blob: 542eb339204e356e3eb8071eefb471475def3c3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::pin::Pin;
/// Use `prelude:::*` to get access to all macros defined in this crate.
pub mod prelude {
// The #[extern_test_suite("cplusplus::Type") macro.
pub use gtest_attribute::extern_test_suite;
// The #[gtest(TestSuite, TestName)] macro.
pub use gtest_attribute::gtest;
// Gtest expectation macros, which should be used to verify test expectations. These replace the
// standard practice of using assert/panic in Rust tests which would crash the test binary.
pub use crate::expect_eq;
pub use crate::expect_false;
pub use crate::expect_ge;
pub use crate::expect_gt;
pub use crate::expect_le;
pub use crate::expect_lt;
pub use crate::expect_ne;
pub use crate::expect_true;
// The gtest_attribute proc-macro crate makes use of small_ctor, with a path through this crate here
// to ensure it's available.
pub extern crate small_ctor;
/// A marker trait that promises the Rust type is an FFI wrapper around a C++ class which subclasses
/// `testing::Test`. In particular, casting a `testing::Test` pointer to the implementing class type
/// is promised to be valid.
/// Implement this trait with the `#[extern_test_suite]` macro:
/// ```rs
/// #[extern_test_suite("cpp::type::wrapped::by::Foo")
/// unsafe impl TestSuite for Foo {}
/// ```
pub unsafe trait TestSuite {
/// Gives the Gtest factory function on the C++ side which constructs the C++ class for which
/// the implementing Rust type is an FFI wrapper.
fn gtest_factory_fn_ptr() -> GtestFactoryFunction;
/// Matches the C++ type `rust_gtest_interop::GtestFactoryFunction`, with the `testing::Test` type
/// erased to `OpaqueTestingTest`.
/// We replace `testing::Test*` with `OpaqueTestingTest` because but we don't know that C++ type in
/// Rust, as we don't have a Rust generator giving access to that type.
pub type GtestFactoryFunction = unsafe extern "C" fn(
f: extern "C" fn(Pin<&mut OpaqueTestingTest>),
) -> Pin<&'static mut OpaqueTestingTest>;
/// Opaque replacement of a C++ `testing::Test` type, which can only be used as a pointer, since its
/// size is incorrect. Only appears in the GtestFactoryFunction signature, which is a function
/// pointer that passed to C++, and never run from within Rust.
/// TODO(danakj): If there was a way, without making references to it into wide pointers, we should
/// make this type be !Sized.
pub struct OpaqueTestingTest(u8);
/// Implements casting from a `&mut OpaqueTestingTest` to a `&mut T` when `T: TestSuite`.
/// Implementing TestSuite for a Rust type `T` promises that `T` is an FFI wrapper around a C++
/// class which subclasses `testing::Test`, which makes this casting okay.
impl<T: TestSuite> AsMut<T> for OpaqueTestingTest {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
// SAFETY: This horrible casting situation is okay because:
// 1) The Rust type is a wrapper around a C++ type. It's repr(C) and we can cast to the Rust
// type.
// 2) OpaqueTestingTest is a placeholder pointer to represent `testing::Test` which is the
// base class of the C++ type the Rust type is wrapping.
// 3) So this acts as a C++ downcast to the C++ type, and then a cast to the Rust wrapper
// type.
// 4) We've been given a &mut reference, and we reborrow it. The reborrow sits higher on the
// "borrow stack" and will be discarded first as well.
// 5) C++ wrapper types are not Unpin because C++ types are not Unpin, so the type we're
// casting to won't be moved by Rust incorrectly.
unsafe { &mut *(self as *mut OpaqueTestingTest as *mut T) }
pub trait TestResult {
fn into_error_message(self) -> Option<String>;
impl TestResult for () {
fn into_error_message(self) -> Option<String> {
// This impl requires an `Error` not just a `String` so that in the future we could print things
// like the backtrace too (though that field is currently unstable).
impl<E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error>>> TestResult for std::result::Result<(), E> {
fn into_error_message(self) -> Option<String> {
match self {
Ok(_) => None,
Err(e) => Some(format!("Test returned error: {}", e.into())),
// Internals used by code generated from the gtest-attriute proc-macro. Should not be used by
// human-written code.
pub mod __private {
use super::{GtestFactoryFunction, OpaqueTestingTest, Pin};
mod ffi {
unsafe extern "C++" {
// TODO(danakj): C++ wants an int, but cxx doesn't support c_int, so we use i32.
// Similarly, C++ wants a char* but cxx doesn't support c_char, so we use u8.
unsafe fn rust_gtest_add_failure_at(file: *const u8, line: i32, message: &str);
/// Rust wrapper around the same C++ method.
/// We have a wrapper to convert the file name into a C++-friendly string, and the line number
/// into a C++-friendly signed int.
/// TODO( We should be able to receive a C++-friendly file path.
/// TODO(danakj): We should be able to pass a `c_int` directly to C++:
pub fn add_failure_at(file: &'static str, line: u32, message: &str) {
// TODO(danakj): Our own file!() macro should strip "../../" from the front of the string.
let file = file.replace("../", "");
// TODO(danakj): Write a file!() macro that null-terminates the string so we can use it here
// directly and also for constructing base::Location. Then.. pass a base::Location here?
let null_term_file = std::ffi::CString::new(file).unwrap();
unsafe {
null_term_file.as_ptr() as *const u8,
/// Wrapper that calls C++ rust_gtest_default_factory().
/// TODO(danakj): We do this by hand because cxx doesn't support passing raw function pointers:
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_gtest_default_factory(
f: extern "C" fn(Pin<&mut OpaqueTestingTest>),
) -> Pin<&'static mut OpaqueTestingTest> {
extern "C" {
// The C++ mangled name for rust_gtest_interop::rust_gtest_default_factory(). This comes
// from `objdump -t` on the C++ object file.
fn _ZN18rust_gtest_interop26rust_gtest_default_factoryEPFvPN7testing4TestEE(
f: extern "C" fn(Pin<&mut OpaqueTestingTest>),
) -> Pin<&'static mut OpaqueTestingTest>;
/// Wrapper that calls C++ rust_gtest_add_test().
/// Note that the `factory` parameter is actually a C++ function pointer.
/// TODO(danakj): We do this by hand because cxx doesn't support passing raw function pointers
/// nor passing `*const c_char`: and
unsafe fn rust_gtest_add_test(
factory: GtestFactoryFunction,
run_test_fn: extern "C" fn(Pin<&mut OpaqueTestingTest>),
test_suite_name: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
test_name: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
file: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
line: i32,
) {
extern "C" {
/// The C++ mangled name for rust_gtest_interop::rust_gtest_add_test(). This comes from
/// `objdump -t` on the C++ object file.
fn _ZN18rust_gtest_interop19rust_gtest_add_testEPFPN7testing4TestEPFvS2_EES4_PKcS8_S8_i(
factory: GtestFactoryFunction,
run_test_fn: extern "C" fn(Pin<&mut OpaqueTestingTest>),
test_suite_name: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
test_name: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
file: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
line: i32,
/// Information used to register a function pointer as a test with the C++ Gtest framework.
pub struct TestRegistration {
pub func: extern "C" fn(suite: Pin<&mut OpaqueTestingTest>),
// TODO(danakj): These a C-String-Literals. Maybe we should expose that as a type somewhere.
pub test_suite_name: &'static [std::os::raw::c_char],
pub test_name: &'static [std::os::raw::c_char],
pub file: &'static [std::os::raw::c_char],
pub line: u32,
pub factory: GtestFactoryFunction,
/// Register a given test function with the C++ Gtest framework.
/// This function is called from static initializers. It may only be called from the main
/// thread, before main() is run. It may not panic, or call anything that may panic.
pub fn register_test(r: TestRegistration) {
let line = r.line.try_into().unwrap_or(-1);
// SAFETY: The `factory` parameter to rust_gtest_add_test() must be a C++ function that
// returns a `testing::Test*` disguised as a `OpaqueTestingTest`. The #[gtest] macro will use
// `rust_gtest_interop::rust_gtest_default_factory()` by default.
unsafe {
mod expect_macros;