blob: da25461697ea0949598bce3a39b12f1fa675afdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Safe Browsing preferences and some basic utility functions for using them.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
class PrefService;
namespace prefs {
// Boolean that tell us whether Safe Browsing extended reporting is enabled.
extern const char kSafeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled[];
// Boolean indicating whether Safe Browsing Scout reporting is enabled, which
// collects data for malware detection.
extern const char kSafeBrowsingScoutReportingEnabled[];
// Boolean indicating whether the Scout reporting workflow is enabled. This
// affects which of SafeBrowsingExtendedReporting or SafeBrowsingScoutReporting
// is used.
extern const char kSafeBrowsingScoutGroupSelected[];
namespace safe_browsing {
// Command-line switch for changing the scout_group_selected preference. Should
// be set to either 'true' or 'false'. Primarily for testing purposes.
// TODO: this is temporary (
extern const char kSwitchForceScoutGroup[];
// When this feature is enabled, the Scout opt-in text will be displayed as of
// the next security incident. Until then, the legacy SBER text will appear.
// TODO: this is temporary (
extern const base::Feature kCanShowScoutOptIn;
// When this feature is enabled, the Scout opt-in text will immediately be
// displayed everywhere.
// TODO: this is temporary (
extern const base::Feature kOnlyShowScoutOptIn;
// Enumerates the level of Safe Browsing Extended Reporting that is currently
// available.
enum ExtendedReportingLevel {
// Extended reporting is off.
// The Legacy level of extended reporting is available, reporting happens in
// response to security incidents.
// The Scout level of extended reporting is available, some data can be
// collected to actively detect dangerous apps and sites.
// Enumerates all the places where the Safe Browsing Extended Reporting
// preference can be changed.
// These values are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but
// existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum ExtendedReportingOptInLocation {
// The chrome://settings UI (also shared with chrome://md-settings).
// The Android settings UI.
// The Download Feedback popup.
// Any security interstitial (malware, SSL, etc).
// New sites must be added before SBER_OPTIN_SITE_MAX.
// Determines which opt-in text should be used based on the currently active
// preference. Will return either |extended_reporting_pref| if the legacy
// Extended Reporting pref is active, or |scout_pref| if the Scout pref is
// active. Used for Android.
std::string ChooseOptInTextPreference(
const PrefService& prefs,
const std::string& extended_reporting_pref,
const std::string& scout_pref);
// Determines which opt-in text should be used based on the currently active
// preference. Will return either |extended_reporting_resource| if the legacy
// Extended Reporting pref is active, or |scout_resource| if the Scout pref is
// active.
int ChooseOptInTextResource(const PrefService& prefs,
int extended_reporting_resource,
int scout_resource);
// Returns whether the currently active Safe Browsing Extended Reporting
// preference exists (eg: has been set before).
bool ExtendedReportingPrefExists(const PrefService& prefs);
// Returns the level of reporting available for the current user.
ExtendedReportingLevel GetExtendedReportingLevel(const PrefService& prefs);
// Returns the name of the Safe Browsing Extended Reporting pref that is
// currently in effect. The specific pref in-use may change through experiments.
const char* GetExtendedReportingPrefName(const PrefService& prefs);
// Initializes Safe Browsing preferences based on data such as experiment state,
// command line flags, etc.
// TODO: this is temporary (
void InitializeSafeBrowsingPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
// Returns whether Safe Browsing Extended Reporting is currently enabled.
// This should be used to decide if any of the reporting preferences are set,
// regardless of which specific one is set.
bool IsExtendedReportingEnabled(const PrefService& prefs);
// Returns whether the currently-active Extended Reporting pref is Scout.
bool IsScout(const PrefService& prefs);
// Updates UMA metrics about Safe Browsing Extended Reporting states.
void RecordExtendedReportingMetrics(const PrefService& prefs);
// Sets the currently active Safe Browsing Extended Reporting preference to the
// specified value. The |location| indicates the UI where the change was
// made.
void SetExtendedReportingPrefAndMetric(PrefService* prefs,
bool value,
ExtendedReportingOptInLocation location);
// This variant is used to simplify test code by omitting the location.
void SetExtendedReportingPref(PrefService* prefs, bool value);
// Called when a security interstitial is closed by the user.
// |on_show_pref_existed| indicates whether the pref existed when the
// interstitial was shown. |on_show_pref_value| contains the pref value when the
// interstitial was shown.
void UpdateMetricsAfterSecurityInterstitial(const PrefService& prefs,
bool on_show_pref_existed,
bool on_show_pref_value);
// Called to indicate that a security interstitial is about to be shown to the
// user. This may trigger the user to begin seeing the Scout opt-in text
// depending on their experiment state.
void UpdatePrefsBeforeSecurityInterstitial(PrefService* prefs);
} // namespace safe_browsing