blob: ae7a1093fc50f68cd0841a414283ecf98a38c6b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/permissions/permission_context_base.h"
#include "net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_metadata.h"
class GURL;
namespace permissions {
class PermissionRequestID;
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// Update StorageAccessAPIRequestOutcome in enums.xml when you add entries.
enum class RequestOutcome {
// The request was granted because the requesting site and the top level site
// were in the same First-Party Set.
kGrantedByFirstPartySet = 0,
// The request was granted because the requesting site had not yet used up its
// allowance of implicit grants (`kStorageAccessAPIImplicitGrantLimit`).
kGrantedByAllowance = 1,
// The request was granted by the user.
kGrantedByUser = 2,
// The request was denied because the requesting site and the top level site
// were not in the same First-Party Set.
// This variant is no longer used.
// kDeniedByFirstPartySet = 3,
// The request was denied by the user.
kDeniedByUser = 4,
// The request was denied because it lacked user gesture, or one of the
// domains was invalid, or the feature was disabled.
kDeniedByPrerequisites = 5,
// The request was dismissed by the user.
kDismissedByUser = 6,
// The user has already been asked and made a choice (and was not asked
// again).
kReusedPreviousDecision = 7,
// The request was denied because the most recent top-level interaction on
// the embedded site was too long ago, or there is no such interaction.
kDeniedByTopLevelInteractionHeuristic = 8,
// 3p cookies are already allowed by user agent, so there is no need to ask.
kAllowedByCookieSettings = 9,
// The permission was previously granted without user action. E.g. through
// FPS.
kReusedImplicitGrant = 10,
// 3p cookies are blocked by user explicitly, so there is no need to ask.
kDeniedByCookieSettings = 11,
// The requesting origin is same-site with the embedding origin.
kAllowedBySameSite = 12,
// The request was aborted by the browser (e.g. because the RenderFrameHost
// was deleted).
kDeniedAborted = 13,
// The request was allowed by SAA/FedCM integration.
kAllowedByFedCM = 14,
kMaxValue = kAllowedByFedCM,
class StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext
: public permissions::PermissionContextBase {
explicit StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
const StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext&) = delete;
StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext& operator=(
const StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext&) = delete;
~StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext() override;
// Exposes `DecidePermission` for tests.
void DecidePermissionForTesting(
permissions::PermissionRequestData request_data,
permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback);
static int GetImplicitGrantLimitForTesting();
static void SetImplicitGrantLimitForTesting(int limit);
// PermissionContextBase:
void DecidePermission(
permissions::PermissionRequestData request_data,
permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback) override;
ContentSetting GetPermissionStatusInternal(
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GURL& requesting_origin,
const GURL& embedding_origin) const override;
void NotifyPermissionSet(const permissions::PermissionRequestID& id,
const GURL& requesting_origin,
const GURL& embedding_origin,
permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback,
bool persist,
ContentSetting content_setting,
bool is_one_time,
bool is_final_decision) override;
void UpdateContentSetting(const GURL& requesting_origin,
const GURL& embedding_origin,
ContentSetting content_setting,
bool is_one_time) override;
// Internal implementation for NotifyPermissionSet.
void NotifyPermissionSetInternal(
const permissions::PermissionRequestID& id,
const GURL& requesting_origin,
const GURL& embedding_origin,
permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback,
bool persist,
ContentSetting content_setting,
RequestOutcome outcome);
// Checks First-Party Sets metadata to determine if auto-grants or
// auto-denials are applicable. If no autogrant or autodenial is applicable,
// this tries to to use an implicit grant, and finally may prompt the user if
// necessary.
void CheckForAutoGrantOrAutoDenial(
permissions::PermissionRequestData request_data,
permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback,
net::FirstPartySetMetadata metadata);
// Determines whether the top-level user-interaction heuristic was satisfied,
// and if so, prompts the user.
void OnCheckedUserInteractionHeuristic(
permissions::PermissionRequestData request_data,
permissions::BrowserPermissionCallback callback,
bool had_top_level_user_interaction);
base::WeakPtrFactory<StorageAccessGrantPermissionContext> weak_factory_{this};