blob: 021fa7d92d5fc0af7f0b42a497995175b8956487 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/task_runner.h"
#include "chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_client.h"
#include "chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_device_lister.h"
namespace local_discovery {
// This is a thin wrapper around Delegate that defers callbacks until the actual
// delegate is initialized and then calls all deferred callbacks. Once the
// actual delegate is initialized, this just becomes a simple passthrough.
class DeferringDelegate : public ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate {
// ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate:
void OnDeviceChanged(const std::string& service_type,
bool added,
const ServiceDescription& service_description) override;
void OnDeviceRemoved(const std::string& service_type,
const std::string& service_name) override;
void OnDeviceCacheFlushed(const std::string& service_type) override;
// Sets the delegate that callbacks should be called on.
void SetActual(ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate* actual);
std::vector<base::OnceCallback<void()>> deferred_callbacks_;
raw_ptr<ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate> actual_ = nullptr;
// A fake ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister. This provides an implementation of
// ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister that tests can use to trigger the addition and
// removal of devices.
// There's some hackery here to handle constructor order constraints. There's a
// circular dependency in that device lister delegate implementations need their
// device lister set to be supplied at construction time, and each device lister
// needs to know about its delegate for callbacks. Thus, a DeferringDelegate is
// used to queue callbacks triggered before the class has the delegate
// reference, and those queued callbacks are invoked when the delegate is set.
class FakeServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister final
: public ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister {
FakeServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister(base::TaskRunner* task_runner,
const std::string& service_type);
~FakeServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister() override;
// ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister:
void Start() override;
void DiscoverNewDevices() override;
const std::string& service_type() const override;
// Sets the delegate of this lister.
void SetDelegate(ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate* delegate);
// Announces a new service or updates it if it's been seen before and already
// announced. If discovery hasn't started yet, the description is queued to be
// sent when discovery is started. If the description's service type does not
// match the lister's service type, the service is not announced.
void Announce(const ServiceDescription& description);
// Removes the service specified by |name|.
void Remove(const std::string& name);
// Simulates an event that clears downstream caches and the lister.
void Clear();
// Indicates whether discovery has started.
bool discovery_started();
// Helper function that sends an update to the delegate via the
// OnDeviceChanged callback.
void SendUpdate(const ServiceDescription& description);
// Used to post tasks for the delegate callbacks.
raw_ptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Services which have previously posted an update and therefore are no
// longer 'new' for the purposes of the OnDeviceChanged callback.
std::set<std::string> announced_services_;
// Updates added to the class before discovery started.
std::vector<ServiceDescription> queued_updates_;
// Has Start() been called?
bool start_called_ = false;
// Has DiscoverNewDevices() been called?
bool discovery_started_ = false;
// The service type of this lister.
std::string service_type_;
// The delegate of this lister.
DeferringDelegate deferring_delegate_;
} // namespace local_discovery