blob: d7b5c9011668f7741e2c27b695c20e7ab3389049 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_message_handler.h"
// MetricsHandler
// Let the page contents record UMA actions. Only use when you can't do it from
// C++. For example, we currently use it to let the NTP log the position of the
// Most Visited or Bookmark the user clicked on, as we don't get that
// information through RequestOpenURL. You will need to update the metrics
// dashboard with the action names you use, as our processor won't catch that
// information (treat it as RecordComputedMetrics)
class MetricsHandler : public content::WebUIMessageHandler {
MetricsHandler(const MetricsHandler&) = delete;
MetricsHandler& operator=(const MetricsHandler&) = delete;
~MetricsHandler() override;
// WebUIMessageHandler implementation.
void RegisterMessages() override;
// Callback for the "metricsHandler:recordAction" message. This records a
// user action.
void HandleRecordAction(const base::Value::List& args);
// TODO(dbeam):
// Callback for the "metricsHandler:recordInHistogram" message. This records
// into a histogram. |args| contains the histogram name, the value to record,
// and the maximum allowed value, which can be at most 4000. The histogram
// will use at most 100 buckets, one for each 1, 10, or 100 different values,
// depending on the maximum value.
void HandleRecordInHistogram(const base::Value::List& args);
// Callback for the "metricsHandler:recordBooleanHistogram" message. This
// records into a boolean histogram. |args| contains the histogram name, and
// the value to record.
void HandleRecordBooleanHistogram(const base::Value::List& args);
// Records a millisecond time value in a histogram, similar to
// UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES. Handles times between 1ms and 10sec. |args|
// contains the histogram name and a value in milliseconds.
void HandleRecordTime(const base::Value::List& args);
// Records a millisecond time value in a histogram, similar to
// UmaHistogramMedium. Handles times up to 3 minutes. |args| contains the
// histogram name and a value in milliseconds.
void HandleRecordMediumTime(const base::Value::List& args);
// Callback for the "metricsHandler:recordSparseHistogram" message. This
// records into a sparse histogram. |args| contains the histogram name and
// the sample value to record.
void HandleRecordSparseHistogram(const base::Value::List& args);