blob: ed346b5b573ee5fef34e2edde2dee678b4a0cfb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
] interface OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D {
// back-reference to the canvas
[ImplementedAs=offscreenCanvasForBinding] readonly attribute OffscreenCanvas canvas;
[RuntimeEnabled=OffscreenCanvasCommit] void commit();
// state
void save(); // push state on state stack
void restore(); // pop state stack and restore state
// transformations (default transform is the identity matrix)
void scale(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
void rotate(unrestricted double angle);
void translate(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
void transform(unrestricted double a, unrestricted double b, unrestricted double c, unrestricted double d, unrestricted double e, unrestricted double f);
void setTransform(unrestricted double a, unrestricted double b, unrestricted double c, unrestricted double d, unrestricted double e, unrestricted double f);
void resetTransform();
// compositing
attribute unrestricted double globalAlpha; // (default 1.0)
attribute DOMString globalCompositeOperation; // (default source-over)
[MeasureAs=Canvas2DFilter, SetterCallWith=ExecutionContext] attribute DOMString filter;
// image smoothing
attribute boolean imageSmoothingEnabled; // (default True)
[MeasureAs=Canvas2DImageSmoothingQuality] attribute ImageSmoothingQuality imageSmoothingQuality; // (default "low")
// colors and styles
attribute (DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern) strokeStyle; // (default black)
attribute (DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern) fillStyle; // (default black)
CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
[RaisesException] CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(double x0, double y0, double r0, double x1, double y1, double r1);
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] CanvasPattern? createPattern(CanvasImageSource image, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString repetitionType);
// shadows
attribute unrestricted double shadowOffsetX;
attribute unrestricted double shadowOffsetY;
attribute unrestricted double shadowBlur;
attribute DOMString shadowColor;
// CanvasRect interface
void clearRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double width, unrestricted double height);
void fillRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double width, unrestricted double height);
void strokeRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double width, unrestricted double height);
// Path API (See BaseRenderingContext2D)
void beginPath();
void fill(optional CanvasFillRule winding);
void fill(Path2D path, optional CanvasFillRule winding);
void stroke();
void stroke(Path2D path);
void clip();
void clip(Path2D path);
[HighEntropy, MeasureAs=OffscreenCanvasIsPointInPath] boolean isPointInPath(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional CanvasFillRule winding);
[HighEntropy, MeasureAs=OffscreenCanvasIsPointInPath] boolean isPointInPath(Path2D path, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional CanvasFillRule winding);
[HighEntropy, MeasureAs=OffscreenCanvasIsPointInStroke] boolean isPointInStroke(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
[HighEntropy, MeasureAs=OffscreenCanvasIsPointInStroke] boolean isPointInStroke(Path2D path, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
// text (see also the CanvasDrawingStyles interface)
void fillText(DOMString text, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
void strokeText(DOMString text, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
[HighEntropy, MeasureAs=OffscreenCanvasMeasureText] TextMetrics measureText(DOMString text);
// drawing images
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] void drawImage(CanvasImageSource image, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] void drawImage(CanvasImageSource image, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double width, unrestricted double height);
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] void drawImage(CanvasImageSource image, unrestricted double sx, unrestricted double sy, unrestricted double sw, unrestricted double sh, unrestricted double dx, unrestricted double dy, unrestricted double dw, unrestricted double dh);
// pixel manipulation
[RaisesException] ImageData createImageData(ImageData imagedata);
[RaisesException] ImageData createImageData(long sw, long sh);
[HighEntropy, MeasureAs=OffscreenCanvasGetImageData, RaisesException] ImageData getImageData(long sx, long sy, long sw, long sh);
[RaisesException] void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, long dx, long dy);
[RaisesException] void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, long dx, long dy, long dirtyX, long dirtyY, long dirtyWidth, long dirtyHeight);
// If OffscreenCanva ships before color managed canvas, this method must remain behind flag.
[RuntimeEnabled=CanvasColorManagement, RaisesException] ImageData createImageData(unsigned long sw, unsigned long sh, ImageDataColorSettings imageDataColorSettings);
[RuntimeEnabled=CanvasColorManagement, RaisesException] ImageData createImageData(ImageDataArray data, unsigned long sw, unsigned long sh, ImageDataColorSettings imageDataColorSettings);
// Line caps/joins
attribute unrestricted double lineWidth; // (default 1)
attribute DOMString lineCap; // "butt", "round", "square" (default "butt")
attribute DOMString lineJoin; // "round", "bevel", "miter" (default "miter")
attribute unrestricted double miterLimit; // (default 10)
// dashed lines
void setLineDash(sequence<unrestricted double> dash);
sequence<unrestricted double> getLineDash();
attribute unrestricted double lineDashOffset;
// text
attribute DOMString font; // (default 10px sans-serif)
attribute DOMString textAlign; // "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start")
attribute DOMString textBaseline; // "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic")
attribute DOMString direction; // "inherit", "rtl", "ltr" (default: "inherit")
OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D includes CanvasPath;