blob: 047de6089c6e445292f694ac8055c769ae64867c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "extensions/browser/user_script_loader.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_l10n_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/mojom/host_id.mojom.h"
#include "extensions/common/user_script.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class ContentVerifier;
class StateStore;
// UserScriptLoader for extensions. To support the scripting API, user script
// ids/metadata registered from that API are also stored.
class ExtensionUserScriptLoader : public UserScriptLoader {
using DynamicScriptsModifiedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const absl::optional<std::string>& error)>;
struct PathAndLocaleInfo {
base::FilePath file_path;
std::string default_locale;
extension_l10n_util::GzippedMessagesPermission gzip_permission;
// The `listen_for_extension_system_loaded` is only set true when initializing
// the Extension System, e.g, when constructs UserScriptManager in
// ExtensionSystemImpl.
ExtensionUserScriptLoader(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension& extension,
StateStore* state_store,
bool listen_for_extension_system_loaded);
ExtensionUserScriptLoader(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension& extension,
StateStore* state_store,
bool listen_for_extension_system_loaded,
scoped_refptr<ContentVerifier> content_verifier);
ExtensionUserScriptLoader(const ExtensionUserScriptLoader&) = delete;
ExtensionUserScriptLoader& operator=(const ExtensionUserScriptLoader&) =
~ExtensionUserScriptLoader() override;
// Adds `script_ids` into `pending_dynamic_script_ids_` This is called before
// the scripts the ids belong to are verified to ensure a later call
// specifying the same script ids will be marked as a conflict.
void AddPendingDynamicScriptIDs(std::set<std::string> script_ids);
// Removes `script_ids` from `pending_dynamic_script_ids_`. Should only be
// called when an API call is about to return with an error before attempting
// to load its scripts.
void RemovePendingDynamicScriptIDs(const std::set<std::string>& script_ids);
// Adds manifest scripts from `extension` and calls GetDynamicScripts for
// initial dynamic scripts, to the set of scripts managed by this loader. Once
// `manifest_scripts` are loaded, calls `callback`. Returns whether any
// scripts will be added for the initial load.
bool AddScriptsForExtensionLoad(
const Extension& extension,
UserScriptLoader::ScriptsLoadedCallback callback);
// Adds `scripts` to the set of scripts managed by this loader and once these
// scripts are loaded, calls OnDynamicScriptsAdded, which also calls
// `callback`.
void AddDynamicScripts(std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> scripts,
std::set<std::string> persistent_script_ids,
DynamicScriptsModifiedCallback callback);
// Removes all dynamic scripts with an id specified in `ids` from
// `pending_dynamic_script_ids_` and `loaded_dynamic_scripts_`.
void RemoveDynamicScripts(const std::set<std::string>& ids_to_remove,
DynamicScriptsModifiedCallback callback);
// Removes all dynamic scripts for the extension, including loaded and
// pending scripts.
void ClearDynamicScripts(DynamicScriptsModifiedCallback callback);
// Returns the IDs of all dynamic scripts for the extension, which includes
// the IDs of all pending and loaded dynamic scripts.
std::set<std::string> GetDynamicScriptIDs() const;
const UserScriptList& GetLoadedDynamicScripts() const;
// Returns the IDs of all the currently-loaded persistent dynamic scripts for
// the extension. Note that this does not include scripts currently in
// `pending_dynamic_script_ids_`.
std::set<std::string> GetPersistentDynamicScriptIDs() const;
// A wrapper around the method to load user scripts. Waits for the user
// scripts to load and returns the scripts that were loaded. Exposed only for
// tests.
std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> LoadScriptsForTest(
std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> user_scripts);
// A helper class which handles getting/setting script metadata from the
// StateStore, and serializing/deserializing between base::Value and
// UserScript.
class DynamicScriptsStorageHelper {
using DynamicScriptsReadCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(UserScriptList scripts)>;
DynamicScriptsStorageHelper(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
StateStore* state_store);
DynamicScriptsStorageHelper(const DynamicScriptsStorageHelper& other) =
DynamicScriptsStorageHelper& operator=(
const DynamicScriptsStorageHelper& other) = delete;
// Retrieves dynamic scripts from the StateStore. Calls
// OnDynamicScriptsReadFromStorage when done, which then calls `callback`.
void GetDynamicScripts(DynamicScriptsReadCallback callback);
// Persists the metadata of the current set of loaded dynamic scripts into
// the StateStore.
void SetDynamicScripts(
const UserScriptList& scripts,
const std::set<std::string>& persistent_dynamic_script_ids);
// Called when dynamic scripts have been retrieved from the StateStore.
// Deserializes `value` into a UserScriptList and calls `callback` with that
// list.
void OnDynamicScriptsReadFromStorage(DynamicScriptsReadCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value);
raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext> browser_context_;
ExtensionId extension_id_;
// A non-owning pointer to the StateStore which contains metadata of
// persistent dynamic scripts owned by this extension. Outlives this
// instance and the owning ExtensionUserScriptLoader.
raw_ptr<StateStore> state_store_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DynamicScriptsStorageHelper> weak_factory_{this};
// UserScriptLoader:
void LoadScripts(std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> user_scripts,
const std::set<std::string>& added_script_ids,
LoadScriptsCallback callback) override;
// Initiates script load when we have been waiting for the extension system
// to be ready.
void OnExtensionSystemReady();
// Called when the extension's initial set of persistent dynamic scripts have
// been fetched right after the extension has been loaded.
void OnInitialDynamicScriptsReadFromStateStore(
std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> scripts,
UserScriptLoader::ScriptsLoadedCallback callback,
UserScriptList initial_dynamic_scripts);
// Called when the extension's initial set of dynamic scripts have been
// loaded.
void OnInitialExtensionScriptsLoaded(
std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> initial_dynamic_scripts,
ScriptsLoadedCallback callback,
UserScriptLoader* loader,
const absl::optional<std::string>& error);
// Called when the scripts added by AddDynamicScripts have been loaded. Since
// `added_scripts` corresponds to newly loaded scripts, their IDs are removed
// from `pending_dynamic_script_ids_` and their metadata added to
// `loaded_dynamic_scripts_`.
void OnDynamicScriptsAdded(std::unique_ptr<UserScriptList> added_scripts,
std::set<std::string> new_persistent_script_ids,
DynamicScriptsModifiedCallback callback,
UserScriptLoader* loader,
const absl::optional<std::string>& error);
// Called when the scripts to be removed in RemoveDynamicScripts are removed.
// All scripts in `loaded_dynamic_scripts_` with their id in
// `removed_script_ids` are removed.
void OnDynamicScriptsRemoved(const std::set<std::string>& removed_script_ids,
DynamicScriptsModifiedCallback callback,
UserScriptLoader* loader,
const absl::optional<std::string>& error);
// Checks if the extension has initial dynamic scripts by checking if the
// extension has the scripting permission, and if URLPatterns from dynamic
// scripts are registered in prefs.
bool HasInitialDynamicScripts(const Extension& extension) const;
// The IDs of dynamically registered scripts (e.g. registered by the
// extension's API calls) that have not been loaded yet. IDs are removed from
// the set when:
// - Their corresponding scripts have been loaded.
// - A load for the IDs has failed.
// - A load for the IDs will no longer be initiated.
// - An unregisterContentScripts call was made for one or more ids in this
// set.
std::set<std::string> pending_dynamic_script_ids_;
// The metadata of dynamic scripts from the extension that have been loaded.
UserScriptList loaded_dynamic_scripts_;
// The IDs of loaded dynamic scripts that persist across sessions.
std::set<std::string> persistent_dynamic_script_ids_;
// Contains info needed for localization for this loader's host.
PathAndLocaleInfo host_info_;
DynamicScriptsStorageHelper helper_;
// Manages content verification of the loaded user scripts.
scoped_refptr<ContentVerifier> content_verifier_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ExtensionUserScriptLoader> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace extensions