blob: 2586fc7eaacb445a24c346d4f6de366357e7e167 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h"
#include "content/public/browser/ax_inspect_factory.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/test/accessibility_notification_waiter.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h"
#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test.h"
#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/inspect/ax_api_type.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/inspect/ax_inspect_scenario.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/inspect/ax_inspect_test_helper.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserAccessibility;
class BrowserAccessibilityManager;
// Base class for an accessibility browsertest that takes an HTML file as
// input, loads it into a tab, dumps some accessibility data in text format,
// then compares that text to an expectation file in the same directory.
// The system was inspired by WebKit/Blink LayoutTests, but customized for
// testing accessibility in Chromium.
// See content/test/data/accessibility/ for an overview.
class DumpAccessibilityTestBase
: public ContentBrowserTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<ui::AXApiType::Type> {
~DumpAccessibilityTestBase() override;
void SignalRunTestOnMainThread(int) override;
// Given a path to an HTML file relative to the test directory,
// loads the HTML, loads the accessibility tree, calls Dump(), then
// compares the output to the expected result and has the test succeed
// or fail based on the diff.
// Run with given AXMode.
void RunTest(ui::AXMode mode,
const base::FilePath file_path,
const char* file_dir,
const base::FilePath::StringType& expectations_qualifier =
// Given a path to an HTML file relative to the test directory,
// loads the HTML, loads the accessibility tree, calls Dump(), then
// compares the output to the expected result and has the test succeed
// or fail based on the diff.
// Run with default kAXModeComplete.
void RunTest(const base::FilePath file_path,
const char* file_dir,
const base::FilePath::StringType& expectations_qualifier =
template <const char* type>
void RunTypedTest(const base::FilePath::CharType* file_path,
ui::AXMode mode = ui::kAXModeComplete) {
base::FilePath test_path = GetTestFilePath("accessibility", type);
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(test_path)) << test_path.LossyDisplayName();
base::FilePath test_file = test_path.Append(base::FilePath(file_path));
std::string dir(std::string() + "accessibility/" + type);
RunTest(mode, test_file, dir.c_str());
typedef std::vector<ui::AXApiType::Type> ApiTypeVector;
static ApiTypeVector TreeTestPasses() {
return ui::AXInspectTestHelper::TreeTestPasses();
static ApiTypeVector EventTestPasses() {
return ui::AXInspectTestHelper::EventTestPasses();
template <ApiTypeVector TestPasses(), ui::AXApiType::TypeConstant type>
static ApiTypeVector TestPassesExcept() {
ApiTypeVector passes = TestPasses();
std::erase(passes, type);
return passes;
template <ui::AXApiType::TypeConstant type>
static ApiTypeVector TreeTestPassesExcept() {
return TestPassesExcept<ui::AXInspectTestHelper::TreeTestPasses, type>();
template <ui::AXApiType::TypeConstant type>
static ApiTypeVector EventTestPassesExcept() {
return TestPassesExcept<ui::AXInspectTestHelper::EventTestPasses, type>();
static ApiTypeVector TreeTestPassesExceptUIA() {
return TreeTestPassesExcept<ui::AXApiType::kWinUIA>();
static ApiTypeVector EventTestPassesExceptUIA() {
return EventTestPassesExcept<ui::AXApiType::kWinUIA>();
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// For subclasses to override:
// This is called by RunTest after the document has finished loading,
// including the load complete accessibility event. The subclass should
// dump whatever that specific test wants to dump, returning the result
// as a sequence of strings.
virtual std::vector<std::string> Dump(ui::AXMode mode) = 0;
// Add the default filters that are applied to all tests.
virtual std::vector<ui::AXPropertyFilter> DefaultFilters() const = 0;
// This gets called if the diff didn't match; the test can print
// additional useful info.
virtual void OnDiffFailed() {}
// Choose which feature flags to enable or disable.
virtual void ChooseFeatures(
std::vector<base::test::FeatureRef>* enabled_features,
std::vector<base::test::FeatureRef>* disabled_features);
// Helpers
// Dump the accessibility tree with all provided filters into a string.
std::string DumpTreeAsString() const;
// Dump the whole accessibility tree, without applying any filters,
// and return it as a string.
std::string DumpUnfilteredAccessibilityTreeAsString();
void RunTestForPlatform(ui::AXMode mode,
const base::FilePath file_path,
const char* file_dir,
const base::FilePath::StringType&
expectations_qualifier = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""));
// Retrieve the accessibility node that matches the accessibility name. There
// is an optional search_root parameter that defaults to the document root if
// not provided.
BrowserAccessibility* FindNode(
const std::string& name,
BrowserAccessibility* search_root = nullptr) const;
// Retrieve the browser accessibility manager object for the current web
// contents.
BrowserAccessibilityManager* GetManager() const;
std::unique_ptr<ui::AXTreeFormatter> CreateFormatter() const;
// Returns a list of captured events fired after the invoked action.
using InvokeAction = base::OnceCallback<EvalJsResult()>;
std::pair<EvalJsResult, std::vector<std::string>> CaptureEvents(
InvokeAction invoke_action,
ui::AXMode mode);
// Test scenario loaded from the test file.
ui::AXInspectScenario scenario_;
// Whether we should enable accessibility after navigating to the page,
// otherwise we enable it first.
bool enable_accessibility_after_navigating_;
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list_;
BrowserAccessibility* FindNodeByStringAttribute(
const ax::mojom::StringAttribute attr,
const std::string& value) const;
ui::AXInspectTestHelper test_helper_;
WebContentsImpl* GetWebContents() const;
// Wait until all accessibility events and dirty objects have been processed
// with the given AXMode.
void WaitForEndOfTest(ui::AXMode mode) const;
// Perform any requested default actions and wait until a notification is
// received that each action is performed with the given AXMode.
void PerformAndWaitForDefaultActions(ui::AXMode mode);
// Support the @WAIT-FOR directive (node, tree tests only) with the given
// AXMode.
void WaitForExpectedText(ui::AXMode mode);
// Wait for default action, expected text and then end of test signal with the
// given AXMode.
void WaitForFinalTreeContents(ui::AXMode mode);
// Creates a new secure test server that can be used in place of the default
// HTTP embedded_test_server defined in BrowserTestBase. The new test server
// can then be retrieved using the same embedded_test_server() method used
// to get the BrowserTestBase HTTP server.
void UseHttpsTestServer();
// This will return either the https test server or the
// default one specified in BrowserTestBase, depending on if an https test
// server was created by calling UseHttpsTestServer().
net::EmbeddedTestServer* embedded_test_server() {
return (https_test_server_) ? https_test_server_.get()
: BrowserTestBase::embedded_test_server();
BrowserAccessibility* FindNodeInSubtree(BrowserAccessibility& node,
const std::string& name) const;
BrowserAccessibility* FindNodeByStringAttributeInSubtree(
BrowserAccessibility& node,
const ax::mojom::StringAttribute attr,
const std::string& value) const;
// The entries in skip_urls will be omitted from the result. This is used,
// e.g., in support of the @NO-LOAD-EXPECTED directive, when an element has an
// invalid src attribute.
std::map<std::string, unsigned> CollectAllFrameUrls(
const std::vector<std::string>& skip_urls);
// Wait until all initial content is completely loaded, included within
// subframes, objects and portals with given AXMode.
void WaitForAllFramesLoaded(ui::AXMode mode);
void OnEventRecorded(const std::string& event) const {
VLOG(1) << "++ Platform event: " << event;
bool has_performed_default_actions_ = false;
// Secure test server, isn't created by default. Needs to be
// created using UseHttpsTestServer() and then called with
// embedded_test_server().
std::unique_ptr<net::EmbeddedTestServer> https_test_server_;
} // namespace content