blob: e09884cccc5893022d08dfe332066278d173ff54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/buildflags.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
namespace blink {
// AnimationTimeDelta exists to ease the transition of Blink animations from
// double-based time values to base::TimeDelta-based time values (see
// It represents a delta between two times, analogous to base::TimeDelta. It is
// provided in two modes, based on a compiler flag. The first is the traditional
// (and default) double mode, where time deltas are represented using seconds in
// double-precision. The second mode uses base::TimeDelta to represent time
// instead.
// The double-based version of AnimationTimeDelta. Internally, time is stored as
// double-precision seconds.
// This class is modelled on the API from base::TimeDelta, with a lot of
// unnecessary methods stripped out.
class CORE_EXPORT AnimationTimeDelta {
constexpr AnimationTimeDelta() : delta_(0) {}
constexpr explicit AnimationTimeDelta(base::TimeDelta time_delta)
: delta_(time_delta.InSecondsF()) {}
// Do not use this directly -- use the macros below.
constexpr explicit AnimationTimeDelta(double delta) : delta_(delta) {}
#define ANIMATION_TIME_DELTA_FROM_SECONDS(x) AnimationTimeDelta(x)
#define ANIMATION_TIME_DELTA_FROM_MILLISECONDS(x) AnimationTimeDelta(x / 1000.0)
static constexpr AnimationTimeDelta Max() {
return AnimationTimeDelta(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
double InSecondsF() const { return delta_; }
double InMillisecondsF() const { return delta_ * 1000; }
double InMicrosecondsF() const { return delta_ * 1000000; }
bool is_max() const {
return delta_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
bool is_inf() const { return std::isinf(delta_); }
bool is_zero() const { return delta_ == 0; }
AnimationTimeDelta operator+(AnimationTimeDelta other) const {
return AnimationTimeDelta(delta_ + other.delta_);
AnimationTimeDelta& operator+=(AnimationTimeDelta other) {
return *this = (*this + other);
AnimationTimeDelta operator-(AnimationTimeDelta other) const {
return AnimationTimeDelta(delta_ - other.delta_);
AnimationTimeDelta operator-() { return AnimationTimeDelta(-delta_); }
template <typename T>
AnimationTimeDelta operator*(T a) const {
return AnimationTimeDelta(delta_ * a);
template <typename T>
AnimationTimeDelta& operator*=(T a) {
return *this = (*this * a);
template <typename T>
AnimationTimeDelta operator/(T a) const {
return AnimationTimeDelta(delta_ / a);
template <typename T>
AnimationTimeDelta& operator/=(T a) {
return *this = (*this / a);
double operator/(AnimationTimeDelta a) const {
CHECK(!is_inf() || !a.is_inf());
return delta_ / a.delta_;
// The time delta represented by this |AnimationTimeDelta|, in seconds. May be
// negative, in which case the end of the delta is before the start.
double delta_;
template <typename T>
AnimationTimeDelta operator*(T a, AnimationTimeDelta td) {
return td * a;
// Comparison operators on AnimationTimeDelta.
bool CORE_EXPORT operator==(const AnimationTimeDelta& lhs,
const AnimationTimeDelta& rhs);
bool CORE_EXPORT operator!=(const AnimationTimeDelta& lhs,
const AnimationTimeDelta& rhs);
bool CORE_EXPORT operator>(const AnimationTimeDelta& lhs,
const AnimationTimeDelta& rhs);
bool CORE_EXPORT operator<(const AnimationTimeDelta& lhs,
const AnimationTimeDelta& rhs);
bool CORE_EXPORT operator>=(const AnimationTimeDelta& lhs,
const AnimationTimeDelta& rhs);
bool CORE_EXPORT operator<=(const AnimationTimeDelta& lhs,
const AnimationTimeDelta& rhs);
// Defined to allow DCHECK_EQ/etc to work with the class.
CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const AnimationTimeDelta& time);
// When compiling in TimeDelta-based mode, AnimationTimeDelta is equivalent to
// base::TimeDelta.
using AnimationTimeDelta = base::TimeDelta;
#define ANIMATION_TIME_DELTA_FROM_SECONDS(x) base::Seconds(x)
#define ANIMATION_TIME_DELTA_FROM_MILLISECONDS(x) base::Milliseconds(x)
} // namespace blink