blob: 1d1ea81c699de1e79d13806f13d7b487cb760e9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "base/threading/scoped_blocking_call_internal.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/scoped_clear_last_error.h"
#include "base/task/scoped_set_task_priority_for_current_thread.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/environment_config.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/thread_pool_instance.h"
#include "base/threading/scoped_blocking_call.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
namespace {
constinit thread_local BlockingObserver* blocking_observer = nullptr;
// Last ScopedBlockingCall instantiated on this thread.
constinit thread_local UncheckedScopedBlockingCall* last_scoped_blocking_call =
// These functions can be removed, and the calls below replaced with direct
// variable accesses, once the MSAN workaround is not necessary.
BlockingObserver* GetBlockingObserver() {
// Workaround false-positive MSAN use-of-uninitialized-value on
// thread_local storage for loaded libraries:
MSAN_UNPOISON(&blocking_observer, sizeof(BlockingObserver*));
return blocking_observer;
UncheckedScopedBlockingCall* GetLastScopedBlockingCall() {
// Workaround false-positive MSAN use-of-uninitialized-value on
// thread_local storage for loaded libraries:
return last_scoped_blocking_call;
// Set to true by scoped_blocking_call_unittest to ensure unrelated threads
// entering ScopedBlockingCalls don't affect test outcomes.
bool g_only_monitor_observed_threads = false;
bool IsBackgroundPriorityWorker() {
return GetTaskPriorityForCurrentThread() == TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT &&
} // namespace
void SetBlockingObserverForCurrentThread(
BlockingObserver* new_blocking_observer) {
blocking_observer = new_blocking_observer;
void ClearBlockingObserverForCurrentThread() {
blocking_observer = nullptr;
: call_start_(TimeTicks::Now()),
assigned_jank_window_(MonitorNextJankWindowIfNecessary(call_start_)) {
if (assigned_jank_window_ &&
call_start_ < assigned_jank_window_->start_time_) {
// Sampling |call_start_| and being assigned an IOJankMonitoringWindow is
// racy. It is possible that |call_start_| is sampled near the very end of
// the current window; meanwhile, another ScopedMonitoredCall on another
// thread samples a |call_start_| which lands in the next window. If that
// thread beats this one to MonitorNextJankWindowIfNecessary(), this thread
// will incorrectly be assigned that window (in the future w.r.t. to its
// |call_start_|). To avoid OOB-indexing in AddJank(),, it
// is necessary to correct this by bumping |call_start_| to the received
// window's |start_time_|.
// Note: The alternate approach of getting |assigned_jank_window_| before
// |call_start_| has the opposite problem where |call_start_| can be more
// than kNumIntervals ahead of |start_time_| when sampling across the window
// boundary, resulting in OOB-indexing the other way. To solve that a loop
// would be required (re-getting the latest window and re-sampling
// |call_start_| until the condition holds). The loopless solution is thus
// preferred.
// A lock covering this entire constructor is also undesired because of the
// lock-free logic at the end of MonitorNextJankWindowIfNecessary().
call_start_ = assigned_jank_window_->start_time_;
IOJankMonitoringWindow::ScopedMonitoredCall::~ScopedMonitoredCall() {
if (assigned_jank_window_) {
void IOJankMonitoringWindow::ScopedMonitoredCall::Cancel() {
assigned_jank_window_ = nullptr;
IOJankMonitoringWindow::IOJankMonitoringWindow(TimeTicks start_time)
: start_time_(start_time) {}
// static
void IOJankMonitoringWindow::CancelMonitoringForTesting() {
g_only_monitor_observed_threads = false;
AutoLock lock(current_jank_window_lock());
current_jank_window_storage() = nullptr;
reporting_callback_storage() = NullCallback();
// static
constexpr TimeDelta IOJankMonitoringWindow::kIOJankInterval;
// static
constexpr TimeDelta IOJankMonitoringWindow::kMonitoringWindow;
// static
constexpr TimeDelta IOJankMonitoringWindow::kTimeDiscrepancyTimeout;
// static
constexpr int IOJankMonitoringWindow::kNumIntervals;
// static
IOJankMonitoringWindow::MonitorNextJankWindowIfNecessary(TimeTicks recent_now) {
DCHECK_GE(TimeTicks::Now(), recent_now);
scoped_refptr<IOJankMonitoringWindow> next_jank_window;
AutoLock lock(current_jank_window_lock());
if (!reporting_callback_storage()) {
return nullptr;
scoped_refptr<IOJankMonitoringWindow>& current_jank_window_ref =
// Start the next window immediately after the current one (rather than
// based on Now() to avoid uncovered gaps). Only use Now() for the very
// first window in a monitoring chain.
TimeTicks next_window_start_time =
? current_jank_window_ref->start_time_ + kMonitoringWindow
: recent_now;
if (next_window_start_time > recent_now) {
// Another thread beat us to constructing the next monitoring window and
// |current_jank_window_ref| already covers |recent_now|.
return current_jank_window_ref;
if (recent_now - next_window_start_time >= kTimeDiscrepancyTimeout) {
// If the delayed task runs on a regular heartbeat, |recent_now| should be
// roughly equal to |next_window_start_time|. If we miss by more than
// kTimeDiscrepancyTimeout, we likely hit machine sleep, cancel sampling
// that window in that case.
// Note: It is safe to touch |canceled_| without a lock here as this is
// the only time it's set and it naturally happens-before
// |current_jank_window_ref|'s destructor reads it.
current_jank_window_ref->canceled_ = true;
next_window_start_time = recent_now;
next_jank_window =
if (current_jank_window_ref && !current_jank_window_ref->canceled_) {
// If there are still IO operations in progress within
// |current_jank_window_ref|, they have a ref to it and will be the ones
// triggering ~IOJankMonitoringWindow(). When doing so, they will overlap
// into the |next_jank_window| we are setting up (|next_| will also own a
// ref so a very long jank can safely unwind across a chain of pending
// |next_|'s).
current_jank_window_ref->next_ = next_jank_window;
// Make |next_jank_window| the new current before releasing the lock.
current_jank_window_ref = next_jank_window;
// Post a task to kick off the next monitoring window if no monitored thread
// beats us to it. Adjust the timing to alleviate any drift in the timer. Do
// this outside the lock to avoid scheduling tasks while holding it.
FROM_HERE, BindOnce([] {
kMonitoringWindow - (recent_now - next_jank_window->start_time_));
return next_jank_window;
// NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS because ~RefCountedThreadSafe() guarantees we're
// the last ones to access this state (and ordered after all other accesses).
IOJankMonitoringWindow::~IOJankMonitoringWindow() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
if (canceled_) {
int janky_intervals_count = 0;
int total_jank_count = 0;
for (size_t interval_jank_count : intervals_jank_count_) {
if (interval_jank_count > 0) {
total_jank_count += interval_jank_count;
// reporting_callback_storage() is safe to access without lock because an
// IOJankMonitoringWindow existing means we're after the call to
// EnableIOJankMonitoringForProcess() and it will not change after that call.
reporting_callback_storage().Run(janky_intervals_count, total_jank_count);
void IOJankMonitoringWindow::OnBlockingCallCompleted(TimeTicks call_start,
TimeTicks call_end) {
// Confirm we never hit a case of TimeTicks going backwards on the same thread
// nor of TimeTicks rolling over the int64_t boundary (which would break
// comparison operators).
DCHECK_LE(call_start, call_end);
if (call_end - call_start < kIOJankInterval) {
// Make sure the chain of |next_| pointers is sufficient to reach
// |call_end| (e.g. if this runs before the delayed task kicks in)
if (call_end >= start_time_ + kMonitoringWindow) {
// Begin attributing jank to the first interval in which it appeared, no
// matter how far into the interval the jank began.
const int jank_start_index =
ClampFloor((call_start - start_time_) / kIOJankInterval);
// Round the jank duration so the total number of intervals marked janky is as
// close as possible to the actual jank duration.
const int num_janky_intervals =
ClampRound((call_end - call_start) / kIOJankInterval);
AddJank(jank_start_index, num_janky_intervals);
void IOJankMonitoringWindow::AddJank(int local_jank_start_index,
int num_janky_intervals) {
DCHECK_GE(local_jank_start_index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(local_jank_start_index, kNumIntervals);
// Increment jank counts for intervals in this window. If
// |num_janky_intervals| lands beyond kNumIntervals, the additional intervals
// will be reported to |next_|.
const int jank_end_index = local_jank_start_index + num_janky_intervals;
const int local_jank_end_index = std::min(kNumIntervals, jank_end_index);
// Note: while this window could be |canceled| here we must add our count
// unconditionally as it is only thread-safe to read |canceled| in
// ~IOJankMonitoringWindow().
AutoLock lock(intervals_lock_);
for (int i = local_jank_start_index; i < local_jank_end_index; ++i) {
if (jank_end_index != local_jank_end_index) {
// OnBlockingCallCompleted() should have already ensured there's a |next_|
// chain covering |num_janky_intervals| unless it caused this to be
// |canceled_|. Exceptionally for this check, reading these fields when
// they're expected to be true is thread-safe as their only modification
// happened-before this point.
DCHECK(next_ || canceled_);
if (next_) {
// If |next_| is non-null, it means |this| wasn't canceled and it implies
// |next_| covers the time range starting immediately after this window.
DCHECK_EQ(next_->start_time_, start_time_ + kMonitoringWindow);
next_->AddJank(0, jank_end_index - local_jank_end_index);
// static
Lock& IOJankMonitoringWindow::current_jank_window_lock() {
static NoDestructor<Lock> current_jank_window_lock;
return *current_jank_window_lock;
// static
IOJankMonitoringWindow::current_jank_window_storage() {
static NoDestructor<scoped_refptr<IOJankMonitoringWindow>>
return *current_jank_window;
// static
IOJankReportingCallback& IOJankMonitoringWindow::reporting_callback_storage() {
static NoDestructor<IOJankReportingCallback> reporting_callback;
return *reporting_callback;
BlockingType blocking_type,
BlockingCallType blocking_call_type)
: blocking_observer_(GetBlockingObserver()),
resetter_(&last_scoped_blocking_call, this),
is_will_block_(blocking_type == BlockingType::WILL_BLOCK ||
(previous_scoped_blocking_call_ &&
previous_scoped_blocking_call_->is_will_block_)) {
// Only monitor non-nested ScopedBlockingCall(MAY_BLOCK) calls on foreground
// threads. Cancels() any pending monitored call when a WILL_BLOCK or
// ScopedBlockingCallWithBaseSyncPrimitives nests into a
// ScopedBlockingCall(MAY_BLOCK).
if (!IsBackgroundPriorityWorker() &&
(!g_only_monitor_observed_threads || blocking_observer_)) {
const bool is_monitored_type =
blocking_call_type == BlockingCallType::kRegular && !is_will_block_;
if (is_monitored_type && !previous_scoped_blocking_call_) {
} else if (!is_monitored_type && previous_scoped_blocking_call_ &&
previous_scoped_blocking_call_->monitored_call_) {
if (blocking_observer_) {
if (!previous_scoped_blocking_call_) {
} else if (blocking_type == BlockingType::WILL_BLOCK &&
!previous_scoped_blocking_call_->is_will_block_) {
UncheckedScopedBlockingCall::~UncheckedScopedBlockingCall() {
// TLS affects result of GetLastError() on Windows. ScopedClearLastError
// prevents side effect.
ScopedClearLastError save_last_error;
DCHECK_EQ(this, GetLastScopedBlockingCall());
if (blocking_observer_ && !previous_scoped_blocking_call_) {
} // namespace internal
void EnableIOJankMonitoringForProcess(
IOJankReportingCallback reporting_callback,
OnlyObservedThreadsForTest only_observed_threads) {
AutoLock lock(internal::IOJankMonitoringWindow::current_jank_window_lock());
internal::IOJankMonitoringWindow::reporting_callback_storage() =
if (only_observed_threads) {
internal::g_only_monitor_observed_threads = true;
} else {
// Do not set it to `false` when it already is as that causes data races in
// browser tests (which EnableIOJankMonitoringForProcess after ThreadPool is
// already running).
// Make sure monitoring starts now rather than randomly at the next
// ScopedMonitoredCall construction.
} // namespace base