blob: 574a7d992e35905202bd2025fa0f441a8eef48ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/search/search_urls.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace search {
namespace {
const char kServiceWorkerFileName[] = "newtab-serviceworker.js";
bool MatchesOrigin(const GURL& my_url, const GURL& other_url) {
return my_url.host_piece() == other_url.host_piece() &&
my_url.port() == other_url.port() &&
(my_url.scheme_piece() == other_url.scheme_piece() ||
(my_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme) &&
} // namespace
bool MatchesOriginAndPath(const GURL& my_url, const GURL& other_url) {
return MatchesOrigin(my_url, other_url) &&
my_url.path_piece() == other_url.path_piece();
bool IsMatchingServiceWorker(const GURL& my_url, const GURL& document_url) {
// The origin should match.
if (!MatchesOrigin(my_url, document_url))
return false;
// The url filename should be the new tab page ServiceWorker.
std::string my_filename = my_url.ExtractFileName();
if (my_filename != kServiceWorkerFileName)
return false;
// The paths up to the filenames should be the same.
std::string my_path_without_filename = my_url.path();
my_path_without_filename = my_path_without_filename.substr(
0, my_path_without_filename.length() - my_filename.length());
std::string document_filename = document_url.ExtractFileName();
std::string document_path_without_filename = document_url.path();
document_path_without_filename = document_path_without_filename.substr(
0, document_path_without_filename.length() - document_filename.length());
return my_path_without_filename == document_path_without_filename;
} // namespace search