blob: 672f72ff9fae3787c554c2c9921cda48b71df3c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
namespace content {
// Reasons to disallow activation of an inactive RenderFrameHost. Disallows
// a page to be restored from bfache or used for prerendering activation,
// leading to eviction/cancellation.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. kMaxValue is not defined because this
// enum is not logged directly as an enum because external embedders can supply
// their own values.
// This enum's values should not be used by embedders. Embedders should use
// values equal to or greater than kMinEmbedderDisallowActivationReason.
enum DisallowActivationReasonId : uint64_t {
kForTesting = 0,
kLoadPostCommitErrorPage = 1,
kBeginNavigation = 2,
kCapturePaintPreview = 3,
kOpenURL = 4,
kAXEvent = 5,
kAXLocationChange = 6,
kAXUpdateTree = 7,
kAXHitTest = 8,
kAXHitTestCallback = 9,
kAXPerformAction = 10,
kAXSetFocus = 11,
kAXGetNativeView = 12,
kAXGetNativeViewForWindow = 13,
// kAXWebContents = 14 is no longer blocking.
kCertificateErrors = 15,
kCreateChildFrame = 16,
kCommitSameDocumentNavigation = 17,
kFullScreenStateChanged = 18,
kSetNeedsOcclusionTracking = 19,
kDispatchLoad = 20,
kForwardResourceTimingToParent = 21,
kCapturePaintPreviewProxy = 22,
kShowContextMenu = 23,
kDetermineActionForHistoryNavigation = 24,
kNavigatingInInactiveFrame = 25,
kJsInjectionPostMessage = 26,
kRequestPermission = 27,
kPermissionRequestSource = 28,
kPermissionAddRequest = 29,
kContentsPreferredSizeChanged = 30,
kBeginDownload = 31,
kBug1234857 = 32,
kFileSystemAccessPermissionRequest = 33,
kCreateFencedFrame = 34,
kIndexedDBEvent = 35,
kIndexedDBTransactionIsAcquiringLocks = 36,
// kIndexedDBTransactionIsBlockingOthers = 37 is deprecated.
kSafeBrowsingUnsafeSubresource = 38,
kFileSystemAccessLockingContention = 39,
kIndexedDBTransactionIsStartingWhileBlockingOthers = 40,
kIndexedDBTransactionIsOngoingAndBlockingOthers = 41,
// New entries go above here. New entries should be added to
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml .
kMinEmbedderDisallowActivationReason = 2 << 16,
} // namespace content