Revert 75106 - New policy protobuf protocol.

(Second attempt to land

- cloud_policy.proto autogenerated from policy_templats.json
- C++ method decoding the protobuf also autogenerated from policy_templates.json
- changed policy fetching mechanism to fetch new-style policy protobufs

BUG=68309, chromium-os:11253, chromium-os:11255
TEST=CloudPolicyCacheTest.*; also manual test against python testserver

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4ff67af0-8c30-449e-8e8b-ad334ec8d88c
diff --git a/cloud_policy.proto b/cloud_policy.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a1135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloud_policy.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// FROM policy_templates.json
+syntax = "proto2";
+option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
+package enterprise_management;
+// PBs for individual settings.
+message PolicyOptions {
+  enum PolicyMode {
+    // The user may choose to override the given settings.
+    // The given settings are applied regardless of user choice.
+    MANDATORY = 2;
+  }
+  optional PolicyMode mode = 1;
+message HomepageProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional string HomepageLocation = 2;
+  optional bool HomepageIsNewTabPage = 3;
+message ApplicationLocaleValueProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional string ApplicationLocaleValue = 2;
+message AlternateErrorPagesEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool AlternateErrorPagesEnabled = 2;
+message SearchSuggestEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool SearchSuggestEnabled = 2;
+message DnsPrefetchingEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool DnsPrefetchingEnabled = 2;
+message DisableSpdyProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool DisableSpdy = 2;
+message JavascriptEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool JavascriptEnabled = 2;
+message SavingBrowserHistoryDisabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled = 2;
+message PrintingEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool PrintingEnabled = 2;
+message SafeBrowsingEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool SafeBrowsingEnabled = 2;
+message MetricsReportingEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool MetricsReportingEnabled = 2;
+message PasswordManagerProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool PasswordManagerEnabled = 2;
+  optional bool PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords = 3;
+message AutoFillEnabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool AutoFillEnabled = 2;
+message DisabledPluginsProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  repeated string DisabledPlugins = 2;
+message SyncDisabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool SyncDisabled = 2;
+message ProxyProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional string ProxyMode = 2;
+  optional int64 ProxyServerMode = 3;
+  optional string ProxyServer = 4;
+  optional string ProxyPacUrl = 5;
+  optional string ProxyBypassList = 6;
+message HTTPAuthenticationProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional string AuthSchemes = 2;
+  optional bool DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup = 3;
+  optional bool EnableAuthNegotiatePort = 4;
+  optional string AuthServerWhitelist = 5;
+  optional string AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist = 6;
+  optional string GSSAPILibraryName = 7;
+message ExtensionsProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  repeated string ExtensionInstallBlacklist = 2;
+  repeated string ExtensionInstallWhitelist = 3;
+  repeated string ExtensionInstallForcelist = 4;
+message ShowHomeButtonProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool ShowHomeButton = 2;
+message DeveloperToolsDisabledProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool DeveloperToolsDisabled = 2;
+message RestoreOnStartupGroupProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional int64 RestoreOnStartup = 2;
+  repeated string RestoreOnStartupURLs = 3;
+message DefaultSearchProviderProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool DefaultSearchProviderEnabled = 2;
+  optional string DefaultSearchProviderName = 3;
+  optional string DefaultSearchProviderKeyword = 4;
+  optional string DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL = 5;
+  optional string DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL = 6;
+  optional string DefaultSearchProviderInstantURL = 7;
+  optional string DefaultSearchProviderIconURL = 8;
+  repeated string DefaultSearchProviderEncodings = 9;
+message ContentSettingsProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional int64 DefaultCookiesSetting = 2;
+  optional int64 DefaultImagesSetting = 3;
+  optional int64 DefaultJavaScriptSetting = 4;
+  optional int64 DefaultPluginsSetting = 5;
+  optional int64 DefaultPopupsSetting = 6;
+  optional int64 DefaultNotificationSetting = 7;
+  optional int64 DefaultGeolocationSetting = 8;
+message Disable3DAPIsProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool Disable3DAPIs = 2;
+message ChromeFrameRendererSettingsProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional int64 ChromeFrameRendererSettings = 2;
+  repeated string RenderInChromeFrameList = 3;
+  repeated string RenderInHostList = 4;
+message ChromeFrameContentTypesProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  repeated string ChromeFrameContentTypes = 2;
+message ChromeOsLockOnIdleSuspendProto {
+  optional PolicyOptions policy_options = 1;
+  optional bool ChromeOsLockOnIdleSuspend = 2;
+// --------------------------------------------------
+// Wrapper PB for DMServer -> ChromeOS communication.
+message CloudPolicySettings {
+  optional HomepageProto Homepage = 1;
+  optional ApplicationLocaleValueProto ApplicationLocaleValue = 2;
+  optional AlternateErrorPagesEnabledProto AlternateErrorPagesEnabled = 3;
+  optional SearchSuggestEnabledProto SearchSuggestEnabled = 4;
+  optional DnsPrefetchingEnabledProto DnsPrefetchingEnabled = 5;
+  optional DisableSpdyProto DisableSpdy = 6;
+  optional JavascriptEnabledProto JavascriptEnabled = 7;
+  optional SavingBrowserHistoryDisabledProto SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled = 8;
+  optional PrintingEnabledProto PrintingEnabled = 9;
+  optional SafeBrowsingEnabledProto SafeBrowsingEnabled = 10;
+  optional MetricsReportingEnabledProto MetricsReportingEnabled = 11;
+  optional PasswordManagerProto PasswordManager = 12;
+  optional AutoFillEnabledProto AutoFillEnabled = 13;
+  optional DisabledPluginsProto DisabledPlugins = 14;
+  optional SyncDisabledProto SyncDisabled = 15;
+  optional ProxyProto Proxy = 16;
+  optional HTTPAuthenticationProto HTTPAuthentication = 17;
+  optional ExtensionsProto Extensions = 18;
+  optional ShowHomeButtonProto ShowHomeButton = 19;
+  optional DeveloperToolsDisabledProto DeveloperToolsDisabled = 20;
+  optional RestoreOnStartupGroupProto RestoreOnStartupGroup = 21;
+  optional DefaultSearchProviderProto DefaultSearchProvider = 22;
+  optional ContentSettingsProto ContentSettings = 23;
+  optional Disable3DAPIsProto Disable3DAPIs = 24;
+  optional ChromeFrameRendererSettingsProto ChromeFrameRendererSettings = 25;
+  optional ChromeFrameContentTypesProto ChromeFrameContentTypes = 26;
+  optional ChromeOsLockOnIdleSuspendProto ChromeOsLockOnIdleSuspend = 27;
diff --git a/device_management_backend.proto b/device_management_backend.proto
index 1a857b6..3187f6b 100644
--- a/device_management_backend.proto
+++ b/device_management_backend.proto
@@ -88,8 +88,29 @@
   repeated DevicePolicySetting setting = 1;
-// Request from device to server to register device. The response will include
-// a device token that can be used to query policies.
+// Protocol buffers for the new protocol:
+// --------------------------------------
+// Request from device to server to query if the authenticated user is in a
+// managed domain.
+message ManagedCheckRequest {
+// Response from server to device indicating if the authenticated user is in a 
+// managed domain.
+message ManagedCheckResponse {
+  enum Mode {
+    // The device must be enrolled for policies.
+    MANAGED = 1;
+    // The device is not automatically enrolled for policies, but the user
+    // may choose to try to enroll it.
+    UNMANAGED = 2;
+  }
+  optional Mode mode = 1; 
+// Request from device to server to register device.
 message DeviceRegisterRequest {
   // reregister device without erasing server state.
   // it can be used to refresh dmtoken etc.
@@ -100,82 +121,29 @@
 message DeviceRegisterResponse {
   // device mangement toke for this registration.
   required string device_management_token = 1;
+  // The name of the device, assigned by the server.
+  optional string device_name = 2;
-// Protocol buffers for the new protocol:
-// --------------------------------------
-// Request from device to server to get policies for an unregistered user.
-// These are actually "meta-policies", that control the rules for the user
-// about enrolling for real policies.
-message InitialPolicyRequest {
-message InitialPolicySettings {
-  enum EnrollmentRule {
-    // The user must enroll its device for policies.
-    MANAGED = 1;
-    // The users's device is not automatically enrolled for policies, but the
-    // user may choose to try to enroll it.
-    UNMANAGED = 2;
-  }
-  optional EnrollmentRule enrollment_rule = 1;
-// Response from server to device containing the policies available before
-// registration.
-message InitialPolicyResponse {
-  optional InitialPolicySettings settings = 1;
-// Request from device to server to unregister device management token.
+// Request from device to server to unregister device.
 message DeviceUnregisterRequest {
-// Response from server to unregister request.
+// Response from server to device unregister request.
 message DeviceUnregisterResponse {
-// Request from device to server to register device. The response will include
-// a device token that can be used to query policies.
-message CloudRegisterRequest {
-  enum Type {
-    // Requesting token for user policies.
-    USER = 1;
-    // Requesting token for device policies.
-    DEVICE = 2;
-  }
-  optional Type type = 1;
-  // Unique identifier of the machine. Only set if type == DEVICE.
-  // This won't be sent in later requests, the machine can be identified
-  // by its device token.
-  optional string machine_id = 2;
-// Response from server to device register request.
-message CloudRegisterResponse {
-  // Token for this registration.
-  required string device_management_token = 1;
-  // The name of the requesting device, assigned by the server.
-  optional string machine_name = 2;
 message CloudPolicyRequest {
   // Identify request scope: chromeos/device for device policies, chromeos/user
-  // for user policies. Only those policy scopes will be served, that are
-  // allowed by the type choice in CloudRegisterRequest.
+  // for user policies.
   optional string policy_scope = 1;
-  // The token used to query device policies on the device sending the request.
-  // Note, that the token used for actual authentication is sent in an HTTP
-  // header. These two tokens are the same if this request is for querying
-  // device policies and they differ if this request is for querying user
-  // policies. In the second case, the server can use device_policy_token to
-  // identify the device and determine if the user is allowed to get policies
-  // on the given device.
-  optional string device_policy_token = 2;
+  // The device token of the owner of the device sending the request. In cases
+  // the request was sent by the device owner or device policies were
+  // requested, this is the same as the token used for authentication.
+  // Otherwise (if the user policy is requested for someone else than the device
+  // owner) this token is different from the token used for authentication.
+  optional string device_token = 2;
 // Response from server to device for reading policies.
@@ -208,20 +176,20 @@
 // Http Query parameters:
 // Query parameters contain the following information in each request:
-//   request: register/unregister/policy/cloud_policy/cloud_register/
-//            initial_policy
+//   request: register/unregister/policy/cloud_policy/managed_check etc.
 //   devicetype: CrOS/Android/Iphone etc.
 //   apptype: CrOS/AndroidDM etc.
+//   deviceid: unique id that identify the device.
 //   agent: identify agent on device.
 // Authorization:
-// 1. If request is initial_policy, client must pass in GoogleLogin
-//    auth  cookie in Authorization header:
+// 1. If request is managed_check, client must pass in GoogleLogin auth 
+//    cookie in Authorization header:
 //      Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=<auth cookie>
-//    The response will contain settings that a user can get without
-//    registration. Currently the only such setting is a flag indicating if the
-//    user is in a managed domain or not. (We don't want to expose device ids of
-//    users not in managed domains.)
+//    This is the only case when the deviceid query parameter is set to empty.
+//    The response will contain a flag indicating if the user is in a managed
+//    domain or not. (We don't want to expose device ids of users not in
+//    managed domains.)
 // 2. If request is register_request, client must pass in GoogleLogin auth
 //    cookie in Authorization header:
 //      Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=<auth cookie>
@@ -232,7 +200,7 @@
 //    Authorization: GoogleDMToken token=<google dm token>
 message DeviceManagementRequest {
-  // Register request (old protocol).
+  // Register request.
   optional DeviceRegisterRequest register_request = 1;
   // Unregister request.
@@ -244,11 +212,8 @@
   // Data request (new protocol).
   optional CloudPolicyRequest cloud_policy_request = 4;
-  // Request for initial (before registration) policies.
-  optional InitialPolicyRequest initial_policy_request = 5;
-  // Register request (new protocol).
-  optional CloudRegisterRequest cloud_register_request = 6;
+  // Request to check if a user is managed or not.
+  optional ManagedCheckRequest managed_check_request = 5;
 // Response from server to device.
@@ -276,7 +241,7 @@
   // Error message.
   optional string error_message = 2;
-  // Register response (old protocol).
+  // Register response
   optional DeviceRegisterResponse register_response = 3;
   // Unregister response
@@ -288,9 +253,6 @@
   // Policy response (new protocol).
   optional CloudPolicyResponse cloud_policy_response  = 6;
-  // Response to initial (before registration) policy request.
-  optional InitialPolicyResponse initial_policy_response = 7;
-  // Register response (new protocol).
-  optional CloudRegisterResponse cloud_register_response = 8;
+  // Response to managed check request.
+  optional ManagedCheckResponse managed_check_response = 7;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/device_management_local.proto b/device_management_local.proto
index 45c2994..a991551 100644
--- a/device_management_local.proto
+++ b/device_management_local.proto
@@ -10,18 +10,14 @@
 import "device_management_backend.proto";
-// Wrapper around CloudPolicyResponse/DevicePolicyResponse for caching on disk.
-message CachedCloudPolicyResponse {
+// Wrapper around DevicePolicyResponse for caching on disk.
+message CachedDevicePolicyResponse {
   // The DevicePolicyResponse wrapped by this message.
-  optional DevicePolicyResponse device_policy = 1;
-  // Timestamp noting when the |unmanaged| flag was set. The data format is
-  // a unix timestamp. When caching (deprecated) DevicePolicyResponses, this
-  // timestamp also notes when the response was cached.
+  optional DevicePolicyResponse policy = 1;
+  // Timestamp noting when this policy was cached.
   optional uint64 timestamp = 2;
   // Flag that is set to true if this device is not managed.
   optional bool unmanaged = 3;
-  // The CloudPolicyResponse wrapped by this message.
-  optional CloudPolicyResponse cloud_policy = 4;
 // Encapsulates a device ID and the associated device token.
diff --git a/device_management_proto.gyp b/device_management_proto.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede0251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/device_management_proto.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+  'variables': {
+    'chromium_code': 1,
+    'protoc_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/protoc_out',
+  },
+  'targets': [
+    {
+      # Protobuf compiler / generate rule for the device management protocol.
+      'target_name': 'device_management_proto',
+      'type': 'none',
+      'sources': [
+        'cloud_policy.proto',
+        'device_management_backend.proto',
+        'device_management_local.proto',
+      ],
+      'rules': [
+        {
+          'rule_name': 'genproto',
+          'extension': 'proto',
+          'inputs': [
+          ],
+          'variables': {
+            # The protoc compiler requires a proto_path argument with the
+            # directory containing the .proto file. There's no generator
+            # variable that corresponds to this, so fake it.
+            'rule_input_relpath': 'chrome/browser/policy/proto',
+          },
+          'outputs': [
+            '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/device_management_pb/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT)',
+            '<(protoc_out_dir)/<(rule_input_relpath)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).pb.h',
+            '<(protoc_out_dir)/<(rule_input_relpath)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT)',
+          ],
+          'action': [
+            '--proto_path=.',
+            './<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT)<(RULE_INPUT_EXT)',
+            '--cpp_out=<(protoc_out_dir)/<(rule_input_relpath)',
+            '--python_out=<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/device_management_pb',
+          ],
+          'message': 'Generating C++ and Python code from <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
+        },
+      ],
+      'dependencies': [
+        '../../../../third_party/protobuf/protobuf.gyp:protoc#host',
+      ],
+      'direct_dependent_settings': {
+        'include_dirs': [
+          '<(protoc_out_dir)',
+        ]
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      'target_name': 'device_management_proto_cpp',
+      'type': 'none',
+      'export_dependent_settings': [
+        '../../../../third_party/protobuf/protobuf.gyp:protobuf_lite',
+        'device_management_proto',
+      ],
+      'dependencies': [
+        '../../../../third_party/protobuf/protobuf.gyp:protobuf_lite',
+        'device_management_proto',
+      ],
+      'direct_dependent_settings': {
+        'include_dirs': [
+          '<(protoc_out_dir)',
+        ]
+      },
+    },
+  ],
+# Local Variables:
+# tab-width:2
+# indent-tabs-mode:nil
+# End:
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: