blob: 70ea8698407ba115d2c05449d82684775685ddd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UI_QT_QT_SHIM_H_
#define UI_QT_QT_SHIM_H_
#include <vector>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QImage>
#include <QObject>
#include "ui/qt/qt_interface.h"
namespace qt {
// This class directly interacts with QT. It's required to be a QObject
// to receive signals from QT via slots.
class QtShim : public QObject, public QtInterface {
QtShim(QtInterface::Delegate* delegate, int* argc, char** argv);
~QtShim() override;
// QtInterface:
size_t GetMonitorConfig(MonitorScale** monitors,
float* primary_scale) override;
FontRenderParams GetFontRenderParams() const override;
FontDescription GetFontDescription() const override;
Image GetIconForContentType(const String& content_type,
int size) const override;
SkColor GetColor(ColorType role, ColorState state) const override;
SkColor GetFrameColor(ColorState state, bool use_custom_frame) const override;
Image DrawHeader(int width,
int height,
SkColor default_color,
ColorState state,
bool use_custom_frame) const override;
int GetCursorBlinkIntervalMs() const override;
int GetAnimationDurationMs() const override;
private slots:
void FontChanged(const QFont& font);
void PaletteChanged(const QPalette& palette);
void ScreenAdded(QScreen* screen);
void ScreenRemoved(QScreen* screen);
void LogicalDotsPerInchChanged(qreal dpi);
void PhysicalDotsPerInchChanged(qreal dpi);
QImage DrawHeaderImpl(int width,
int height,
SkColor default_color,
ColorState state,
bool use_custom_frame) const;
QtInterface::Delegate* const delegate_;
QApplication app_;
std::vector<MonitorScale> monitor_scales_;
} // namespace qt
#endif // UI_QT_QT_SHIM_H_