blob: ce4d9ebacc5dc155b4797d7950497030de174fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromecast/crash/linux/dump_info.h"
namespace chromecast {
// Abstract base class for mutually-exclusive minidump handling. Ensures
// synchronized access among instances of this class to the minidumps directory
// using a file lock. The "lockfile" also holds serialized metadata about each
// of the minidumps in the directory. Derived classes should not access the
// lockfile directly. Instead, use protected methods to query and modify the
// metadata, but only within the implementation of DoWork().
// This class holds an in memory representation of the lockfile and metadata
// file when the lockfile is held. Modifier methods work on this in memory
// representation. When the lockfile is released, the in memory representations
// are written to file
// The lockfile file is of the following format:
// { <dump_info1> }
// { <dump_info2> }
// ...
// { <dump_infoN> }
// Note that this isn't a valid json object. It is formatted in this way so
// that producers to this file do not need to understand json.
// Current external producers:
// + watchdog
// The metadata file is a separate file containing a json dictionary.
class SynchronizedMinidumpManager {
// Length of a ratelimit period in seconds.
static const int kRatelimitPeriodSeconds;
// Number of dumps allowed per period.
static const int kRatelimitPeriodMaxDumps;
virtual ~SynchronizedMinidumpManager();
// Returns whether this object's file locking method is nonblocking or not.
bool non_blocking() { return non_blocking_; }
// Sets the file locking mechansim to be nonblocking or not.
void set_non_blocking(bool non_blocking) { non_blocking_ = non_blocking; }
// Acquires the lock, calls DoWork(), then releases the lock when DoWork()
// returns. Derived classes should expose a method which calls this. Returns
// the status of DoWork(), or -1 if the lock was not successfully acquired.
int AcquireLockAndDoWork();
// Derived classes must implement this method. It will be called from
// DoWorkLocked after the lock has been successfully acquired. The lockfile
// shall be accessed and mutated only through the methods below. All other
// files shall be managed as needed by the derived class.
virtual int DoWork() = 0;
// Get the current dumps in the lockfile.
ScopedVector<DumpInfo> GetDumps();
// Set |dumps| as the dumps in |lockfile_|, replacing current list of dumps.
int SetCurrentDumps(const ScopedVector<DumpInfo>& dumps);
// Serialize |dump_info| and append it to the lockfile. Note that the child
// class must only call this inside DoWork(). This should be the only method
// used to write to the lockfile. Only call this if the minidump has been
// generated in the minidumps directory successfully. Returns 0 on success,
// -1 otherwise.
int AddEntryToLockFile(const DumpInfo& dump_info);
// Remove the lockfile entry at |index| in the current in memory
// representation of the lockfile. If the index is invalid returns -1.
// Otherwise returns 0.
int RemoveEntryFromLockFile(int index);
// Get the number of un-uploaded dumps in the dump_path directory.
// If delete_all_dumps is true, also delete all these files, this is used to
// clean lingering dump files.
int GetNumDumps(bool delete_all_dumps);
// Increment the number of dumps in the current ratelimit period.
// Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error.
int IncrementNumDumpsInCurrentPeriod();
// Returns true when dumps uploaded in current rate limit period is less than
// |kRatelimitPeriodMaxDumps|. Resets rate limit period if period time has
// elapsed.
bool CanUploadDump();
// Returns true when there are dumps in the lockfile or extra files in the
// dump directory, false otherwise.
// Used to avoid unnecessary file locks in consumers.
bool HasDumps();
// If true, the flock on the lockfile will be nonblocking.
bool non_blocking_;
// Cached path for the minidumps directory.
const base::FilePath dump_path_;
// Acquire the lock file. Blocks if another process holds it, or if called
// a second time by the same process. Returns the fd of the lockfile if
// successful, or -1 if failed.
int AcquireLockFile();
// Parse the lockfile and metadata file, populating |dumps_| and |metadata_|
// for modifier functions to use. Return -1 if an error occurred. Otherwise,
// return 0. This must not be called unless |this| has acquired the lock.
int ParseFiles();
// Write deserialized |dumps| to |lockfile_path_| and the deserialized
// |metadata| to |metadata_path_|.
int WriteFiles(const base::ListValue* dumps, const base::Value* metadata);
// Creates an empty lock file and an initialized metadata file.
int InitializeFiles();
// Release the lock file with the associated *fd*.
void ReleaseLockFile();
const std::string lockfile_path_;
const std::string metadata_path_;
int lockfile_fd_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> metadata_;
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> dumps_;
} // namespace chromecast