blob: 9ab1226cc7365414a9f451507b8cedbfe5d073db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/web_memory.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browsing_instance_id.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace performance_manager {
class FrameNode;
class ProcessNode;
class WorkerNode;
namespace v8_memory {
class AggregationPointVisitor;
// Traverses the graph of execution contexts to find the results of the last
// memory measurement and aggregates them according to the rules defined in the
// performance.measureUserAgentSpecificMemory spec.
// (See public/v8_memory/web_memory.h for the link and spec version.)
class WebMemoryAggregator {
// Constructs an aggregator for the results of a memory request from
// |requesting_node|. This expects the caller to check if |requesting_node|
// is allowed to measure memory according to the spec.
// The aggregation is performed by calling AggregateMemoryResult. The graph
// traversal will not start directly from |requesting_node|, but from the
// top frame nodes.
explicit WebMemoryAggregator(const FrameNode* requesting_node);
WebMemoryAggregator(const WebMemoryAggregator& other) = delete;
WebMemoryAggregator& operator=(const WebMemoryAggregator& other) = delete;
// Performs the aggregation.
mojom::WebMemoryMeasurementPtr AggregateMeasureMemoryResult();
friend class AggregationPointVisitor;
friend class WebMemoryAggregatorTest;
// FrameNodeVisitor that recursively adds |frame_node| and its children to
// the aggregation using |ap_visitor|. Always returns true to continue
// traversal.
bool VisitFrame(AggregationPointVisitor* ap_visitor,
const FrameNode* frame_node);
// WorkerNodeVisitor that recursively adds |worker_node| and its children to
// the aggregation using |ap_visitor|. Always returns true to continue
// traversal.
bool VisitWorker(AggregationPointVisitor* ap_visitor,
const WorkerNode* worker_node);
// Creates a new breakdown entry with the given |scope| and |url|, and adds it
// to the list in |measurement|. Returns a pointer to the newly created entry.
static mojom::WebMemoryBreakdownEntry* CreateBreakdownEntry(
mojom::WebMemoryAttribution::Scope scope,
std::optional<std::string> url,
mojom::WebMemoryMeasurement* measurement);
// Sets the id and src attributes of |breakdown| using those stored in the
// V8ContextTracker for the given |frame_node|.
static void SetBreakdownAttributionFromFrame(
const FrameNode* frame_node,
mojom::WebMemoryBreakdownEntry* breakdown);
// Copies the id and src attributes from |from| to |to|.
static void CopyBreakdownAttribution(
const mojom::WebMemoryBreakdownEntry* from,
mojom::WebMemoryBreakdownEntry* to);
// The origin of the node that requests memory measurement.
const url::Origin requesting_origin_;
// The process node of the requesting frame.
const raw_ptr<const ProcessNode> requesting_process_node_;
// The process node of the main frame.
const raw_ptr<const ProcessNode> main_process_node_;
// The browsing instance id of the requesting frame.
const content::BrowsingInstanceId browsing_instance_id_;
} // namespace v8_memory
} // namespace performance_manager