| // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // This is a "No Compile Test" suite. |
| // http://dev.chromium.org/developers/testing/no-compile-tests |
| |
| |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/functional/bind.h" |
| #include "base/functional/callback.h" |
| #include "base/functional/disallow_unretained.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ref.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| |
| namespace base { |
| |
| void NonConstFunctionWithConstObject() { |
| struct S : RefCounted<S> { |
| void Method() {} |
| } s; |
| const S* const const_s_ptr = &s; |
| // Non-`const` methods may not be bound with a `const` receiver. |
| BindRepeating(&S::Method, const_s_ptr); // expected-error@*:* {{Type mismatch between bound argument and bound functor's parameter.}} |
| // `const` pointer cannot be bound to non-`const` parameter. |
| BindRepeating([] (S*) {}, const_s_ptr); // expected-error@*:* {{Type mismatch between bound argument and bound functor's parameter.}} |
| } |
| |
| void WrongReceiverTypeForNonRefcounted() { |
| // 1. Non-refcounted objects must use `Unretained()` for the `this` argument. |
| // 2. Reference-like objects may not be used as the receiver. |
| struct A { |
| void Method() {} |
| void ConstMethod() const {} |
| } a; |
| // Using distinct types causes distinct template instantiations, so we get |
| // assertion failures below where we expect. These types facilitate that. |
| struct B : A {} b; |
| struct C : A {} c; |
| struct D : A {} d; |
| struct E : A {}; |
| A* ptr_a = &a; |
| A& ref_a = a; |
| raw_ptr<A> rawptr_a(&a); |
| raw_ref<A> rawref_a(a); |
| const B const_b; |
| B* ptr_b = &b; |
| const B* const_ptr_b = &const_b; |
| B& ref_b = b; |
| const B& const_ref_b = const_b; |
| raw_ptr<B> rawptr_b(&b); |
| raw_ptr<const B> const_rawptr_b(&const_b); |
| raw_ref<B> rawref_b(b); |
| raw_ref<const B> const_rawref_b(const_b); |
| C& ref_c = c; |
| D& ref_d = d; |
| const E const_e; |
| const E& const_ref_e = const_e; |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, &a); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, ptr_a); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, a); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&C::Method, ref_c); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, std::ref(a)); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, std::cref(a)); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, rawptr_a); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, rawref_a); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw_ref<T>.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, &b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, &const_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, ptr_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, const_ptr_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, b); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&D::ConstMethod, ref_d); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&E::ConstMethod, const_ref_e); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, std::ref(b)); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, std::cref(b)); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, rawptr_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, const_rawptr_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw pointers.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, rawref_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw_ref<T>.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::ConstMethod, const_rawref_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw_ref<T>.}} |
| } |
| |
| void WrongReceiverTypeForRefcounted() { |
| // Refcounted objects must pass a pointer-like `this` argument. |
| struct A : RefCounted<A> { |
| void Method() const {} |
| } a; |
| // Using distinct types causes distinct template instantiations, so we get |
| // assertion failures below where we expect. These types facilitate that. |
| struct B : A {} b; |
| struct C : A {}; |
| const A const_a; |
| B& ref_b = b; |
| const C const_c; |
| const C& const_ref_c = const_c; |
| raw_ref<A> rawref_a(a); |
| raw_ref<const A> const_rawref_a(const_a); |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, a); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&B::Method, ref_b); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&C::Method, const_ref_c); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, std::ref(a)); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, std::cref(a)); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot convert `this` argument to address.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, rawref_a); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw_ref<T>.}} |
| BindRepeating(&A::Method, const_rawref_a); // expected-error@*:* {{Receivers may not be raw_ref<T>.}} |
| } |
| |
| void RemovesConst() { |
| // Callbacks that expect non-const refs/ptrs should not be callable with const |
| // ones. |
| const int i = 0; |
| const int* p = &i; |
| BindRepeating([] (int&) {}).Run(i); // expected-error {{no matching member function for call to 'Run'}} |
| BindRepeating([] (int*) {}, p); // expected-error@*:* {{Type mismatch between bound argument and bound functor's parameter.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (int*) {}).Run(p); // expected-error {{no matching member function for call to 'Run'}} |
| } |
| |
| void PassingIncorrectRef() { |
| // Functions that take non-const reference arguments require the parameters to |
| // be bound as matching `std::ref()`s or `OwnedRef()`s. |
| int i = 1; |
| float f = 1.0f; |
| // No wrapper. |
| BindOnce([] (int&) {}, i); // expected-error@*:* {{Bound argument for non-const reference parameter must be wrapped in std::ref() or base::OwnedRef().}} |
| BindRepeating([] (int&) {}, i); // expected-error@*:* {{Bound argument for non-const reference parameter must be wrapped in std::ref() or base::OwnedRef().}} |
| // Wrapper, but with mismatched type. |
| BindOnce([] (int&) {}, f); // expected-error@*:* {{Type mismatch between bound argument and bound functor's parameter.}} |
| BindOnce([] (int&) {}, std::ref(f)); // expected-error@*:* {{Type mismatch between bound argument and bound functor's parameter.}} |
| BindOnce([] (int&) {}, OwnedRef(f)); // expected-error@*:* {{Type mismatch between bound argument and bound functor's parameter.}} |
| } |
| |
| void ArrayAsReceiver() { |
| // A method should not be bindable with an array of objects. Users could |
| // unintentionally attempt to do this via array->pointer decay. |
| struct S : RefCounted<S> { |
| void Method() const {} |
| }; |
| S s[2]; |
| BindRepeating(&S::Method, s); // expected-error@*:* {{First bound argument to a method cannot be an array.}} |
| } |
| |
| void RefCountedArgs() { |
| // Refcounted types should not be bound as a raw pointers. |
| struct S : RefCounted<S> {}; |
| S s; |
| const S const_s; |
| S* ptr_s = &s; |
| const S* const_ptr_s = &const_s; |
| raw_ptr<S> rawptr(&s); |
| raw_ptr<const S> const_rawptr(&const_s); |
| raw_ref<S> rawref(s); |
| raw_ref<const S> const_rawref(const_s); |
| BindRepeating([] (S*) {}, &s); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (const S*) {}, &const_s); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (S*) {}, ptr_s); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (const S*) {}, const_ptr_s); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (S*) {}, rawptr); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (const S*) {}, const_rawptr); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (raw_ref<S>) {}, rawref); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (raw_ref<const S>) {}, const_rawref); // expected-error@*:* {{A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr.}} |
| } |
| |
| void WeakPtrWithReturnType() { |
| // WeakPtrs cannot be bound to methods with return types, since if the WeakPtr |
| // is null when the callback runs, it's not clear what the framework should |
| // return. |
| struct S { |
| int ReturnsInt() const { return 1; } |
| } s; |
| WeakPtrFactory<S> weak_factory(&s); |
| BindRepeating(&S::ReturnsInt, weak_factory.GetWeakPtr()); // expected-error@*:* {{WeakPtrs can only bind to methods without return values.}} |
| } |
| |
| void CallbackConversion() { |
| // Callbacks should not be constructible from other callbacks in ways that |
| // would drop ref or pointer constness or change arity. |
| RepeatingCallback<int(int&)> wrong_ref_constness = BindRepeating([] (const int&) {}); // expected-error {{no viable conversion from 'RepeatingCallback<UnboundRunType>' to 'RepeatingCallback<int (int &)>'}} |
| RepeatingCallback<int(int*)> wrong_ptr_constness = BindRepeating([] (const int*) {}); // expected-error {{no viable conversion from 'RepeatingCallback<UnboundRunType>' to 'RepeatingCallback<int (int *)>'}} |
| RepeatingClosure arg_count_too_low = BindRepeating([] (int) {}); // expected-error {{no viable conversion from 'RepeatingCallback<UnboundRunType>' to 'RepeatingCallback<void ()>'}} |
| RepeatingCallback<int(int)> arg_count_too_high = BindRepeating([] { return 0; }); // expected-error {{no viable conversion from 'RepeatingCallback<UnboundRunType>' to 'RepeatingCallback<int (int)>'}} |
| RepeatingClosure discarding_return = BindRepeating([] { return 0; }); // expected-error {{no viable conversion from 'RepeatingCallback<UnboundRunType>' to 'RepeatingCallback<void ()>'}} |
| } |
| |
| void CapturingLambdaOrFunctor() { |
| // Bind disallows capturing lambdas and stateful functors. |
| int i = 0, j = 0; |
| struct S { |
| void operator()() const {} |
| int x; |
| }; |
| BindOnce([&] { j = i; }); // expected-error@*:* {{Capturing lambdas and stateful functors are intentionally not supported.}} |
| BindRepeating([&] { j = i; }); // expected-error@*:* {{Capturing lambdas and stateful functors are intentionally not supported.}} |
| BindRepeating(S()); // expected-error@*:* {{Capturing lambdas and stateful functors are intentionally not supported.}} |
| } |
| |
| void OnceCallbackRequiresNonConstRvalue() { |
| // `OnceCallback::Run()` can only be invoked on a non-const rvalue. |
| // Using distinct types causes distinct template instantiations, so we get |
| // assertion failures below where we expect. These types facilitate that. |
| enum class A {}; |
| enum class B {}; |
| enum class C {}; |
| OnceCallback<void(A)> cb_a = BindOnce([] (A) {}); |
| const OnceCallback<void(B)> const_cb_b = BindOnce([] (B) {}); |
| const OnceCallback<void(C)> const_cb_c = BindOnce([] (C) {}); |
| cb_a.Run(A{}); // expected-error@*:* {{OnceCallback::Run() may only be invoked on a non-const rvalue, i.e. std::move(callback).Run().}} |
| const_cb_b.Run(B{}); // expected-error@*:* {{OnceCallback::Run() may only be invoked on a non-const rvalue, i.e. std::move(callback).Run().}} |
| std::move(const_cb_c).Run(C{}); // expected-error@*:* {{OnceCallback::Run() may only be invoked on a non-const rvalue, i.e. std::move(callback).Run().}} |
| } |
| |
| void OnceCallbackAsArgMustBeNonConstRvalue() { |
| // A `OnceCallback` passed to another callback must be a non-const rvalue. |
| auto cb = BindOnce([] (int) {}); |
| const auto const_cb = BindOnce([] (int) {}); |
| BindOnce(cb, 0); // expected-error@*:* {{BindOnce() requires non-const rvalue for OnceCallback binding, i.e. base::BindOnce(std::move(callback)).}} |
| BindOnce(std::move(const_cb), 0); // expected-error@*:* {{BindOnce() requires non-const rvalue for OnceCallback binding, i.e. base::BindOnce(std::move(callback)).}} |
| } |
| |
| void OnceCallbackBoundByRepeatingCallback() { |
| // `BindRepeating()` does not accept `OnceCallback`s. |
| BindRepeating(BindOnce([] (int) {}), 0); // expected-error@*:* {{BindRepeating() cannot bind OnceCallback. Use BindOnce() with std::move().}} |
| } |
| |
| void MoveOnlyArg() { |
| // Move-only types require `std::move()` for `BindOnce()` and `base::Passed()` for `BindRepeating()`. |
| struct S { |
| S() = default; |
| S(S&&) = default; |
| S& operator=(S&&) = default; |
| } s1, s2; |
| BindOnce([] (S) {}, s1); // expected-error@*:* {{Attempting to bind a move-only type. Use std::move() to transfer ownership to the created callback.}} |
| BindOnce([] (S) {}, Passed(&s1)); // expected-error@*:* {{Use std::move() instead of base::Passed() with base::BindOnce().}} |
| BindRepeating([] (S) {}, s2); // expected-error@*:* {{base::BindRepeating() argument is a move-only type. Use base::Passed() instead of std::move() to transfer ownership from the callback to the bound functor.}} |
| BindRepeating([] (S) {}, std::move(s2)); // expected-error@*:* {{base::BindRepeating() argument is a move-only type. Use base::Passed() instead of std::move() to transfer ownership from the callback to the bound functor.}} |
| } |
| |
| void NonCopyableNonMovable() { |
| // Arguments must be either copyable or movable to be captured. |
| struct S { |
| S() = default; |
| S(const S&) = delete; |
| S& operator=(const S&) = delete; |
| } s; |
| BindOnce([](const S&) {}, s); // expected-error@*:* {{Cannot capture argument: is the argument copyable or movable?}} |
| } |
| |
| void OverloadedFunction() { |
| // Overloaded function types cannot be disambiguated. (It might be nice to fix |
| // this.) |
| void F(int); |
| void F(float); |
| BindOnce(&F, 1); // expected-error {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}} |
| BindRepeating(&F, 1.0f); // expected-error {{reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it?}} |
| } |
| |
| void OverloadedOperator() { |
| // It's not possible to bind to a functor with an overloaded `operator()()` |
| // unless the caller supplies arguments that can invoke a unique overload. |
| struct A { |
| int64_t operator()(int, int64_t x) { return x; } |
| uint64_t operator()(int, uint64_t x) { return x; } |
| A operator()(double, A a) { return a; } |
| } a; |
| // Using distinct types causes distinct template instantiations, so we get |
| // assertion failures below where we expect. These types facilitate that. |
| struct B : A {} b; |
| struct C : A {} c; |
| struct D : A {} d; |
| |
| // Partial function application isn't supported, even if it's sufficient to |
| // "narrow the field" to a single candidate that _could_ eventually match. |
| BindOnce(a); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| BindOnce(b, 1.0); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| |
| // The supplied args don't match any candidates. |
| BindOnce(c, 1, nullptr); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| |
| // The supplied args inexactly match multiple candidates. |
| BindOnce(d, 1, 1); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| } |
| |
| void RefQualifiedOverloadedOperator() { |
| // Invocations with lvalues should attempt to use lvalue-ref-qualified |
| // methods. |
| struct A { |
| void operator()() const& = delete; |
| void operator()() && {} |
| } a; |
| // Using distinct types causes distinct template instantiations, so we get |
| // assertion failures below where we expect. This type facilitates that. |
| struct B : A {}; |
| BindRepeating(a); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| BindRepeating(B()); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| |
| // Invocations with rvalues should attempt to use rvalue-ref-qualified |
| // methods. |
| struct C { |
| void operator()() const& {} |
| void operator()() && = delete; |
| }; |
| BindRepeating(Passed(C())); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| BindOnce(C()); // expected-error@*:* {{Could not determine how to invoke functor.}} |
| } |
| |
| // Define a type that disallows `Unretained()` via the internal customization |
| // point, so the next test can use it. |
| struct BlockViaCustomizationPoint {}; |
| namespace internal { |
| template <> |
| constexpr bool kCustomizeSupportsUnretained<BlockViaCustomizationPoint> = false; |
| } // namespace internal |
| |
| void CanDetectTypesThatDisallowUnretained() { |
| // It shouldn't be possible to directly bind any type that doesn't support |
| // `Unretained()`, whether because it's incomplete, or is marked with |
| // `DISALLOW_RETAINED()`, or has `kCustomizeSupportsUnretained` specialized to |
| // be `false`. |
| struct BlockPublicly { |
| } publicly; |
| class BlockPrivately { |
| } privately; |
| struct BlockViaInheritance : BlockPublicly {} inheritance; |
| BlockViaCustomizationPoint customization; |
| struct BlockDueToBeingIncomplete; |
| BlockDueToBeingIncomplete* ptr_incomplete; |
| BindOnce([](BlockPublicly*) {}, &publicly); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| BindOnce([](BlockPrivately*) {}, &privately); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| BindOnce([](BlockViaInheritance*) {}, &inheritance); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| BindOnce([](BlockViaCustomizationPoint*) {}, &customization); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| BindOnce([](BlockDueToBeingIncomplete*) {}, ptr_incomplete); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type is not fully defined.}} |
| } |
| |
| void OtherWaysOfPassingDisallowedTypes() { |
| // In addition to the direct passing tested above, arguments passed as |
| // `Unretained()` pointers or as refs must support `Unretained()`. |
| struct A { |
| void Method() {} |
| } a; |
| // Using distinct types causes distinct template instantiations, so we get |
| // assertion failures below where we expect. This type facilitates that. |
| struct B : A {} b; |
| BindOnce(&A::Method, Unretained(&a)); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| BindOnce([] (const A&) {}, std::cref(a)); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| BindOnce([] (B&) {}, std::ref(b)); // expected-error@*:* {{Argument requires unretained storage, but type does not support `Unretained()`.}} |
| } |
| |
| void UnsafeDangling() { |
| // Pointers marked as `UnsafeDangling` may only be be received by |
| // `MayBeDangling` args with matching traits. |
| int i; |
| BindOnce([] (int*) {}, UnsafeDangling(&i)); // expected-error@*:* {{base::UnsafeDangling() pointers should only be passed to parameters marked MayBeDangling<T>.}} |
| BindOnce([] (MayBeDangling<int>) {}, |
| UnsafeDangling<int, RawPtrTraits::kDummyForTest>(&i)); // expected-error@*:* {{Pointers passed to MayBeDangling<T> parameters must be created by base::UnsafeDangling() with the same RawPtrTraits.}} |
| BindOnce([] (raw_ptr<int>) {}, UnsafeDanglingUntriaged(&i)); // expected-error@*:* {{Use T* or T& instead of raw_ptr<T> for function parameters, unless you must mark the parameter as MayBeDangling<T>.}} |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace base |