blob: 57b05f73caa7afd8ebe018370a6108fe87d1bd7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_common.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_remote_gatt_service.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/public/cpp/bluetooth_uuid.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace device {
class BluetoothAdapter;
class BluetoothGattConnection;
class BluetoothSocket;
// BluetoothDevice represents a remote Bluetooth device, both its properties and
// capabilities as discovered by a local adapter and actions that may be
// performed on the remove device such as pairing, connection and disconnection.
// The class is instantiated and managed by the BluetoothAdapter class
// and pointers should only be obtained from that class and not cached,
// instead use the GetAddress() method as a unique key for a device.
// Since the lifecycle of BluetoothDevice instances is managed by
// BluetoothAdapter, that class rather than this provides observer methods
// for devices coming and going, as well as properties being updated.
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluetoothDevice {
// Possible values that may be returned by GetVendorIDSource(),
// indicating different organisations that allocate the identifiers returned
// by GetVendorID().
enum VendorIDSource {
// Possible values that may be returned by GetAddressType().
enum AddressType {
// The value returned if the RSSI or transmit power cannot be read.
static const int kUnknownPower = 127;
// The value returned if the appearance is not present.
static const uint16_t kAppearanceNotPresent = 0xffc0;
struct DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT ConnectionInfo {
int rssi;
int transmit_power;
int max_transmit_power;
ConnectionInfo(int rssi, int transmit_power, int max_transmit_power);
// Possible connection latency values to pass to SetConnectionLatency().
enum ConnectionLatency {
// Possible errors passed back to an error callback function in case of a
// failed call to Connect().
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. This enum should be kept in sync
// with the BluetoothDeviceConnectErrorCode enum in
// src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum ConnectErrorCode {
NUM_CONNECT_ERROR_CODES, // Keep as last enum.
// Possible battery types that this device could have information for.
enum class BatteryType {
// Used for devices who have a single battery.
// The left bud on a True Wireless device.
// The right bud on a True Wireless device.
// The True Wireless device case.
enum class ChargeState {
BatteryType type;
absl::optional<uint8_t> percentage;
ChargeState charge_state;
BatteryInfo(BatteryType type, absl::optional<uint8_t> percentage);
BatteryInfo(BatteryType type,
absl::optional<uint8_t> percentage,
ChargeState charge_state);
BatteryInfo(const BatteryInfo&);
BatteryInfo& operator=(const BatteryInfo&);
BatteryInfo& operator=(BatteryInfo&&);
bool operator==(const BatteryInfo& other);
typedef std::vector<BluetoothUUID> UUIDList;
typedef base::flat_set<BluetoothUUID> UUIDSet;
typedef std::unordered_map<BluetoothUUID,
typedef uint16_t ManufacturerId;
typedef std::unordered_map<ManufacturerId, std::vector<uint8_t>>
typedef std::unordered_set<ManufacturerId> ManufacturerIDSet;
// Mapping from the platform-specific GATT service identifiers to
// BluetoothRemoteGattService objects.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string,
// Interface for negotiating pairing of bluetooth devices.
class PairingDelegate {
virtual ~PairingDelegate() {}
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires a
// PIN Code for authentication of the device |device|, the delegate should
// obtain the code from the user and call SetPinCode() on the device to
// provide it, or RejectPairing() or CancelPairing() to reject or cancel
// the request.
// PIN Codes are generally required for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier devices
// for which there is no automatic pairing or special handling.
virtual void RequestPinCode(BluetoothDevice* device) = 0;
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires a
// Passkey for authentication of the device |device|, the delegate should
// obtain the passkey from the user (a numeric in the range 0-999999) and
// call SetPasskey() on the device to provide it, or RejectPairing() or
// CancelPairing() to reject or cancel the request.
// Passkeys are generally required for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices
// which cannot provide input or display on their own, and don't accept
// passkey-less pairing.
virtual void RequestPasskey(BluetoothDevice* device) = 0;
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
// user enter the PIN code |pincode| into the device |device| so that it
// may be authenticated.
// This is used for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier keyboard devices, the
// |pincode| will always be a six-digit numeric in the range 000000-999999
// for compatibility with later specifications.
virtual void DisplayPinCode(BluetoothDevice* device,
const std::string& pincode) = 0;
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
// user enter the Passkey |passkey| into the device |device| so that it
// may be authenticated.
// This is used for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices that support input
// but not display, such as keyboards. The Passkey is a numeric in the
// range 0-999999 and should be always presented zero-padded to six
// digits.
virtual void DisplayPasskey(BluetoothDevice* device, uint32_t passkey) = 0;
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon gets a notification
// of a key entered on the device |device| while pairing with the device
// using a PIN code or a Passkey.
// This method will be called only after DisplayPinCode() or
// DisplayPasskey() method is called, but is not warranted to be called
// on every pairing process that requires a PIN code or a Passkey because
// some device may not support this feature.
// The |entered| value describes the number of keys entered so far,
// including the last [enter] key. A first call to KeysEntered() with
// |entered| as 0 will be sent when the device supports this feature.
virtual void KeysEntered(BluetoothDevice* device, uint32_t entered) = 0;
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that the
// user confirm that the Passkey |passkey| is displayed on the screen
// of the device |device| so that it may be authenticated. The delegate
// should display to the user and ask for confirmation, then call
// ConfirmPairing() on the device to confirm, RejectPairing() on the device
// to reject or CancelPairing() on the device to cancel authentication
// for any other reason.
// This is used for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices that support display,
// such as other computers or phones. The Passkey is a numeric in the
// range 0-999999 and should be always present zero-padded to six
// digits.
virtual void ConfirmPasskey(BluetoothDevice* device, uint32_t passkey) = 0;
// This method will be called when the Bluetooth daemon requires that a
// pairing request, usually only incoming, using the just-works model is
// authorized. The delegate should decide whether the user should confirm
// or not, then call ConfirmPairing() on the device to confirm the pairing
// (whether by user action or by default), RejectPairing() on the device to
// reject or CancelPairing() on the device to cancel authorization for
// any other reason.
virtual void AuthorizePairing(BluetoothDevice* device) = 0;
BluetoothDevice(const BluetoothDevice&) = delete;
BluetoothDevice& operator=(const BluetoothDevice&) = delete;
virtual ~BluetoothDevice();
// Clamps numbers less than -128 to -128 and numbers greater than 127 to 127.
static int8_t ClampPower(int power);
// Returns the Bluetooth class of the device, used by GetDeviceType()
// and metrics logging,
virtual uint32_t GetBluetoothClass() const = 0;
// Returns the transport type of the device. Some devices only support one
// of BR/EDR or LE, and some support both.
virtual BluetoothTransport GetType() const = 0;
// Returns the identifier of the bluetooth device.
virtual std::string GetIdentifier() const;
// Returns the Bluetooth address of the device. This should be used as
// a unique key to identify the device and copied where needed.
virtual std::string GetAddress() const = 0;
// Returns the OUI portion of the Bluetooth address, which refers to the
// device's vendor.
std::string GetOuiPortionOfBluetoothAddress() const;
// Returns the Bluetooth address type of the device. Currently available on
// Linux and Chrome OS.
virtual AddressType GetAddressType() const = 0;
// Returns the allocation source of the identifier returned by GetVendorID(),
// where available, or VENDOR_ID_UNKNOWN where not.
virtual VendorIDSource GetVendorIDSource() const = 0;
// Returns the Vendor ID of the device, where available.
virtual uint16_t GetVendorID() const = 0;
// Returns the Product ID of the device, where available.
virtual uint16_t GetProductID() const = 0;
// Returns the Device ID of the device, typically the release or version
// number in BCD format, where available.
virtual uint16_t GetDeviceID() const = 0;
// Returns the appearance of the device.
virtual uint16_t GetAppearance() const = 0;
// Returns the name of the device, which may be empty.
virtual absl::optional<std::string> GetName() const = 0;
// Returns the name of the device suitable for displaying, this may
// be a synthesized string containing the address and localized type name
// if the device has no obtained name.
virtual std::u16string GetNameForDisplay() const;
// Returns the type of the device, limited to those we support or are
// aware of, by decoding the bluetooth class information. The returned
// values are unique, and do not overlap, so DEVICE_KEYBOARD is not also
// Returns the type of the device, limited to those we support or are aware
// of, by decoding the bluetooth class information for Classic devices or
// by decoding the device's appearance for LE devices. For example,
// Microsoft Universal Foldable Keyboard only advertises the appearance.
virtual BluetoothDeviceType GetDeviceType() const;
// Indicates whether the device is known to support pairing based on its
// device class and address.
bool IsPairable() const;
// Indicates whether the device is paired with the adapter.
virtual bool IsPaired() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the device is bonded with the adapter.
virtual bool IsBonded() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the device is currently connected to the adapter.
// Note that if IsConnected() is true, does not imply that the device is
// connected to any application or service. If the device is not paired, it
// could be still connected to the adapter for other reason, for example, to
// request the adapter's SDP records. The same holds for paired devices, since
// they could be connected to the adapter but not to an application.
virtual bool IsConnected() const = 0;
// Indicates whether an active GATT connection exists to the device.
virtual bool IsGattConnected() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the paired device accepts connections initiated from the
// adapter. This value is undefined for unpaired devices. Only available for
// Chrome OS.
virtual bool IsConnectable() const = 0;
// Indicates whether there is a call to Connect() ongoing. For this attribute,
// we consider a call is ongoing if none of the callbacks passed to Connect()
// were called after the corresponding call to Connect().
virtual bool IsConnecting() const = 0;
// Returns the set of UUIDs that this device supports.
// * For classic Bluetooth devices this data is collected from both the EIR
// data and SDP tables.
// * For non-connected and connected Low Energy Devices for which services
// have not been discovered returns the latest advertised UUIDs.
// * For connected Low Energy Devices for which services have been discovered
// returns the UUIDs of the device's services and the latest advertised
// UUIDs.
// * For dual mode devices this may be collected from both.
// Note: On Android, Mac and WinRT advertised UUIDs are cleared when the
// adapter stops discovering, as otherwise stale data might be returned.
// Note: On ChromeOS and Linux, BlueZ persists all services meaning if
// a device stops advertising a service this function will still return
// its UUID.
virtual UUIDSet GetUUIDs() const;
// Sets if this device is blocked by admin policy.
void SetIsBlockedByPolicy(bool);
bool IsBlockedByPolicy() const;
// Returns the last advertised Service Data. Returns an empty map if the
// adapter is not discovering.
// Note: On ChromeOS and Linux, BlueZ persists all service data meaning if
// a device stops advertising service data for a UUID, this function will
// still return the cached value for that UUID.
const ServiceDataMap& GetServiceData() const;
// Returns the UUIDs of services for which the device advertises Service Data.
// Returns an empty set if the adapter is not discovering.
UUIDSet GetServiceDataUUIDs() const;
// Returns a pointer to the Service Data for Service with |uuid|. Returns
// nullptr if |uuid| has no Service Data.
const std::vector<uint8_t>* GetServiceDataForUUID(
const BluetoothUUID& uuid) const;
// Returns advertised Manufacturer Data. Keys are 16 bits Manufacturer IDs
// followed by its byte array value. Returns an empty map if the device
// does not advertise any Manufacturer Data.
// Returns cached value if the adapter is not discovering.
// Note: On ChromeOS and Linux, BlueZ persists all manufacturer data meaning
// if a device stops advertising manufacturer data for a Manufacturer Id, this
// function will still return the cached value for that Id.
// TODO( Support this on platforms that don't use BlueZ.
// Only BlueZ supports this now. This method returns an empty map on platforms
// that don't use BlueZ.
const ManufacturerDataMap& GetManufacturerData() const;
// Returns the Manufacturer Data IDs of Manufacturers for which the device
// advertises Manufacturer Data.
// Returns cached value if the adapter is not discovering.
ManufacturerIDSet GetManufacturerDataIDs() const;
// Returns a pointer to the Manufacturer Data for Manufacturer with
// |manufacturerID|. Returns nullptr if |manufacturerID| has no Manufacturer
// Data. Returns cached value if the adapter is not discovering.
const std::vector<uint8_t>* GetManufacturerDataForID(
const ManufacturerId manufacturerID) const;
// The received signal strength, in dBm. This field is avaliable and valid
// only during discovery.
// TODO( Devirtualize once BlueZ sets inquiry_rssi_.
virtual absl::optional<int8_t> GetInquiryRSSI() const;
// The transmitted power level. This field is avaliable only for LE devices
// that include this field in AD. It is avaliable and valid only during
// discovery.
// TODO( Devirtualize once BlueZ sets
// inquiry_tx_power_.
virtual absl::optional<int8_t> GetInquiryTxPower() const;
// Returns Advertising Data Flags.
// Returns cached value if the adapter is not discovering.
// Only Chrome OS and WinRT support this now. Upstream BlueZ has this feature
// as experimental. This method returns absl::nullopt on platforms that don't
// support this feature.
absl::optional<uint8_t> GetAdvertisingDataFlags() const;
// The ErrorCallback is used for methods that can fail in which case it
// is called, in the success case the callback is simply not called.
using ErrorCallback = base::OnceClosure;
// Reports the status of a device connection attempt. |error_code| will
// contain a value upon failure, otherwise the attempt was successful.
using ConnectCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(absl::optional<ConnectErrorCode> error_code)>;
using ConnectionInfoCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const ConnectionInfo&)>;
// Indicates whether the device is currently pairing and expecting a
// PIN Code to be returned.
virtual bool ExpectingPinCode() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the device is currently pairing and expecting a
// Passkey to be returned.
virtual bool ExpectingPasskey() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the device is currently pairing and expecting
// confirmation of a displayed passkey.
virtual bool ExpectingConfirmation() const = 0;
// Returns the RSSI and TX power of the active connection to the device:
// The RSSI indicates the power present in the received radio signal, measured
// in dBm, to a resolution of 1dBm. Larger (typically, less negative) values
// indicate a stronger signal.
// The transmit power indicates the strength of the signal broadcast from the
// host's Bluetooth antenna when communicating with the device, measured in
// dBm, to a resolution of 1dBm. Larger (typically, less negative) values
// indicate a stronger signal.
// If the device isn't connected, then the ConnectionInfo struct passed into
// the callback will be populated with |kUnknownPower|.
virtual void GetConnectionInfo(ConnectionInfoCallback callback) = 0;
// Sets the connection latency for the device. This API is only valid for LE
// devices.
virtual void SetConnectionLatency(ConnectionLatency connection_latency,
base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Initiates a connection to the device, pairing first if necessary.
// Method calls will be made on the supplied object |pairing_delegate|
// to indicate what display, and in response should make method calls
// back to the device object. Not all devices require user responses
// during pairing, so it is normal for |pairing_delegate| to receive no
// calls. To explicitly force a low-security connection without bonding,
// pass nullptr, though this is ignored if the device is already paired.
// |callback| will be called with the status of the connection attempt.
// After calling Connect, CancelPairing should be called to cancel the pairing
// process and release the pairing delegate if user cancels the pairing and
// closes the pairing UI.
virtual void Connect(PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate,
ConnectCallback callback) = 0;
// Initiates a classic connection to the device, pairing first if necessary.
// Method calls will be made on the supplied object |pairing_delegate|
// to indicate what display, and in response should make method calls
// back to the device object. Not all devices require user responses
// during pairing, so it is normal for |pairing_delegate| to receive no
// calls. To explicitly force a low-security connection without bonding,
// pass nullptr, though this is ignored if the device is already paired.
// |callback| will be called with the status of the connection attempt. After
// calling ConnectClassic, CancelPairing should be called to cancel the
// pairing process and release the pairing delegate if user cancels the
// pairing and closes the pairing UI.
virtual void ConnectClassic(PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate,
ConnectCallback callback) = 0;
// Pairs the device. This method triggers pairing unconditially, i.e. it
// ignores the |IsPaired()| value.
// In most cases |Connect()| should be preferred. This method is only
// implemented on ChromeOS, Linux and Windows 10. On Windows, only pairing
// with a pin code is currently supported.
virtual void Pair(PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate,
ConnectCallback callback);
// Sends the PIN code |pincode| to the remote device during pairing.
// PIN Codes are generally required for Bluetooth 2.0 and earlier devices
// for which there is no automatic pairing or special handling.
virtual void SetPinCode(const std::string& pincode) = 0;
// Sends the Passkey |passkey| to the remote device during pairing.
// Passkeys are generally required for Bluetooth 2.1 and later devices
// which cannot provide input or display on their own, and don't accept
// passkey-less pairing, and are a numeric in the range 0-999999.
virtual void SetPasskey(uint32_t passkey) = 0;
// Confirms to the remote device during pairing that a passkey provided by
// the ConfirmPasskey() delegate call is displayed on both devices.
virtual void ConfirmPairing() = 0;
// Rejects a pairing or connection request from a remote device.
virtual void RejectPairing() = 0;
// Cancels a pairing or connection attempt to a remote device, releasing
// the pairing delegate.
virtual void CancelPairing() = 0;
// Disconnects the device, terminating the low-level ACL connection
// and any application connections using it. Link keys and other pairing
// information are not discarded, and the device object is not deleted.
// If the request fails, |error_callback| will be called; otherwise,
// |callback| is called when the request is complete.
virtual void Disconnect(base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Disconnects the device, terminating the low-level ACL connection
// and any application connections using it, and then discards link keys
// and other pairing information. The device object remains valid until
// returning from the calling function, after which it should be assumed to
// have been deleted. If the request fails, |error_callback| will be called.
// On success |callback| will be invoked, but note that the BluetoothDevice
// object will have been deleted at that point.
virtual void Forget(base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Attempts to initiate an outgoing L2CAP or RFCOMM connection to the
// advertised service on this device matching |uuid|, performing an SDP lookup
// if necessary to determine the correct protocol and channel for the
// connection. |callback| will be called on a successful connection with a
// BluetoothSocket instance that is to be owned by the receiver.
// |error_callback| will be called on failure with a message indicating the
// cause.
using ConnectToServiceCallback =
using ConnectToServiceErrorCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& message)>;
virtual void ConnectToService(
const BluetoothUUID& uuid,
ConnectToServiceCallback callback,
ConnectToServiceErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Attempts to initiate an insecure outgoing L2CAP or RFCOMM connection to the
// advertised service on this device matching |uuid|, performing an SDP lookup
// if necessary to determine the correct protocol and channel for the
// connection. Unlike ConnectToService, the outgoing connection will request
// no bonding rather than general bonding. |callback| will be called on a
// successful connection with a BluetoothSocket instance that is to be owned
// by the receiver. |error_callback| will be called on failure with a message
// indicating the cause.
virtual void ConnectToServiceInsecurely(
const device::BluetoothUUID& uuid,
ConnectToServiceCallback callback,
ConnectToServiceErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Opens a new GATT connection to this device. On success, |callback| will
// be called with a valid BluetoothGattConnection and |error_code| will have
// no value. On error, |callback| will be called with a null connection and
// a valid |error_code|. The connection will be kept alive,
// as long as there is at least one active GATT connection. In the case that
// the underlying connection gets terminated, either due to a call to
// BluetoothDevice::Disconnect or other unexpected circumstances, the
// returned BluetoothGattConnection will be automatically marked as inactive.
// To monitor the state of the connection, observe the
// BluetoothAdapter::Observer::DeviceChanged method.
// If |service_uuid| is given, potentially only the service with the given
// UUID will be discovered. This may speed up GATT discovery times if the
// platform can take advantage of this optimisation. Note that passing
// |service_uuid| may cause full GATT service discovery to be skipped. In that
// case, |IsGattServicesDiscoveryComplete| will not become true but
// |BluetoothAdapter::Observer::GattServicesDiscovered| is still the correct
// event to watch for.
using GattConnectionCallback =
absl::optional<ConnectErrorCode> error_code)>;
virtual void CreateGattConnection(
GattConnectionCallback callback,
absl::optional<BluetoothUUID> service_uuid = absl::nullopt);
// Set the gatt services discovery complete flag for this device.
virtual void SetGattServicesDiscoveryComplete(bool complete);
// Indicates whether full service discovery is complete for this device. If a
// |service_uuid| was passed to |CreateGattConnection| and a focused discovery
// was performed, then this will continue to return false even after discovery
// is complete.
virtual bool IsGattServicesDiscoveryComplete() const;
// Returns the list of discovered GATT services.
virtual std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattService*> GetGattServices() const;
// Returns the GATT service with device-specific identifier |identifier|.
// Returns nullptr, if no such service exists.
virtual BluetoothRemoteGattService* GetGattService(
const std::string& identifier) const;
// Update the last time this device was seen.
void UpdateTimestamp();
// Returns the time of the last call to UpdateTimestamp(), or base::Time() if
// it hasn't been called yet.
virtual base::Time GetLastUpdateTime() const;
// Called by BluetoothAdapter when a new Advertisement is seen for this
// device. This replaces previously seen Advertisement Data. The order of
// arguments matches the order of their corresponding Data Type specified in
void UpdateAdvertisementData(int8_t rssi,
absl::optional<uint8_t> flags,
UUIDList advertised_uuids,
absl::optional<int8_t> tx_power,
ServiceDataMap service_data,
ManufacturerDataMap manufacturer_data);
// Called by BluetoothAdapter when it stops discoverying.
void ClearAdvertisementData();
// Return associated BluetoothAdapter.
BluetoothAdapter* GetAdapter() { return adapter_; }
std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattService*> GetPrimaryServices();
std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattService*> GetPrimaryServicesByUUID(
const BluetoothUUID& service_uuid);
using ExecuteWriteErrorCallback =
using AbortWriteErrorCallback =
// Executes all the previous prepare writes in a reliable write session.
virtual void ExecuteWrite(base::OnceClosure callback,
ExecuteWriteErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Aborts all the previous prepare writes in a reliable write session.
virtual void AbortWrite(base::OnceClosure callback,
AbortWriteErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Set the battery information for the battery type |info.type|. Overrides
// previously set value (if any).
void SetBatteryInfo(const BatteryInfo& info);
// Removes the battery information associated with |type|.
// Returns true if removed, otherwise false.
bool RemoveBatteryInfo(const BatteryType& type);
absl::optional<BatteryInfo> GetBatteryInfo(const BatteryType& type) const;
// Returns the list of currently set BatteryTypes.
std::vector<BatteryType> GetAvailableBatteryTypes();
// Returns whether this device supports discovering specific services, i.e.
// whether the |service_uuid| argument to |CreateGattConnection| is
// meaningful. This should only be called by tests. Non-test code should
// optimistically pass a |service_uuid| argument if appropriate for the need.
bool supports_service_specific_discovery() const;
// BluetoothGattConnection is a friend to call Add/RemoveGattConnection.
friend BluetoothGattConnection;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BluetoothTest, GetName_NullName);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BluetoothTest, RemoveOutdatedDevices);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BluetoothTest, RemoveOutdatedDeviceGattConnect);
// Helper class to easily update the sets of UUIDs and keep them in sync with
// the set of all the device's UUIDs.
DeviceUUIDs(const DeviceUUIDs& other);
DeviceUUIDs& operator=(const DeviceUUIDs& other);
// Advertised Service UUIDs functions
void ReplaceAdvertisedUUIDs(UUIDList new_advertised_uuids);
void ClearAdvertisedUUIDs();
// Service UUIDs functions
void ReplaceServiceUUIDs(
const BluetoothDevice::GattServiceMap& gatt_services);
void ReplaceServiceUUIDs(UUIDList new_service_uuids);
void ClearServiceUUIDs();
// Returns the union of Advertised UUIDs and Service UUIDs.
const UUIDSet& GetUUIDs() const;
void UpdateDeviceUUIDs();
BluetoothDevice::UUIDSet advertised_uuids_;
BluetoothDevice::UUIDSet service_uuids_;
BluetoothDevice::UUIDSet device_uuids_;
explicit BluetoothDevice(BluetoothAdapter* adapter);
// Implements platform specific operations to initiate a GATT connection.
// Subclasses must also call DidConnectGatt or DidDisconnectGatt immediately
// or asynchronously as the connection state changes.
virtual void CreateGattConnectionImpl(
absl::optional<BluetoothUUID> service_uuid) = 0;
// UpgradeToFullDiscovery is called when there is a pending or current GATT
// connection that was created with a service UUID, but now discovery of all
// services is required because of a new connection request. This will only
// be called if the subclass sets |supports_service_specific_discovery_|.
virtual void UpgradeToFullDiscovery();
// Disconnects GATT connection on platforms that maintain a specific GATT
// connection.
virtual void DisconnectGatt() = 0;
// Returns a |BluetoothGattConnection| object that represents a reference to a
// GATT connection to this device.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattConnection>
// Calls any pending callbacks for CreateGattConnection based on result of
// subclasses actions initiated in CreateGattConnectionImpl or related
// disconnection events. These may be called at any time, even multiple times,
// to ensure a change in platform state is correctly tracked.
// Under normal behavior it is expected that after CreateGattConnectionImpl
// a platform will call DidConnectGatt but not DidDisconnectGatt.
void DidConnectGatt(absl::optional<ConnectErrorCode> error_code);
void DidDisconnectGatt();
// Tracks BluetoothGattConnection instances that act as a reference count
// keeping the GATT connection open. Instances call Add/RemoveGattConnection
// at creation & deletion.
void AddGattConnection(BluetoothGattConnection*);
void RemoveGattConnection(BluetoothGattConnection*);
// Update last_update_time_ so that the device appears as expired.
void SetAsExpiredForTesting();
// Raw pointer to adapter owning this device object. Subclasses use platform
// specific pointers via adapter_.
BluetoothAdapter* const adapter_;
// Indicates whether this device supports limited discovery of a specific
// service. This is configured by the constructor of subclasses. If false,
// the UUID argument to |CreateGattConnection| is ignored.
bool supports_service_specific_discovery_ = false;
// Contains the specified service that was targeted for discovery. Only ever
// contains a value if |supports_service_specific_discovery_| is true.
absl::optional<BluetoothUUID> target_service_;
// Callbacks for result of CreateGattConnection.
std::vector<GattConnectionCallback> create_gatt_connection_callbacks_;
// BluetoothGattConnection objects keeping the GATT connection alive.
std::set<BluetoothGattConnection*> gatt_connections_;
GattServiceMap gatt_services_;
bool gatt_services_discovery_complete_;
// Received Signal Strength Indicator of the advertisement received.
absl::optional<int8_t> inquiry_rssi_;
// Advertising Data flags of the device.
absl::optional<uint8_t> advertising_data_flags_;
// Tx Power advertised by the device.
absl::optional<int8_t> inquiry_tx_power_;
// Class that holds the union of Advertised UUIDs and Service UUIDs.
DeviceUUIDs device_uuids_;
// Map of BluetoothUUIDs to their advertised Service Data.
ServiceDataMap service_data_;
// Map of Manufacturer IDs to their advertised Manufacturer Data.
ManufacturerDataMap manufacturer_data_;
// Timestamp for when an advertisement was last seen.
base::Time last_update_time_;
// Returns a localized string containing the device's bluetooth address and
// a device type for display when |name_| is empty.
std::u16string GetAddressWithLocalizedDeviceTypeName() const;
// Battery information for the known battery types for this device.
base::flat_map<BatteryType, BatteryInfo> battery_info_map_;
// Indicate whether or not this device is blocked by admin policy. This would
// be true if any of its auto-connect service does not exist in the
// ServiceAllowList under org.bluez.AdminPolicyStatus1.
bool is_blocked_by_policy_ = false;
} // namespace device