blob: c54ef06dc1007d26004a8963a586202cfbacdb6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_primitive_value.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSLengthResolver;
// Numeric values that can be expressed as a single unit (or a naked number or
// percentage). The equivalence of CSS Typed OM's |CSSUnitValue| in the
// |CSSValue| class hierarchy.
class CORE_EXPORT CSSNumericLiteralValue : public CSSPrimitiveValue {
static CSSNumericLiteralValue* Create(double num, UnitType);
CSSNumericLiteralValue(double num, UnitType type);
UnitType GetType() const {
return static_cast<UnitType>(numeric_literal_unit_type_);
bool IsAngle() const { return CSSPrimitiveValue::IsAngle(GetType()); }
bool IsFontRelativeLength() const {
switch (GetType()) {
case UnitType::kQuirkyEms:
case UnitType::kEms:
case UnitType::kExs:
case UnitType::kRems:
case UnitType::kChs:
case UnitType::kIcs:
case UnitType::kLhs:
case UnitType::kCaps:
case UnitType::kRcaps:
case UnitType::kRexs:
case UnitType::kRchs:
case UnitType::kRics:
case UnitType::kRlhs:
return true;
return false;
bool IsQuirkyEms() const { return GetType() == UnitType::kQuirkyEms; }
bool IsViewportPercentageLength() const {
return CSSPrimitiveValue::IsViewportPercentageLength(GetType());
bool IsLength() const { return CSSPrimitiveValue::IsLength(GetType()); }
bool IsPx() const { return GetType() == UnitType::kPixels; }
bool IsNumber() const {
return GetType() == UnitType::kNumber || GetType() == UnitType::kInteger;
bool IsInteger() const { return GetType() == UnitType::kInteger; }
bool IsPercentage() const { return GetType() == UnitType::kPercentage; }
bool IsTime() const { return CSSPrimitiveValue::IsTime(GetType()); }
bool IsResolution() const {
return CSSPrimitiveValue::IsResolution(GetType());
bool IsFlex() const { return CSSPrimitiveValue::IsFlex(GetType()); }
bool IsZero() const { return !DoubleValue(); }
bool IsComputationallyIndependent() const;
double DoubleValue() const { return num_; }
double ComputeSeconds() const;
double ComputeDegrees() const;
double ComputeDotsPerPixel() const;
double ComputeInCanonicalUnit() const;
int ComputeInteger() const;
double ComputeNumber() const;
double ComputePercentage() const;
double ComputeLengthPx(const CSSLengthResolver&) const;
bool AccumulateLengthArray(CSSLengthArray& length_array,
double multiplier) const;
void AccumulateLengthUnitTypes(LengthTypeFlags& types) const;
String CustomCSSText() const;
bool Equals(const CSSNumericLiteralValue& other) const;
UnitType CanonicalUnit() const;
CSSNumericLiteralValue* CreateCanonicalUnitValue() const;
void TraceAfterDispatch(blink::Visitor* visitor) const;
const double num_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CSSNumericLiteralValue> {
static bool AllowFrom(const CSSValue& value) {
return value.IsNumericLiteralValue();
} // namespace blink