ignored.
class DictionaryValueINIParser : public INIParser {
DictionaryValueINIParser(const DictionaryValueINIParser&) = delete;
DictionaryValueINIParser& operator=(const DictionaryValueINIParser&) = delete;
~DictionaryValueINIParser() override;
const base::DictionaryValue& root() const { return root_; }
// INIParser implementation.
void HandleTriplet(base::StringPiece section,
base::StringPiece key,
base::StringPiece value) override;
base::DictionaryValue root_;