blob: 535d77a0079fd6ada12eebaf82abcaba0379fed3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_enums.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_position.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_range.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_text_attributes.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/child_iterator.h"
#include "ui/base/buildflags.h"
@class BrowserAccessibilityCocoa;
namespace content {
class BrowserAccessibilityManager;
class DumpAccessibilityTestBase;
// A `BrowserAccessibility` object represents one node in the accessibility tree
// on the browser side. It wraps an `AXNode` and assists in exposing
// web-specific information from the node. It's owned by a
// `BrowserAccessibilityManager`.
// There are subclasses of BrowserAccessibility for each platform where we
// implement some of the native accessibility APIs that are only specific to the
// Web.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserAccessibility : public ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate {
// Creates a platform specific BrowserAccessibility. Ownership passes to the
// caller.
static std::unique_ptr<BrowserAccessibility> Create(
BrowserAccessibilityManager* manager,
ui::AXNode* node);
// Returns |delegate| as a BrowserAccessibility object, if |delegate| is
// non-null and an object in the BrowserAccessibility class hierarchy.
static BrowserAccessibility* FromAXPlatformNodeDelegate(
ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* delegate);
~BrowserAccessibility() override;
BrowserAccessibility(const BrowserAccessibility&) = delete;
BrowserAccessibility& operator=(const BrowserAccessibility&) = delete;
// Called after the object is first initialized and again every time
// its data changes.
virtual void OnDataChanged();
// Called when the location changed.
virtual void OnLocationChanged() {}
// This is called when the platform-specific attributes for a node need
// to be recomputed, which may involve firing native events, due to a
// change other than an update from OnAccessibilityEvents.
virtual void UpdatePlatformAttributes() {}
// Return true if this object is equal to or a descendant of |ancestor|.
bool IsDescendantOf(const BrowserAccessibility* ancestor) const;
bool IsIgnoredForTextNavigation() const;
bool IsLineBreakObject() const;
// Returns true if this object can fire events.
virtual bool CanFireEvents() const;
// Return the AXPlatformNode corresponding to this node, if applicable
// on this platform.
virtual ui::AXPlatformNode* GetAXPlatformNode() const;
// Returns the number of children of this object, or 0 if PlatformIsLeaf()
// returns true.
virtual size_t PlatformChildCount() const;
// Return a pointer to the child at the given index, or NULL for an
// invalid index. Returns nullptr if PlatformIsLeaf() returns true.
virtual BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetChild(size_t child_index) const;
BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetParent() const;
// The following methods are virtual so that they can be overridden on Mac to
// take into account the "extra Mac nodes".
// TODO(nektar): Refactor `AXNode` so that it can handle "extra Mac nodes"
// itself when using any of its tree traversal methods.
virtual BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetFirstChild() const;
virtual BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetLastChild() const;
virtual BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetNextSibling() const;
virtual BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetPreviousSibling() const;
// Iterator over platform children.
class CONTENT_EXPORT PlatformChildIterator : public ui::ChildIterator {
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = int;
using value_type = BrowserAccessibility;
using pointer = BrowserAccessibility*;
using reference = BrowserAccessibility&;
PlatformChildIterator(const BrowserAccessibility* parent,
BrowserAccessibility* child);
PlatformChildIterator(const PlatformChildIterator& it);
~PlatformChildIterator() override;
PlatformChildIterator& operator++() override;
// Postfix increment/decrement can't be overrides. See comment in
// child_iterator.h
PlatformChildIterator operator++(int);
PlatformChildIterator& operator--() override;
PlatformChildIterator operator--(int);
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() const override;
BrowserAccessibility* get() const override;
std::optional<size_t> GetIndexInParent() const override;
BrowserAccessibility& operator*() const override;
BrowserAccessibility* operator->() const override;
raw_ptr<const BrowserAccessibility> parent_;
// C++ range implementation for platform children, see PlatformChildren().
class PlatformChildrenRange {
explicit PlatformChildrenRange(const BrowserAccessibility* parent)
: parent_(parent) {}
PlatformChildrenRange(const PlatformChildrenRange&) = default;
PlatformChildIterator begin() { return parent_->PlatformChildrenBegin(); }
PlatformChildIterator end() { return parent_->PlatformChildrenEnd(); }
std::reverse_iterator<PlatformChildIterator> rbegin() {
return std::reverse_iterator(parent_->PlatformChildrenEnd());
std::reverse_iterator<PlatformChildIterator> rend() {
return std::reverse_iterator(parent_->PlatformChildrenBegin());
const raw_ptr<const BrowserAccessibility> parent_;
// Returns a range for platform children which can be used in range-based for
// loops, for example, for (const auto& child : PlatformChildren()) {}.
PlatformChildrenRange PlatformChildren() const {
return PlatformChildrenRange(this);
PlatformChildIterator PlatformChildrenBegin() const;
PlatformChildIterator PlatformChildrenEnd() const;
// If this object is exposed to the platform's accessibility layer, returns
// this object. Otherwise, returns the lowest ancestor that is exposed to the
// platform.
virtual BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetLowestPlatformAncestor() const;
// If this node is within an editable region, such as a content editable,
// returns the node that is at the root of that editable region, otherwise
// returns nullptr. In accessibility, an editable region includes all types of
// text fields, (see `AXNodeData::IsTextField()`).
BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetTextFieldAncestor() const;
// If this node is within a container (or widget) that supports either single
// or multiple selection, returns the node that represents the container.
BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetSelectionContainer() const;
// Returns nullptr if there are no children.
BrowserAccessibility* PlatformDeepestFirstChild() const;
// Returns nullptr if there are no children.
BrowserAccessibility* PlatformDeepestLastChild() const;
// Returns nullptr if there are no children.
BrowserAccessibility* InternalDeepestFirstChild() const;
// Returns nullptr if there are no children.
BrowserAccessibility* InternalDeepestLastChild() const;
// Range implementation for all children traversal see AllChildren().
class AllChildrenRange final {
explicit AllChildrenRange(const BrowserAccessibility* parent)
: parent_(parent),
child_tree_root_(parent->PlatformGetRootOfChildTree()) {}
AllChildrenRange(const AllChildrenRange&) = default;
class CONTENT_EXPORT Iterator final {
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = BrowserAccessibility*;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = BrowserAccessibility**;
using reference = BrowserAccessibility*&;
Iterator(const BrowserAccessibility* parent,
const BrowserAccessibility* child_tree_root,
unsigned int index = 0U)
: parent_(parent), child_tree_root_(child_tree_root), index_(index) {}
Iterator(const Iterator&) = default;
~Iterator() = default;
Iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const {
return parent_ == rhs.parent_ && index_ == rhs.index_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
const BrowserAccessibility* operator*();
const raw_ptr<const BrowserAccessibility> parent_;
const raw_ptr<const BrowserAccessibility> child_tree_root_;
unsigned int index_;
Iterator begin() { return {parent_, child_tree_root_}; }
Iterator end() {
unsigned int count =
child_tree_root_ ? 1U : parent_->node()->children().size();
return {parent_, child_tree_root_, count};
const raw_ptr<const BrowserAccessibility, DanglingUntriaged> parent_;
const raw_ptr<const BrowserAccessibility, DanglingUntriaged>
// Returns a range for all children including ignored children, which can be
// used in range-based for loops, for example,
// for (const auto& child : AllChildren()) {}.
AllChildrenRange AllChildren() const { return AllChildrenRange(this); }
// Derivative utils for AXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetInnerTextRangeBoundsRect
gfx::Rect GetUnclippedRootFrameInnerTextRangeBoundsRect(
const int start_offset,
const int end_offset,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const;
// DEPRECATED: Prefer using the interfaces provided by AXPlatformNodeDelegate
// when writing new code.
gfx::Rect GetScreenHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
int start,
int len,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const;
// Returns the bounds of the given range in coordinates relative to the
// top-left corner of the overall web area. Only valid when the role is
// WebAXRoleStaticText.
// DEPRECATED (for public use): Prefer using the interfaces provided by
// AXPlatformNodeDelegate when writing new non-private code.
gfx::Rect GetRootFrameHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
int start,
int len,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const;
// This is an approximate hit test that only uses the information in
// the browser process to compute the correct result. It will not return
// correct results in many cases of z-index, overflow, and absolute
// positioning, so BrowserAccessibilityManager::CachingAsyncHitTest
// should be used instead, which falls back on calling ApproximateHitTest
// automatically.
// Note that unlike BrowserAccessibilityManager::CachingAsyncHitTest, this
// method takes a parameter in Blink's definition of screen coordinates.
// This is so that the scale factor is consistent with what we receive from
// Blink and store in the AX tree.
// Blink screen coordinates are 1:1 with physical pixels if use-zoom-for-dsf
// is disabled; they're physical pixels divided by device scale factor if
// use-zoom-for-dsf is disabled. For more information see:
BrowserAccessibility* ApproximateHitTest(
const gfx::Point& blink_screen_point);
// Accessors and simple setters.
BrowserAccessibilityManager* manager() const { return manager_; }
// These access the internal unignored accessibility tree, which doesn't
// necessarily reflect the accessibility tree that should be exposed on each
// platform. Use PlatformChildCount and PlatformGetChild to implement platform
// accessibility APIs.
size_t InternalChildCount() const;
BrowserAccessibility* InternalGetChild(size_t child_index) const;
BrowserAccessibility* InternalGetParent() const;
BrowserAccessibility* InternalGetFirstChild() const;
BrowserAccessibility* InternalGetLastChild() const;
BrowserAccessibility* InternalGetNextSibling() const;
BrowserAccessibility* InternalGetPreviousSibling() const;
using InternalChildIterator = ui::AXNode::ChildIteratorBase<
InternalChildIterator InternalChildrenBegin() const;
InternalChildIterator InternalChildrenEnd() const;
gfx::RectF GetLocation() const;
// See AXNodeData::IsClickable().
virtual bool IsClickable() const;
// See AXNodeData::IsTextField().
bool IsTextField() const;
// See AXNodeData::IsPasswordField().
bool IsPasswordField() const;
// See AXNodeData::IsAtomicTextField().
bool IsAtomicTextField() const;
// See AXNodeData::IsNonAtomicTextField().
bool IsNonAtomicTextField() const;
// Returns true if the accessible name was explicitly set to "" by the author
bool HasExplicitlyEmptyName() const;
// |offset| could only be a character offset. Depending on the platform, the
// character offset could be either in the object's text content (Android and
// Mac), or an offset in the object's hypertext (Linux ATK and Windows IA2).
// Converts to a leaf text position if you pass a character offset on a
// non-leaf node.
AXPosition CreatePositionForSelectionAt(int offset) const;
std::u16string GetNameAsString16() const;
// `AXPlatformNodeDelegate` implementation.
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetParent() const override;
size_t GetChildCount() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ChildAtIndex(size_t index) const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetFirstChild() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetLastChild() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNextSibling() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetPreviousSibling() const override;
bool IsPlatformDocument() const override;
bool IsLeaf() const override;
bool IsFocused() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetLowestPlatformAncestor() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetTextFieldAncestor() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetSelectionContainer() const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetTableAncestor() const override;
std::unique_ptr<ui::ChildIterator> ChildrenBegin() const override;
std::unique_ptr<ui::ChildIterator> ChildrenEnd() const override;
bool SetHypertextSelection(int start_offset, int end_offset) override;
gfx::Rect GetBoundsRect(
const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const override;
gfx::Rect GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect(
const int start_offset,
const int end_offset,
const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const override;
gfx::Rect GetInnerTextRangeBoundsRect(
const int start_offset,
const int end_offset,
const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible HitTestSync(int physical_pixel_x,
int physical_pixel_y) const override;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetFocus() const override;
ui::AXPlatformNode* GetFromNodeID(int32_t id) override;
ui::AXPlatformNode* GetFromTreeIDAndNodeID(const ui::AXTreeID& ax_tree_id,
int32_t id) override;
std::optional<size_t> GetIndexInParent() const override;
gfx::AcceleratedWidget GetTargetForNativeAccessibilityEvent() override;
const std::vector<gfx::NativeViewAccessible> GetUIADirectChildrenInRange(
ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* start,
ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* end) override;
ui::AXPlatformNode* GetTableCaption() const override;
bool AccessibilityPerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& data) override;
std::u16string GetLocalizedStringForImageAnnotationStatus(
ax::mojom::ImageAnnotationStatus status) const override;
std::u16string GetLocalizedRoleDescriptionForUnlabeledImage() const override;
std::u16string GetLocalizedStringForLandmarkType() const override;
std::u16string GetLocalizedStringForRoleDescription() const override;
std::u16string GetStyleNameAttributeAsLocalizedString() const override;
ui::TextAttributeMap ComputeTextAttributeMap(
const ui::TextAttributeList& default_attributes) const override;
bool ShouldIgnoreHoveredStateForTesting() override;
bool IsOffscreen() const override;
bool IsWebContent() const override;
bool HasVisibleCaretOrSelection() const override;
std::vector<ui::AXPlatformNode*> GetSourceNodesForReverseRelations(
ax::mojom::IntAttribute attr) override;
std::vector<ui::AXPlatformNode*> GetSourceNodesForReverseRelations(
ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attr) override;
std::optional<int> GetPosInSet() const override;
std::optional<int> GetSetSize() const override;
// Returns true if this node is a list marker or if it's a descendant
// of a list marker node. Returns false otherwise.
bool IsInListMarker() const;
// Returns the popup button ancestor of this current node if any. The popup
// button needs to be the parent of a menu list popup and needs to be
// collapsed.
BrowserAccessibility* GetCollapsedMenuListSelectAncestor() const;
// Returns true if:
// 1. This node is a list, AND
// 2. This node has a list ancestor or a list descendant.
bool IsHierarchicalList() const;
// Returns a string representation of this object for debugging purposes.
std::string ToString() const;
BrowserAccessibility(BrowserAccessibilityManager* manager, ui::AXNode* node);
virtual ui::TextAttributeList ComputeTextAttributes() const;
// The manager of this tree of accessibility objects. Weak, owns us.
const raw_ptr<BrowserAccessibilityManager> manager_;
// Protected so that it can't be called directly on a BrowserAccessibility
// where it could be confused with an id that comes from the node data,
// which is only unique to the Blink process.
// Does need to be called by subclasses such as BrowserAccessibilityAndroid.
const ui::AXUniqueId& GetUniqueId() const override;
// Returns a text attribute map indicating the offsets in the text of a leaf
// object, such as a text field or static text, where spelling and grammar
// errors are present.
ui::TextAttributeMap GetSpellingAndGrammarAttributes() const;
std::string SubtreeToStringHelper(size_t level) override;
void NotifyAccessibilityApiUsage() const override;
// The UIA tree formatter needs access to GetUniqueId() to identify the
// starting point for tree dumps.
friend class AccessibilityTreeFormatterUia;
// DumpAccessibilityTestBase needs to be able to set
// ignore_hovered_state_for_testing_ to avoid flaky tests.
friend class DumpAccessibilityTestBase;
// Return the bounds after converting from this node's coordinate system
// (which is relative to its nearest scrollable ancestor) to the coordinate
// system specified. If the clipping behavior is set to clipped, clipping is
// applied to all bounding boxes so that the resulting rect is within the
// window. If the clipping behavior is unclipped, the resulting rect may be
// outside of the window or offscreen. If an offscreen result address is
// provided, it will be populated depending on whether the returned bounding
// box is onscreen or offscreen.
gfx::Rect RelativeToAbsoluteBounds(
gfx::RectF bounds,
const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result) const;
// Return a rect for a 1-width character past the end of text. This is what
// ATs expect when getting the character extents past the last character in
// a line, and equals what the caret bounds would be when past the end of
// the text.
gfx::Rect GetRootFrameHypertextBoundsPastEndOfText(
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result = nullptr) const;
// See `AXNode::GetTextContentRangeBoundsUTF16`.
gfx::RectF GetTextContentRangeBoundsUTF16(int start_offset,
int end_offset) const;
// Recursive helper function for GetInnerTextRangeBounds.
gfx::Rect GetInnerTextRangeBoundsRectInSubtree(
const int start_offset,
const int end_offset,
const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result) const;
// If the node has a child tree, get the root node.
BrowserAccessibility* PlatformGetRootOfChildTree() const;
// Determines whether this object is valid.
bool IsValid() const;
// Given a set of map of spelling text attributes and a start offset, merge
// them into the given map of existing text attributes. Merges the given
// spelling attributes, i.e. document marker information, into the given
// text attributes starting at the given character offset. This is required
// because document markers that are present on text leaves need to be
// propagated to their parent object for compatibility with Firefox.
static void MergeSpellingAndGrammarIntoTextAttributes(
const ui::TextAttributeMap& spelling_attributes,
int start_offset,
ui::TextAttributeMap* text_attributes);
// Return true is the list of text attributes already includes an invalid
// attribute originating from ARIA.
static bool HasInvalidAttribute(const ui::TextAttributeList& attributes);
// Disable hover state - needed just to avoid flaky tests.
// Accessibility objects can have the "hot tracked" state set when
// the mouse is hovering over them, but this makes tests flaky because
// the test behaves differently when the mouse happens to be over an
// element. This is a global switch to not use the "hot tracked" state
// in a test.
static bool ignore_hovered_state_for_testing_;
// A unique ID, since node IDs are frame-local.
// TODO(accessibility) We should be able to get rid of this, because node IDs
// are actually local to the renderer process, and each renderer process has
// its own OS-level window, which is all the uniqueness we need.
const ui::AXUniqueId unique_id_{ui::AXUniqueId::Create()};
} // namespace content