blob: b5ae4fdfe7e8add80a345a9c272b31fde2018bad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace base {
// When enabled, NumberOfProcessors() returns the number of physical processors
// instead of the number of logical processors if CPU security mitigations are
// enabled for the current process.
BASE_EXPORT BASE_DECLARE_FEATURE(kNumberOfCoresWithCpuSecurityMitigation);
// Strings for environment variables.
BASE_EXPORT extern const char kLsbReleaseKey[];
BASE_EXPORT extern const char kLsbReleaseTimeKey[];
namespace debug {
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(SystemMetricsTest, ParseMeminfo);
namespace test {
class ScopedAmountOfPhysicalMemoryOverride;
class FilePath;
struct SystemMemoryInfoKB;
class BASE_EXPORT SysInfo {
// Returns the number of processors/cores available for the current
// application. This is typically the number of logical cores installed on the
// system, but could instead be the number of physical cores when
// SetCpuSecurityMitigationsEnabled() has been invoked to indicate that CPU
// security mitigations are enabled on Mac.
// On some platforms this may cache the resulting value in its implementation,
// e.g. on Linux/ChromeOS where this function cannot run in a sandbox and so
// a cached value must be returned.
static int NumberOfProcessors();
// Returns the number of the most efficient logical processors for the current
// application. This is typically e-cores on Intel hybrid architecture, or
// LITTLE cores on ARM bit.LITTLE architecture.
// Returns 0 on symmetric architecture or when it failed to recognize.
// This function will cache the result value in its implementation.
static int NumberOfEfficientProcessors();
// Return the number of bytes of physical memory on the current machine.
// If low-end device mode is manually enabled via command line flag, this
// will return the lesser of the actual physical memory, or 512MB.
static uint64_t AmountOfPhysicalMemory();
// Return the number of bytes of current available physical memory on the
// machine.
// (The amount of memory that can be allocated without any significant
// impact on the system. It can lead to freeing inactive file-backed
// and/or speculative file-backed memory).
static uint64_t AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory();
// Return the number of bytes of virtual memory of this process. A return
// value of zero means that there is no limit on the available virtual
// memory.
static uint64_t AmountOfVirtualMemory();
// Return the number of megabytes of physical memory on the current machine.
static int AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB() {
return static_cast<int>(AmountOfPhysicalMemory() / 1024 / 1024);
// Return the number of megabytes of available virtual memory, or zero if it
// is unlimited.
static int AmountOfVirtualMemoryMB() {
return static_cast<int>(AmountOfVirtualMemory() / 1024 / 1024);
// Return the available disk space in bytes on the volume containing |path|,
// or -1 on failure.
static int64_t AmountOfFreeDiskSpace(const FilePath& path);
// Return the total disk space in bytes on the volume containing |path|, or -1
// on failure.
static int64_t AmountOfTotalDiskSpace(const FilePath& path);
// Sets the total amount of disk space to report under the specified |path|.
// If |bytes| is -ve then any existing entry for |path| is removed.
static void SetAmountOfTotalDiskSpace(const FilePath& path, int64_t bytes);
// Returns system uptime.
static TimeDelta Uptime();
// Returns a descriptive string for the current machine model or an empty
// string if the machine model is unknown or an error occurred.
// e.g. "MacPro1,1" on Mac, "iPhone9,3" on iOS or "Nexus 5" on Android. Only
// implemented on macOS, iOS, Android, Chrome OS and Windows. This returns an
// empty string on other platforms.
// For macOS, a useful reference of the resulting strings returned by this
// function and their corresponding hardware can be found at
// For iOS, corresponding hardware can be found at
static std::string HardwareModelName();
// Returns the SOC manufacturer's name or an empty string if the manufacturer
// is unknown or an error occurred.
// e.g. "Google" on Pixel 8 Pro. Only implemented on Android, returns an
// empty string on other platforms.
static std::string SocManufacturer();
struct HardwareModelNameSplit {
std::string category;
int model = 0;
int variant = 0;
// Hardware model names on the Mac are of the shape "Mac𝓍,𝓎" where the
// prefix is the general category, the 𝓍 is the model, and the 𝓎 is the
// variant. This function takes the hardware model name as returned by
// HardwareModelName() above, and returns it split into its constituent parts.
// Returns nullopt if the value cannot be parsed.
// /!\ WARNING
// This is NOT A USEFUL FUNCTION and SHOULD NOT BE USED. While the `model`
// value does inform as to what generation of hardware it is within the
// `category`, this is not useful in determining the capabilities of the
// hardware. Instead of using the `model` value, check the actual capabilities
// of the hardware to verify what it can do rather than relying on a hardware
// model name. In addition, while the `category` value used to have meaning
// and could be used to determine the type of hardware (e.g. desktop vs
// laptop), in 2022 Apple started using the generic category of "Mac", thus
// removing its usefulness when used alone. While the entire model string as
// returned by HardwareModelName() above can be useful for identifying a
// specific piece of equipment, splitting apart it is not useful.
// Do not add any further callers! When the aforementioned 2022-era hardware
// is the minimum requirement for Chromium, remove this function and adjust
// all callers appropriately.
static std::optional<HardwareModelNameSplit> SplitHardwareModelNameDoNotUse(
std::string_view name);
struct HardwareInfo {
std::string manufacturer;
std::string model;
// Returns via |callback| a struct containing descriptive UTF-8 strings for
// the current machine manufacturer and model, or empty strings if the
// information is unknown or an error occurred. Implemented on Windows, macOS,
// iOS, Linux, Chrome OS and Android.
static void GetHardwareInfo(base::OnceCallback<void(HardwareInfo)> callback);
// Returns the name of the host operating system.
static std::string OperatingSystemName();
// Returns the version of the host operating system.
static std::string OperatingSystemVersion();
// Retrieves detailed numeric values for the OS version.
// DON'T USE THIS ON THE MAC OR WINDOWS to determine the current OS release
// for OS version-specific feature checks and workarounds. If you must use an
// OS version check instead of a feature check, use
// base::mac::MacOSVersion()/MacOSMajorVersion() family from
// base/mac/mac_util.h, or base::win::GetVersion() from
// base/win/windows_version.h.
static void OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(int32_t* major_version,
int32_t* minor_version,
int32_t* bugfix_version);
// Returns the architecture of the running operating system.
// Exact return value may differ across platforms.
// e.g. a 32-bit x86 kernel on a 64-bit capable CPU will return "x86",
// whereas a x86-64 kernel on the same CPU will return "x86_64"
static std::string OperatingSystemArchitecture();
// Returns the architecture of the running process, which might be different
// than the architecture returned by OperatingSystemArchitecture() (e.g.
// macOS Rosetta, a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit OS, etc).
// Will return one of: "x86", "x86_64", "ARM", "ARM_64", or an empty string if
// none of the above.
static std::string ProcessCPUArchitecture();
// Returns the CPU model name of the system. If it can not be figured out,
// an empty string is returned.
// More detailed info can be obtained from base/cpu.h.
static std::string CPUModelName();
// Return the smallest amount of memory (in bytes) which the VM system will
// allocate.
static size_t VMAllocationGranularity();
// Set |value| and return true if LsbRelease contains information about |key|.
static bool GetLsbReleaseValue(const std::string& key, std::string* value);
// Convenience function for GetLsbReleaseValue("CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD",...).
// Returns "unknown" if CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD is not set. Otherwise, returns
// the full name of the board. Note that the returned value often differs
// between developers' systems and devices that use official builds. E.g. for
// a developer-built image, the function could return 'glimmer', while in an
// official build, it may be something like 'glimmer-signed-mp-v4keys'.
// NOTE: Strings returned by this function should be treated as opaque values
// within Chrome (e.g. for reporting metrics elsewhere). If you need to make
// Chrome behave differently for different Chrome OS devices, either directly
// check for the hardware feature that you care about (preferred) or add a
// command-line flag to Chrome and pass it from session_manager (based on
// whether a USE flag is set or not). See for more
// details.
static std::string GetLsbReleaseBoard();
// Returns the creation time of /etc/lsb-release. (Used to get the date and
// time of the Chrome OS build).
static Time GetLsbReleaseTime();
// Returns true when actually running in a Chrome OS environment.
static bool IsRunningOnChromeOS();
// Overrides |lsb_release| and |lsb_release_time|. Overrides cannot be nested.
// Call ResetChromeOSVersionInfoForTest() to restore the previous values.
// Prefer base::test::ScopedChromeOSVersionInfo to calling this function.
static void SetChromeOSVersionInfoForTest(const std::string& lsb_release,
const Time& lsb_release_time);
// Undoes the function above.
static void ResetChromeOSVersionInfoForTest();
// Returns the kernel version of the host operating system.
static std::string KernelVersion();
// Crashes if running on Chrome OS non-test image. Use only for really
// sensitive and risky use cases. Only works while running in verified mode,
// this check an easily be bypassed in dev mode.
static void CrashIfChromeOSNonTestImage();
// Returns the Android build's codename.
static std::string GetAndroidBuildCodename();
// Returns the Android build ID.
static std::string GetAndroidBuildID();
// Returns the Android hardware EGL system property.
static std::string GetAndroidHardwareEGL();
// Returns the iOS build number string which is normally an alphanumeric
// string like 12E456. This build number can differentiate between different
// versions of iOS that may have the same major/minor/bugfix version numbers.
// For example, iOS beta releases have the same version number but different
// build number strings.
static std::string GetIOSBuildNumber();
// Overrides the hardware model name. The overridden value is used instead of
// `StringSysctl({CTL_HW, HW_MACHINE})`. `name` should not be empty.
static void OverrideHardwareModelName(std::string name);
// Returns true for low-end devices that may require extreme tradeoffs,
// including user-visible changes, for acceptable performance.
// For general memory optimizations, consider |AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB|.
// On Android this returns:
// true when memory <= 1GB on Android O and later.
// true when memory <= 512MB on Android N and earlier.
// This is not the same as "low-memory" and will be false on a large number of
// <=1GB pre-O Android devices. See: |detectLowEndDevice| in
// On Desktop this returns true when memory <= 2GB.
static bool IsLowEndDevice();
// The same as IsLowEndDevice() except on Android.
// On Android this returns:
// true when IsLowEndDevice() returns true.
// true when the physical memory of the device is 4gb or 6gb and
// the feature: kPartialLowEndModeOnMidEndDevices() is enabled.
static bool IsLowEndDeviceOrPartialLowEndModeEnabled();
static bool IsLowEndDeviceOrPartialLowEndModeEnabled(
const FeatureParam<bool>& param_for_exclusion);
// Returns true for Android devices whose memory is X GB, considering
// carveouts. The carveouts is memory reserved by the system, e.g.
// for drivers, MTE, etc. It's very common for querying app to see
// hundreds MBs less than actual physical memory installed on the system.
// Addendum: This logic should also work for ChromeOS.
static bool Is3GbDevice();
static bool Is4GbDevice();
static bool Is6GbDevice();
// Returns true for Android devices whose memory is 4GB or 6GB, considering
// carveouts.
static bool Is4GbOr6GbDevice();
// Indicates that CPU security mitigations are enabled for the current
// process. This is used to control the behavior of NumberOfProcessors(), see
// comment on that method.
static void SetCpuSecurityMitigationsEnabled();
// Resets all state associated with CPU security mitigations.
static void ResetCpuSecurityMitigationsEnabledForTesting();
friend class test::ScopedAmountOfPhysicalMemoryOverride;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SysInfoTest, AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(debug::SystemMetricsTest, ParseMeminfo);
static int NumberOfEfficientProcessorsImpl();
static uint64_t AmountOfPhysicalMemoryImpl();
static uint64_t AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemoryImpl();
static bool IsLowEndDeviceImpl();
static HardwareInfo GetHardwareInfoSync();
static uint64_t AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory(
const SystemMemoryInfoKB& meminfo);
// Sets the amount of physical memory in MB for testing, thus allowing tests
// to run irrespective of the host machine's configuration.
static std::optional<uint64_t> SetAmountOfPhysicalMemoryMbForTesting(
uint64_t amount_of_memory_mb);
static void ClearAmountOfPhysicalMemoryMbForTesting();
} // namespace base