blob: 58c8884ab55b445e2e71cd51d44f3f62a887536a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
* This program is distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
* at the top of the source tree.
package org.pantsbuild.jmake;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* This class implements finding classes referencing other classes and members in various ways.
* @author Misha Dmitriev
* 12 March 2004
public class RefClassFinder {
private boolean failOnDependentJar; // If true, will fail if a dependency of a sourceless class
// (coming from a .jar) on a "normal" class is detected
private boolean noWarnOnDependentJar; // If true, not even a warning will be issued in the above case.
private String checkedClassName;
private PCDManager pcdm;
private Set<String> affectedClassNames;
private boolean checkedClassIsFromJar;
/** An instance of RefClassFinder is created once per session, passing it the global options that do not change */
public RefClassFinder(PCDManager pcdm, boolean failOnDependentJar, boolean noWarnOnDependentJar) {
this.pcdm = pcdm;
this.failOnDependentJar = failOnDependentJar;
this.noWarnOnDependentJar = noWarnOnDependentJar;
/** This method is called every time we are going to check a new class */
public void initialize(String checkedClassName, boolean checkedClassIsFromJar) {
this.checkedClassName = checkedClassName;
this.checkedClassIsFromJar = checkedClassIsFromJar;
affectedClassNames = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
* Returns the names of project classes that were found potentially affec
* by the changes to the checked class.
public String[] getAffectedClassNames() {
int size = affectedClassNames.size();
if (size == 0) {
return null;
} else {
String[] ret = new String[size];
int i = 0;
for (String className : affectedClassNames) {
ret[i++] = className;
return ret;
* Find all project classes that can access field fieldNo of class fieldClassInfo.
* Used if a compile-time constant is changed.
public void findAllProjectClasses(ClassInfo fieldClassInfo, int fieldNo) {
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
if (pcde.checkResult == PCDEntry.CV_DELETED) {
if (pcde.javaFileFullPath.endsWith(".jar")) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (memberAccessibleFrom(fieldClassInfo, fieldNo, clientInfo, true)) {
* Find all project classes that reference class with the given name
* (but not its array class) directly from the constantpool.
public void findReferencingClasses0(ClassInfo classInfo) {
findReferencingClasses(classInfo, 0, false, null);
/* In the following "find...ReferencingClasses1" methods, "referencing C" means
* "referencing C or its array class directly from the constant pool, as a type of a data
* field, as a type in a method signature or a thrown exception, as a directly implemented
* interface or a direct superclass".
/** Used for deleted classes. */
public void findReferencingClassesForDeletedClass(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
boolean isPublic = classInfo.isPublic();
boolean isInterface = classInfo.isInterface();
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (!isPublic && packageName.equals(clientInfo.packageName)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, isInterface, 1)) {
* For the given class p.C, find each project class X referencing C, that is not a member of
* package p and is not a direct or indirect subclass of C's directly enclosing class.
* (public -&gt; protected transformation)
public void findDiffPackageAndNotSubReferencingClasses1(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
String directlyEnclosingClass = classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass;
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (packageName.equals(clientInfo.packageName) ||
clientInfo.isSubclassOf(directlyEnclosingClass, false)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), 1)) {
* For class p.C, find each project class X referencing C, whose top level enclosing
* class is different from that of C.
* (public -&gt; private transformation)
public void findReferencingClasses1(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String topLevelEnclosingClass = classInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass;
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(clientInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), 1)) {
* For class p.C, find each project class X referencing C, whose direct or indirect superclass
* is C's directly enclosing class, or which is a member of package p, whose top level enclosing
* class is different from that of C.
* (protected -&gt; private transformation)
public void findThisPackageOrSubReferencingClasses1(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String directlyEnclosingClass = classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass;
String topLevelEnclosingClass = classInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass;
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
for (PCDEntry entry : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, entry);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if ((!clientInfo.packageName.equals(packageName)) &&
!clientInfo.isSubclassOf(directlyEnclosingClass, false)) {
if (clientInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), 1)) {
* For class p.C, find each project class X referencing C, which is a member of package p and whose
* top level enclosing class is different from that of C.
* (default -&gt; private transformation)
public void findThisPackageReferencingClasses1(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String topLevelEnclosingClass = classInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass;
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
for (PCDEntry entry : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (!clientInfo.packageName.equals(packageName)) {
if (topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(clientInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), 1)) {
* For class p.C, find each project class X referencing C, which is not a member of package p.
* (public -&gt; default transformation)
public void findDiffPackageReferencingClasses1(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (clientInfo.packageName.equals(packageName)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), 1)) {
* For class p.C, find each project class X referencing C, which is not a member of package p and
* whose direct or indirect superclass is C's directly enclosing class.
* (protected -&gt; default transformation)
public void findDiffPackageAndSubReferencingClasses1(ClassInfo classInfo) {
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
String directlyEnclosingClass = classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass;
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (clientInfo.packageName.equals(packageName)) {
if (!clientInfo.isSubclassOf(directlyEnclosingClass, false)) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), 1)) {
* Find all project classes that reference both of the classes with the
* given names (or array classes of one or both) directly or indirectly from the
* constantpool, as a type of a data field, as a type in a method signature or a
* thrown exception, as a directly/indirectly implemented interface or a
* direct/indirect superclass.
public void findReferencingClasses2(ClassInfo classInfo1, ClassInfo classInfo2) {
Set<String> refClazz1 = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
findReferencingClasses(classInfo1, 2, false, refClazz1);
Set<String> refClazz2 = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
findReferencingClasses(classInfo2, 2, false, refClazz2);
for (String className1 : refClazz1) {
if (refClazz2.contains(className1)) {
/** Find all project classes which are direct subclasses of the given class */
public void findDirectSubclasses(ClassInfo classInfo) {
for (ClassInfo subclassInfo : classInfo.getDirectSubclasses()) {
* Find all non-abstract project classes that implement the given interface or any of its
* subclasses directly, and all non-abstract classes that are direct descendants of abstract
* classes that implement the given interface directly or indirectly. Class C implements
* interface I indirectly, if C or some superclass of C directly implements I or some sublcass of I.
public void findDirectlyAndOtherwiseImplementingConcreteClasses(ClassInfo intfInfo) {
for (PCDEntry entry : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, entry);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (clientInfo.isInterface()) {
if (clientInfo.isAbstract()) {
if (clientInfo.implementsInterfaceDirectlyOrIndirectly( {
} else {
if (clientInfo.implementsIntfOrSubintfDirectly( {
private void findAllNearestConcreteSubclasses(ClassInfo classInfo) {
for (ClassInfo subclassInfo : classInfo.getDirectSubclasses()) {
if (subclassInfo.isAbstract()) {
} else {
* Find all interfaces and abstract classes that implement the given interface and declare or inherit
* a method with the given name. For those that overload this method, find referencing classes.
public void findAbstractSubtypesWithSameNameMethod(ClassInfo intfInfo, String mName, final String mSig) {
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo ci =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (ci == null) {
continue; // New class or not in project
if (!(ci.isInterface() || ci.isAbstract())) {
if (ci.implementsInterfaceDirectlyOrIndirectly( {
// Check if the new method overloads an existing (declared or inherited) method. Overloading test is rough -
// we just check if the number of parameters is the same.
ci.findExistingSameNameMethods(mName, true, true, new ClassInfo.MethodHandler() {
void handleMethod(ClassInfo classInfo, int otherMethodIdx) {
String otherMSig =
if ( (!mSig.equals(otherMSig)) &&
Utils.sameParamNumber(mSig, otherMSig)) {
findReferencingClassesForMethod(classInfo, otherMethodIdx);
/** Find all project classes that reference the given field. */
public void findReferencingClassesForField(ClassInfo classInfo, int fieldNo) {
findReferencingClassesForMember(classInfo, fieldNo, true, false, false);
* Find all project classes that reference the given field and which are in
* different packages.
public void findDiffPackageReferencingClassesForField(ClassInfo classInfo, int fieldNo) {
findReferencingClassesForMember(classInfo, fieldNo, true, true, false);
* Find all project classes that reference the given field, which are in different
* packages and are direct or indirect subclasses of the member's declaring class
* (protected -&gt; default transformation).
public void findDiffPackageAndSubReferencingClassesForField(ClassInfo classInfo, int fieldNo) {
findReferencingClassesForMember(classInfo, fieldNo, true, true, true);
/** Find all project classes that reference the given method. */
public void findReferencingClassesForMethod(ClassInfo classInfo, int methodNo) {
findReferencingClassesForMember(classInfo, methodNo, false, false, false);
* Find all project classes that reference the given method and which are in
* different packages.
public void findDiffPackageReferencingClassesForMethod(ClassInfo classInfo, int methodNo) {
findReferencingClassesForMember(classInfo, methodNo, false, true, false);
* Find all project classes that reference the given method, which are in different
* packages and are direct or indirect subclasses of the member's declaring class
* (protected -&gt; default transformation)
public void findDiffPackageAndSubReferencingClassesForMethod(ClassInfo classInfo, int methodNo) {
findReferencingClassesForMember(classInfo, methodNo, false, true, true);
* Find all project classes that re-implement the given method and that are
* direct/indirect subclasses of this method's declaring class. If some subclass C
* re-implements the given method, we don't have to search C's subclasses further.
public void findSubclassesReimplementingMethod(ClassInfo classInfo, int methodNo) {
findSubclassesReimplementingMethod(classInfo, classInfo, methodNo);
private void findSubclassesReimplementingMethod(ClassInfo targetClass, ClassInfo methodDeclaringClass, int methodNo) {
for (ClassInfo subclass : targetClass.getDirectSubclasses()) {
if (subclass.declaresMethod(methodDeclaringClass, methodNo)) {
} else {
findSubclassesReimplementingMethod(subclass, methodDeclaringClass, methodNo);
* For a given class C, find all concrete direct subclasses, and all direct concrente subclasses of C's direct
* or indirect abstract subclasses.
public void findConcreteSubclasses(ClassInfo targetClass) {
for (ClassInfo subclass : targetClass.getDirectSubclasses()) {
if (subclass.isAbstract()) {
} else {
* Find any concrete subclasses of targetClass that don't override or inherit a concrete implementation
* of the given method.
public void findConcreteSubclassesNotOverridingAbstractMethod(ClassInfo targetClass, ClassInfo methodDeclaringClass, int methodNo) {
for (ClassInfo subclass : targetClass.getDirectSubclasses()) {
int pos =
subclass.getDeclaredMethodPos(methodDeclaringClass, methodNo);
if (pos == -1) { // This method is not overridden in this class
if (!subclass.isAbstract()) {
} else {
findConcreteSubclassesNotOverridingAbstractMethod(subclass, methodDeclaringClass, methodNo);
} else { // A chance that this method is declared abstract once again...
if (Modifier.isAbstract(subclass.methodAccessFlags[pos])) {
findConcreteSubclassesNotOverridingAbstractMethod(subclass, methodDeclaringClass, methodNo);
/** Find all project classes that reference any method that throws the given exception. */
public void findRefsToMethodsThrowingException(ClassInfo excClassInfo) {
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo classInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (classInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
int methodIdx = -1;
do {
methodIdx =
classInfo.hasMethodThrowingException(excClassInfo, methodIdx + 1);
if (methodIdx != -1) {
findReferencingClassesForMethod(classInfo, methodIdx);
} while (methodIdx != -1);
* Find all project classes declaring a static field with the given name. Currently used only to look up
* classes referencing given class X via the "X.class" construct.
public void findClassesDeclaringField(String name, String signature, boolean isStatic, String packageToLookIn) {
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo classInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (classInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (packageToLookIn != null &&
!classInfo.packageName.equals(packageToLookIn)) {
if (classInfo.declaresField(name, signature, isStatic)) {
public void addToAffectedClassNames(String className) {
String res = pcdm.classAlreadyRecompiledOrUncompileable(className);
if (res == null) {
} else if (!"".equals(res)) { // The dependent class comes from a .jar.
if (checkedClassIsFromJar || noWarnOnDependentJar) {
String message = "Class " + className + " is affected by a change to " + checkedClassName + ", but can't be recompiled, " +
"since it is located in archive " + res;
if (failOnDependentJar) {
throw new PrivateException(new PublicExceptions.JarDependsOnSourceException(message));
} else {
Utils.printWarningMessage("Warning: " + message);
* Find all project classes that reference the class with the given name.
* The second parameter controls the "thoroughness degree", and its value is passed to ClassInfo.referencesClass()
* method (see the comment to it). The fromDiffPackages parameter defines whether all such classes
* or only classes from different packages are required.
private void findReferencingClasses(ClassInfo classInfo,
int thorDegree, boolean fromDiffPackages,
Set<String> ret) {
String packageName = classInfo.packageName;
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
if (fromDiffPackages && packageName.equals(clientInfo.packageName)) {
// If thorDegree == 2, i.e. indirect references from the constantpool (e.g. a reference to a method which
// has classInfo as one of its formal parameter types) are taken into account, then we should check all of
// the classes, whether classInfo is directly accessible from them or not.
if (thorDegree != 2 && (!classAccessibleFrom(classInfo, clientInfo))) {
if (clientInfo.referencesClass(, classInfo.isInterface(), thorDegree)) {
if (ret == null) {
} else {
* Find all project classes that reference the given member. If fromDiffPackages
* is true, then only classes that do not belong to the package of the member's
* declaring class should be returned. If onlySubclasses is true, then only
* classes that are subclasses of member's declaring class should be returned.
private void findReferencingClassesForMember(ClassInfo declaringClassInfo, int memberNo,
boolean isField,
boolean fromDiffPackages, boolean onlySubclasses) {
String declaringClassName =;
String declaringClassPackage = declaringClassInfo.packageName;
for (PCDEntry pcde : pcdm.entries()) {
ClassInfo clientInfo =
pcdm.getClassInfoForPCDEntry(ClassInfo.VER_OLD, pcde);
if (clientInfo == null) {
continue; // New class
String className =;
if (className.equals(declaringClassName)) {
if (!memberAccessibleFrom(declaringClassInfo, memberNo, clientInfo, isField)) {
if (fromDiffPackages &&
declaringClassPackage.equals(clientInfo.packageName)) {
if (onlySubclasses && !clientInfo.isSubclassOf(declaringClassName, false)) {
if (isField) {
if (clientInfo.referencesField(declaringClassInfo, memberNo)) {
} else {
if (clientInfo.referencesMethod(declaringClassInfo, memberNo)) {
/** Checks if class classInfo is accessible from class clientClassInfo. */
private boolean classAccessibleFrom(ClassInfo classInfo, ClassInfo clientClassInfo) {
char classFlags = classInfo.accessFlags;
String classPackage = classInfo.packageName;
String clientClassPackage = clientClassInfo.packageName;
if (Modifier.isPublic(classFlags)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isProtected(classFlags)) {
if (classPackage.equals(clientClassPackage) ||
clientClassInfo.isSubclassOf(classInfo.directlyEnclosingClass, false)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isPrivate(classFlags)) {
if (classInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(clientClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
return true;
} else {
if (classPackage.equals(clientClassPackage)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if member memberNo (which is a field if isField == true, and method otherwise) of class memberClassInfo is
* accessible from class clientClassInfo.
private boolean memberAccessibleFrom(ClassInfo memberClassInfo,
int memberNo, ClassInfo clientClassInfo, boolean isField) {
char memberClassFlags = memberClassInfo.accessFlags;
char memberFlags = isField ? memberClassInfo.fieldAccessFlags[memberNo]
: memberClassInfo.methodAccessFlags[memberNo];
String memberClassPackage = memberClassInfo.packageName;
String clientClassPackage = clientClassInfo.packageName;
if (Modifier.isPublic(memberClassFlags)) {
if (Modifier.isPublic(memberFlags)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isProtected(memberFlags) &&
(memberClassPackage.equals(clientClassPackage) ||
clientClassInfo.isSubclassOf(, false))) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isPrivate(memberFlags)) {
if (memberClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(
clientClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
return true;
} else if (memberClassPackage.equals(clientClassPackage)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isProtected(memberClassFlags)) {
if (!(memberClassPackage.equals(clientClassPackage) ||
clientClassInfo.isSubclassOf(memberClassInfo.directlyEnclosingClass, false))) {
return true;
if (Modifier.isPublic(memberFlags) ||
Modifier.isProtected(memberFlags)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isPrivate(memberFlags)) {
if (memberClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(
clientClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
return true;
} else {
if (memberClassPackage.equals(clientClassPackage)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isPrivate(memberClassFlags)) {
if (memberClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(
clientClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
return true;
} else { // memberClassInfo is package-private
if (!memberClassPackage.equals(clientClassPackage)) {
return false;
if (Modifier.isPublic(memberFlags) || Modifier.isProtected(memberFlags)) {
return true;
} else if (Modifier.isPrivate(memberFlags)) {
if (memberClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass.equals(
clientClassInfo.topLevelEnclosingClass)) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
return false;