blob: b142e823b988b368f724a67f3d5209101f197f0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/beacon.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/config.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/domain_reliability_export.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/scheduler.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/uploader.h"
#include "net/base/network_anonymization_key.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace domain_reliability {
class DomainReliabilityDispatcher;
class DomainReliabilityUploader;
class MockableTime;
// The per-domain context for the Domain Reliability client; includes the
// domain's config and beacon queue.
class DOMAIN_RELIABILITY_EXPORT DomainReliabilityContext {
// Maximum upload depth to schedule an upload. If a beacon is based on a more
// deeply nested upload, it will be reported eventually, but will not itself
// trigger a new upload.
static const int kMaxUploadDepthToSchedule;
using UploadAllowedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const url::Origin&,
const MockableTime* time,
const DomainReliabilityScheduler::Params& scheduler_params,
const std::string& upload_reporter_string,
const base::TimeTicks* last_network_change_time,
const UploadAllowedCallback& upload_allowed_callback,
DomainReliabilityDispatcher* dispatcher,
DomainReliabilityUploader* uploader,
std::unique_ptr<const DomainReliabilityConfig> config);
DomainReliabilityContext(const DomainReliabilityContext&) = delete;
DomainReliabilityContext& operator=(const DomainReliabilityContext&) = delete;
// Notifies the context of a beacon on its domain(s); may or may not save the
// actual beacon to be uploaded, depending on the sample rates in the config,
// but will increment one of the request counters in any case.
void OnBeacon(std::unique_ptr<DomainReliabilityBeacon> beacon);
// Called to clear browsing data, since beacons are like browsing history.
void ClearBeacons();
// Gets the beacons queued for upload in this context. `*beacons_out` will be
// cleared and filled with pointers to the beacons; the pointers remain valid
// as long as no other requests are reported to the DomainReliabilityMonitor.
void GetQueuedBeaconsForTesting(
std::vector<const DomainReliabilityBeacon*>* beacons_out) const;
const DomainReliabilityConfig& config() const { return *config_.get(); }
// Maximum number of beacons queued per context; if more than this many are
// queued; the oldest beacons will be removed.
static const size_t kMaxQueuedBeacons;
void ScheduleUpload(base::TimeDelta min_delay, base::TimeDelta max_delay);
void CallUploadAllowedCallback();
void OnUploadAllowedCallbackComplete(bool allowed);
void StartUpload();
void OnUploadComplete(const DomainReliabilityUploader::UploadResult& result);
// Creates a report from all beacons associated with
// `uploading_beacons_network_anonymization_key_`. Updates
// `uploading_beacons_size_`.
base::Value CreateReport(base::TimeTicks upload_time,
const GURL& collector_url,
int* max_beacon_depth_out);
// Uses the state remembered by `MarkUpload` to remove successfully uploaded
// data but keep beacons and request counts added after the upload started.
void CommitUpload();
void RollbackUpload();
// Finds and removes the oldest beacon. DCHECKs if there is none. (Called
// when there are too many beacons queued.)
void RemoveOldestBeacon();
void RemoveExpiredBeacons();
// Gets the minimum upload depth of all entries in |beacons_|.
int GetMinBeaconUploadDepth() const;
std::unique_ptr<const DomainReliabilityConfig> config_;
raw_ptr<const MockableTime> time_;
const raw_ref<const std::string> upload_reporter_string_;
DomainReliabilityScheduler scheduler_;
raw_ptr<DomainReliabilityDispatcher> dispatcher_;
raw_ptr<DomainReliabilityUploader> uploader_;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<DomainReliabilityBeacon>> beacons_;
size_t uploading_beacons_size_;
// The NetworkAnonymizationKey associated with the beacons being uploaded. The
// first `uploading_beacons_size_` beacons that have NIK equal to
// `uploading_beacons_network_anonymization_key_` are currently being
// uploaded. It's possible for this number to be 0 when there's still an
// active upload if all currently uploading beacons have been evicted.
net::NetworkAnonymizationKey uploading_beacons_network_anonymization_key_;
base::TimeTicks upload_time_;
base::TimeTicks last_upload_time_;
// The last network change time is not tracked per-context, so this is a
// pointer to that value in a wider (e.g. per-Monitor or unittest) scope.
raw_ptr<const base::TimeTicks> last_network_change_time_;
const raw_ref<const UploadAllowedCallback> upload_allowed_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DomainReliabilityContext> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace domain_reliability