blob: b958222ada7e7af87b010516b0465bb05a9c7b71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_export.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
namespace ui {
class AXTree;
class AXNode;
// This helper class computes info about tables and grids in AXTrees.
class AX_EXPORT AXTableInfo {
struct CellData {
raw_ptr<AXNode, DanglingUntriaged> cell;
size_t col_index;
size_t row_index;
size_t col_span;
size_t row_span;
size_t aria_col_index;
size_t aria_row_index;
// Returns nullptr if the node is not a valid table or grid node.
static AXTableInfo* Create(AXTree* tree, AXNode* table_node);
// Called automatically on Create(), but must be called again any time
// the table is invalidated. Returns true if this is still a table.
bool Update();
// Whether the data is valid. Whenever the tree is updated in any way,
// every AXTableInfo is invalidated and needs to be recomputed, just
// to be safe.
bool valid() const { return valid_; }
void Invalidate();
const AXNode* GetFirstCellInRow(const AXNode*) const;
// The real row count, guaranteed to be at least as large as the
// maximum row index of any cell.
size_t row_count = 0;
// The real column count, guaranteed to be at least as large as the
// maximum column index of any cell.
size_t col_count = 0;
// List of column header nodes IDs for each column index.
std::vector<std::vector<AXNodeID>> col_headers;
// All column header cells in a one dimensional array.
std::vector<AXNodeID> all_col_headers;
// List of row header node IDs for each row index.
std::vector<std::vector<AXNodeID>> row_headers;
// The id of the element with the caption tag or ARIA role.
AXNodeID caption_id;
// 2-D array of [row][column] -> cell node ID.
// This may contain duplicates if there is a rowspan or
// colspan. The entry is empty (zero) only if the cell
// really is missing from the table.
std::vector<std::vector<AXNodeID>> cell_ids;
// Array of cell data for every unique cell in the table.
std::vector<CellData> cell_data_vector;
// Set of all unique cell node IDs in the table.
std::vector<AXNodeID> unique_cell_ids;
// Extra computed nodes for the accessibility tree for macOS:
// one column node for each table column, followed by one
// table header container node.
std::vector<raw_ptr<AXNode, VectorExperimental>> extra_mac_nodes;
// Map from each cell's node ID to its index in unique_cell_ids.
std::map<AXNodeID, size_t> cell_id_to_index;
// Map from each row's node ID to its row index.
std::map<AXNodeID, size_t> row_id_to_index;
// List of ax nodes that represent the rows of the table.
std::vector<raw_ptr<AXNode, VectorExperimental>> row_nodes;
// The ARIA row count and column count, if any ARIA table or grid
// attributes are used in the table at all.
int aria_row_count = 0;
int aria_col_count = 0;
std::string ToString() const;
struct CellBuildState {
size_t cell_index;
size_t current_col_index;
size_t current_row_index;
size_t spanned_col_index;
size_t current_aria_row_index;
size_t current_aria_col_index;
bool is_first_cell_in_row;
AXTableInfo(AXTree* tree, AXNode* table_node);
void ClearVectors();
void BuildCellDataVectorFromRowAndCellNodes(
const std::vector<raw_ptr<AXNode, VectorExperimental>>& row_node_list,
const std::vector<std::vector<AXNode*>>& cell_nodes_per_row);
void BuildCellDataVectorFromCellNodes(
const std::vector<std::vector<AXNode*>>& cell_nodes_per_row);
void BuildCellData(AXNode* cell,
AXNode* row_or_first_cell,
CellBuildState& state);
void BuildCellAndHeaderVectorsFromCellData();
void UpdateExtraMacNodes();
void ClearExtraMacNodes();
AXNode* CreateExtraMacColumnNode(size_t col_index);
AXNode* CreateExtraMacTableHeaderNode();
void UpdateExtraMacColumnNodeAttributes(size_t col_index);
raw_ptr<AXTree> tree_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<AXNode> table_node_ = nullptr;
bool valid_ = false;
std::map<int, std::map<int, CellData>> incremental_row_col_map_;
} // namespace ui