blob: 1e6fedab1fe72edb845cfc5ed7b86405ec586d21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/sampling_heap_profiler/poisson_allocation_sampler.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_id_name_manager.h"
namespace base {
// The class implements sampling profiling of native memory heap.
// It uses PoissonAllocationSampler to aggregate the heap allocations and
// record samples.
// The recorded samples can then be retrieved using GetSamples method.
class BASE_EXPORT SamplingHeapProfiler
: private PoissonAllocationSampler::SamplesObserver,
public base::ThreadIdNameManager::Observer {
class BASE_EXPORT Sample {
Sample(const Sample&);
// Allocation size.
size_t size;
// Total size attributed to the sample.
size_t total;
// Type of the allocator.
base::allocator::dispatcher::AllocationSubsystem allocator;
// Context as provided by the allocation hook.
const char* context = nullptr;
// Name of the thread that made the sampled allocation.
const char* thread_name = nullptr;
// Call stack of PC addresses responsible for the allocation.
std::vector<const void*> stack;
// Public for testing.
Sample(size_t size, size_t total, uint32_t ordinal);
friend class SamplingHeapProfiler;
uint32_t ordinal;
// On Android this is logged to UMA - keep in sync AndroidStackUnwinder in
// enums.xml.
enum class StackUnwinder {
kMaxValue = kFramePointers,
// Starts collecting allocation samples. Returns the current profile_id.
// This value can then be passed to |GetSamples| to retrieve only samples
// recorded since the corresponding |Start| invocation.
uint32_t Start();
// Stops recording allocation samples.
void Stop();
// Sets sampling interval in bytes.
void SetSamplingInterval(size_t sampling_interval_bytes);
// Enables recording thread name that made the sampled allocation.
void SetRecordThreadNames(bool value);
// Returns the current thread name.
static const char* CachedThreadName();
// Returns current samples recorded for the profile session.
// If |profile_id| is set to the value returned by the |Start| method,
// it returns only the samples recorded after the corresponding |Start|
// invocation. To retrieve all the collected samples |profile_id| must be
// set to 0.
std::vector<Sample> GetSamples(uint32_t profile_id);
// List of strings used in the profile call stacks.
std::vector<const char*> GetStrings();
// Captures up to |max_entries| stack frames using the buffer pointed by
// |frames|. Puts the number of captured frames into the |count| output
// parameters. Returns the pointer to the topmost frame.
const void** CaptureStackTrace(const void** frames,
size_t max_entries,
size_t* count);
static void Init();
static SamplingHeapProfiler* Get();
SamplingHeapProfiler(const SamplingHeapProfiler&) = delete;
SamplingHeapProfiler& operator=(const SamplingHeapProfiler&) = delete;
// ThreadIdNameManager::Observer implementation:
void OnThreadNameChanged(const char* name) override;
// Deletes all samples recorded, to ensure the profiler is in a consistent
// state at the beginning of a test, and creates a
// ScopedMuteHookedSamplesForTesting so that new hooked samples don't arrive
// while it's running.
~SamplingHeapProfiler() override;
// PoissonAllocationSampler::SamplesObserver
void SampleAdded(void* address,
size_t size,
size_t total,
base::allocator::dispatcher::AllocationSubsystem type,
const char* context) override;
void SampleRemoved(void* address) override;
void CaptureNativeStack(const char* context, Sample* sample);
const char* RecordString(const char* string) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
// Mutex to access |samples_| and |strings_|.
Lock mutex_;
// Samples of the currently live allocations.
std::unordered_map<void*, Sample> samples_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Contains pointers to static sample context strings that are never deleted.
std::unordered_set<const char*> strings_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Mutex to make |running_sessions_| and Add/Remove samples observer access
// atomic.
Lock start_stop_mutex_;
// Number of the running sessions.
int running_sessions_ = 0;
// Last sample ordinal used to mark samples recorded during single session.
std::atomic<uint32_t> last_sample_ordinal_{1};
// Whether it should record thread names.
std::atomic<bool> record_thread_names_{false};
// Which unwinder to use.
std::atomic<StackUnwinder> unwinder_{StackUnwinder::kDefault};
friend class NoDestructor<SamplingHeapProfiler>;
friend class SamplingHeapProfilerTest;
} // namespace base