blob: a1b5e6aea6bdb5a72e506318ac3542a18b1f048c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/services/storage/shared_storage/shared_storage_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/shared_storage/shared_storage_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/origin_trial_feature/origin_trial_feature.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/shared_storage/shared_storage.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/shared_storage/shared_storage_worklet_service.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/use_counter/metrics/web_feature.mojom-forward.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class RenderProcessHost;
class SharedStorageDocumentServiceImpl;
class SharedStorageURLLoaderFactoryProxy;
class SharedStorageWorkletDriver;
class SharedStorageWorkletHostManager;
class StoragePartitionImpl;
class PageImpl;
// The SharedStorageWorkletHost is responsible for getting worklet operation
// requests (i.e. `addModule()`, `selectURL()`, `run()`) from the renderer (i.e.
// document that is hosting the worklet) and running it on the
// `SharedStorageWorkletService`. It will also handle the commands from the
// `SharedStorageWorkletService` (i.e. storage access, console log) which
// could happen while running those worklet operations.
// The SharedStorageWorkletHost lives in the `SharedStorageWorkletHostManager`,
// and the SharedStorageWorkletHost's lifetime is bounded by the earliest of the
// two timepoints:
// 1. When the outstanding worklet operations have finished on or after the
// document's destruction, but before the keepalive timeout.
// 2. The keepalive timeout is reached after the worklet's owner document is
// destroyed.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SharedStorageWorkletHost
: public blink::mojom::SharedStorageWorkletHost,
public blink::mojom::SharedStorageWorkletServiceClient {
using BudgetResult = storage::SharedStorageManager::BudgetResult;
using KeepAliveFinishedCallback =
enum class AddModuleState {
SharedStorageDocumentServiceImpl& document_service,
const url::Origin& frame_origin,
const GURL& script_source_url,
network::mojom::CredentialsMode credentials_mode,
const std::vector<blink::mojom::OriginTrialFeature>&
~SharedStorageWorkletHost() override;
// blink::mojom::SharedStorageWorkletHost.
void SelectURL(
const std::string& name,
blink::CloneableMessage serialized_data,
bool keep_alive_after_operation,
blink::mojom::PrivateAggregationConfigPtr private_aggregation_config,
SelectURLCallback callback) override;
void Run(const std::string& name,
blink::CloneableMessage serialized_data,
bool keep_alive_after_operation,
blink::mojom::PrivateAggregationConfigPtr private_aggregation_config,
RunCallback callback) override;
// Whether there are unfinished worklet operations (i.e. `addModule()`,
// `selectURL()`, or `run()`.
bool HasPendingOperations();
// Called by the `SharedStorageWorkletHostManager` for this host to enter
// keep-alive phase.
void EnterKeepAliveOnDocumentDestroyed(KeepAliveFinishedCallback callback);
// blink::mojom::SharedStorageWorkletServiceClient:
void SharedStorageSet(const std::u16string& key,
const std::u16string& value,
bool ignore_if_present,
SharedStorageSetCallback callback) override;
void SharedStorageAppend(const std::u16string& key,
const std::u16string& value,
SharedStorageAppendCallback callback) override;
void SharedStorageDelete(const std::u16string& key,
SharedStorageDeleteCallback callback) override;
void SharedStorageClear(SharedStorageClearCallback callback) override;
void SharedStorageGet(const std::u16string& key,
SharedStorageGetCallback callback) override;
void SharedStorageKeys(
pending_listener) override;
void SharedStorageEntries(
pending_listener) override;
void SharedStorageLength(SharedStorageLengthCallback callback) override;
void SharedStorageRemainingBudget(
SharedStorageRemainingBudgetCallback callback) override;
void DidAddMessageToConsole(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message) override;
void RecordUseCounters(
const std::vector<blink::mojom::WebFeature>& features) override;
// Returns the process host associated with the worklet. Returns nullptr if
// the process has gone (e.g. during shutdown).
RenderProcessHost* GetProcessHost() const;
// Returns the creator frame of the worklet. Returns nullptr if the frame has
// gone (e.g. during keep-alive phase).
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetFrame();
const GURL& script_source_url() const {
return script_source_url_;
// virtual for testing
virtual void OnAddModuleOnWorkletFinished(
bool success,
const std::string& error_message);
virtual void OnRunOperationOnWorkletFinished(
base::TimeTicks start_time,
bool success,
const std::string& error_message);
virtual void OnRunURLSelectionOperationOnWorkletFinished(
const GURL& urn_uuid,
base::TimeTicks start_time,
bool script_execution_succeeded,
const std::string& script_execution_error_message,
uint32_t index,
BudgetResult budget_result);
// Called if `keep_alive_after_operation_` is false, `IsInKeepAlivePhase()` is
// false, and `pending_operations_count_` decrements back to 0u. Runs
// `on_no_retention_operations_finished_callback_` to close the worklet.
virtual void ExpireWorklet();
// Returns whether the the worklet has entered keep-alive phase. During
// keep-alive: the attempt to log console messages will be ignored; and the
// completion of the last pending operation will terminate the worklet.
bool IsInKeepAlivePhase() const;
base::OneShotTimer& GetKeepAliveTimerForTesting() {
return keep_alive_timer_;
class ScopedDevToolsHandle;
void OnRunURLSelectionOperationOnWorkletScriptExecutionFinished(
const GURL& urn_uuid,
base::TimeTicks start_time,
bool success,
const std::string& error_message,
uint32_t index);
// Run `keep_alive_finished_callback_` to destroy `this`. Called when the last
// pending operation has finished, or when a timeout is reached after entering
// the keep-alive phase. `timeout_reached` indicates whether or not the
// keep-alive is being terminated due to the timeout being reached.
void FinishKeepAlive(bool timeout_reached);
// Increment `pending_operations_count_`. Called when receiving an
// `addModule()`, `selectURL()`, or `run()`.
void IncrementPendingOperationsCount();
// Decrement `pending_operations_count_`. Called when finishing handling an
// `addModule()`, `selectURL()`, or `run()`.
void DecrementPendingOperationsCount();
// virtual for testing
virtual base::TimeDelta GetKeepAliveTimeout() const;
// Binds a receiver to the `PrivateAggregationManager` and returns the
// `PendingRemote`. If there is no `PrivateAggregationManger`, returns an
// invalid `PendingRemote`.
const blink::mojom::PrivateAggregationConfigPtr&
bool IsSharedStorageAllowed(std::string* out_debug_message = nullptr);
bool IsSharedStorageSelectURLAllowed(
std::string* out_debug_message = nullptr);
// RAII helper object for talking to `SharedStorageWorkletDevToolsManager`.
std::unique_ptr<ScopedDevToolsHandle> devtools_handle_;
// The URL of the module script. Set when `AddModuleOnWorklet` is invoked.
GURL script_source_url_;
// The origin trial features inherited from the creator document. Set when
// `AddModuleOnWorklet` is invoked.
std::vector<blink::mojom::OriginTrialFeature> origin_trial_features_;
// Responsible for initializing the `SharedStorageWorkletService`.
std::unique_ptr<SharedStorageWorkletDriver> driver_;
// When this worklet is created, `document_service_` is set to the associated
// `SharedStorageDocumentServiceImpl` and is always valid. Reset automatically
// when `SharedStorageDocumentServiceImpl` is destroyed. Note that this
// `SharedStorageWorkletHost` may outlive the `page_` due to its keep-alive.
base::WeakPtr<SharedStorageDocumentServiceImpl> document_service_;
// When this worklet is created, `page_` is set to the associated `PageImpl`
// and is always valid. Reset automatically when `PageImpl` is destroyed.
// Note that this `SharedStorageWorkletHost` may outlive the `page_` due to
// its keep-alive.
base::WeakPtr<PageImpl> page_;
// Storage partition. Used to get other raw pointers below, as well as a
// URLLoaderFactory for the browser process, which is used for reporting.
// Don't store a reference to that URLLoaderFactory directly to avoid
// confusion with `url_loader_factory_proxy_`.
raw_ptr<StoragePartitionImpl> storage_partition_;
// Both `this` and `shared_storage_manager_` live in the `StoragePartition`.
// `shared_storage_manager_` always outlives `this` because `this` will be
// destroyed before `shared_storage_manager_` in ~StoragePartition.
raw_ptr<storage::SharedStorageManager> shared_storage_manager_;
// The owning `SharedStorageWorkletHostManager`, which will outlive `this`.
raw_ptr<SharedStorageWorkletHostManager> shared_storage_worklet_host_manager_;
// Pointer to the `BrowserContext`, saved to be able to call
// `IsSharedStorageAllowed()`, and to get the global URLLoaderFactory.
raw_ptr<BrowserContext> browser_context_;
// The shared storage owner document's origin and site.
url::Origin shared_storage_origin_;
net::SchemefulSite shared_storage_site_;
// To avoid race conditions associated with top frame navigations and to be
// able to call `IsSharedStorageAllowed()` during keep-alive, we need to save
// the value of the main frame origin in the constructor.
const url::Origin main_frame_origin_;
// Whether `shared_storage_origin_` is same origin with the creator context's
// origin.
bool is_same_origin_worklet_;
// A map of unresolved URNs to the candidate URL with metadata vector. Inside
// `RunURLSelectionOperationOnWorklet()` a new URN is generated and is
// inserted into `unresolved_urns_`. When the corresponding
// `OnRunURLSelectionOperationOnWorkletFinished()` is called, the URN is
// removed from `unresolved_urns_`.
std::map<GURL, std::vector<blink::mojom::SharedStorageUrlWithMetadataPtr>>
// The number of unfinished worklet requests, including `addModule()`,
// `selectURL()`, or `run()`.
uint32_t pending_operations_count_ = 0u;
// Whether or not the lifetime of the worklet should be extended beyond when
// the `pending_operations_count_` returns to 0. If false, the worklet will
// be closed as soon as the count next reaches 0 after being positive. This
// bool is updated with each call to `run()` or `selectURL()`.
bool keep_alive_after_operation_ = true;
// Timer for starting and ending the keep-alive phase.
base::OneShotTimer keep_alive_timer_;
// Time when worklet host is constructed.
base::TimeTicks creation_time_;
// Last time when `pending_operations_count_` reaches 0u after being positive.
base::TimeTicks last_operation_finished_time_;
// Time when worklet host entered keep-alive, if applicable.
base::TimeTicks enter_keep_alive_time_;
// Tracks whether the worklet has ever been kept-alive (in order to be
// recorded in a histogram via the destructor), and if so, what caused the
// keep-alive to be terminated.
blink::SharedStorageWorkletDestroyedStatus destroyed_status_ =
// Set when the worklet host enters keep-alive phase.
KeepAliveFinishedCallback keep_alive_finished_callback_;
// Receives selectURL() and run() operations.
mojo::AssociatedReceiver<blink::mojom::SharedStorageWorkletHost> receiver_{
// Both `shared_storage_worklet_service_`
// and `shared_storage_worklet_service_client_` are bound in
// GetAndConnectToSharedStorageWorkletService().
// `shared_storage_worklet_service_client_` is associated specifically with
// the pipe that `shared_storage_worklet_service_` runs on, as we want the
// messages initiated from the worklet (e.g. storage access, console log) to
// be well ordered with respect to the corresponding request's callback
// message which will be interpreted as the completion of an operation.
// The proxy is used to limit the request that the worklet can make, e.g. to
// ensure the URL is not modified by a compromised worklet; to enforce the
// application/javascript request header; to enforce same-origin mode; etc.
std::unique_ptr<SharedStorageURLLoaderFactoryProxy> url_loader_factory_proxy_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SharedStorageWorkletHost> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace content