blob: 00e5ee8c56315a85588d288d3596ecf3b5bed42d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/switches.h"
namespace blink {
namespace switches {
// Allows processing of input before a frame has been committed.
// TODO( Used by headless. Look for a way not
// involving a command line switch.
const char kAllowPreCommitInput[] = "allow-pre-commit-input";
// Used to communicate managed policy for the
// BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefault feature. This feature is typically
// controlled by base::Feature (see blink/common/features.*) but requires an
// enterprise policy override. This is implicitly a tri-state, and can be either
// unset, or set to "1" for force enable, or "0" for force disable.
extern const char kBeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultPolicy[] =
extern const char
kBeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultPolicy_ForceDisable[] = "0";
extern const char kBeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultPolicy_ForceEnable[] =
// Set blink settings. Format is <name>[=<value],<name>[=<value>],...
// The names are declared in Settings.json5. For boolean type, use "true",
// "false", or omit '=<value>' part to set to true. For enum type, use the int
// value of the enum value. Applied after other command line flags and prefs.
const char kBlinkSettings[] = "blink-settings";
// Sets dark mode settings. Format is [<param>=<value>],[<param>=<value>],...
// The params take either int or float values. If params are not specified,
// the default dark mode settings is used. Valid params are given below.
// "InversionAlgorithm" takes int value of DarkModeInversionAlgorithm enum.
// "ImagePolicy" takes int value of DarkModeImagePolicy enum.
// "ForegroundBrightnessThreshold" takes 0 to 255 int value.
// "BackgroundBrightnessThreshold" takes 0 to 255 int value.
// "ContrastPercent" takes -1.0 to 1.0 float value. Higher the value, more
// the contrast.
const char kDarkModeSettings[] = "dark-mode-settings";
// Overrides data: URLs in SVGUseElement deprecation through enterprise policy.
const char kDataUrlInSvgUseEnabled[] = "data-url-in-svg-use-enabled";
// Sets the tile size used by composited layers.
const char kDefaultTileWidth[] = "default-tile-width";
const char kDefaultTileHeight[] = "default-tile-height";
// If set, the unload event cannot be disabled by default by Permissions-Policy.
const char kForcePermissionPolicyUnloadDefaultEnabled[] =
// Disallow image animations to be reset to the beginning to avoid skipping
// many frames. Only effective if compositor image animations are enabled.
const char kDisableImageAnimationResync[] = "disable-image-animation-resync";
// When using CPU rasterizing disable low resolution tiling. This uses
// less power, particularly during animations, but more white may be seen
// during fast scrolling especially on slower devices.
const char kDisableLowResTiling[] = "disable-low-res-tiling";
// Disable partial raster in the renderer. Disabling this switch also disables
// the use of persistent gpu memory buffers.
const char kDisablePartialRaster[] = "disable-partial-raster";
// Disable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text.
const char kDisablePreferCompositingToLCDText[] =
// Disables RGBA_4444 textures.
const char kDisableRGBA4444Textures[] = "disable-rgba-4444-textures";
// Disable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.
const char kDisableZeroCopy[] = "disable-zero-copy";
// Logs Runtime Call Stats. --single-process also needs to be used along with
// this for the stats to be logged.
const char kDumpRuntimeCallStats[] = "dump-blink-runtime-call-stats";
// Specify that all compositor resources should be backed by GPU memory buffers.
const char kEnableGpuMemoryBufferCompositorResources[] =
// Enables taking a heap snapshot and dumping it to file when using leak
// detection.
const char kEnableLeakDetectionHeapSnapshot[] =
// When using CPU rasterizing generate low resolution tiling. Low res
// tiles may be displayed during fast scrolls especially on slower devices.
const char kEnableLowResTiling[] = "enable-low-res-tiling";
// Enable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text.
const char kEnablePreferCompositingToLCDText[] =
// Enables RGBA_4444 textures.
const char kEnableRGBA4444Textures[] = "enable-rgba-4444-textures";
// Enables raster side dark mode for images.
const char kEnableRasterSideDarkModeForImages[] =
// Enable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.
const char kEnableZeroCopy[] = "enable-zero-copy";
// The number of multisample antialiasing samples for GPU rasterization.
// Requires MSAA support on GPU to have an effect. 0 disables MSAA.
const char kGpuRasterizationMSAASampleCount[] =
// Used to communicate managed policy for the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature.
// This feature is typically controlled by base::Feature (see
// renderer/platform/scheduler/common/features.*) but requires an enterprise
// policy override. This is implicitly a tri-state, and can be either unset, or
// set to "1" for force enable, or "0" for force disable.
extern const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingPolicy[] =
extern const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingPolicy_ForceDisable[] = "0";
extern const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingPolicy_ForceEnable[] = "1";
// Used to communicate managed policy for KeyboardFocusableScrollers feature.
// This feature is typically controlled by a RuntimeEnabledFeature, but requires
// an enterprise policy override.
extern const char kKeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled[] =
extern const char kKeyboardFocusableScrollersOptOut[] =
// A command line to indicate if there ia any legacy tech report urls being set.
// If so, we will send report from blink to browser process.
extern const char kLegacyTechReportPolicyEnabled[] =
// Sets the width and height above which a composited layer will get tiled.
const char kMaxUntiledLayerHeight[] = "max-untiled-layer-height";
const char kMaxUntiledLayerWidth[] = "max-untiled-layer-width";
// Sets the min tile height for GPU raster.
const char kMinHeightForGpuRasterTile[] = "min-height-for-gpu-raster-tile";
// Used to communicate managed policy for MutationEvents feature. This feature
// is typically controlled by a RuntimeEnabledFeature, but requires an
// enterprise policy override.
extern const char kMutationEventsEnabled[] =
// Used to communicate managed policy for CSSCustomStateDeprecatedSynatx. This
// feature is typically controlled by a RuntimeEnabledFeature, but requires an
// enterprise policy override.
extern const char kCSSCustomStateDeprecatedSyntaxEnabled[] =
// Sets the timeout seconds of the network-quiet timers in IdlenessDetector.
// Used by embedders who want to change the timeout time in order to run web
// contents on various embedded devices and changeable network bandwidths in
// different regions. For example, it's useful when using FirstMeaningfulPaint
// signal to dismiss a splash screen.
const char kNetworkQuietTimeout[] = "network-quiet-timeout";
// Visibly render a border around layout shift rects in the web page to help
// debug and study layout shifts.
const char kShowLayoutShiftRegions[] = "show-layout-shift-regions";
// Visibly render a border around paint rects in the web page to help debug
// and study painting behavior.
const char kShowPaintRects[] = "show-paint-rects";
// Controls how text selection granularity changes when touch text selection
// handles are dragged. Should be "character" or "direction". If not specified,
// the platform default is used.
const char kTouchTextSelectionStrategy[] = "touch-selection-strategy";
const char kTouchTextSelectionStrategy_Character[] = "character";
const char kTouchTextSelectionStrategy_Direction[] = "direction";
// Comma-separated list of origins that can use SharedArrayBuffer without
// enabling cross-origin isolation.
const char kSharedArrayBufferAllowedOrigins[] =
// Allows overriding the conditional focus window's length.
const char kConditionalFocusWindowMs[] = "conditional-focus-window-ms";
// Specifies the flags passed to JS engine.
const char kJavaScriptFlags[] = "js-flags";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace blink