blob: a29aa399540e87c6e348dea748aa1962ecdaf437 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "base/macros.h"
#import "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#import "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/link_to_text/link_to_text_response.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_observer.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state_user_data.h"
namespace base {
class ElapsedTimer;
} // namespace base
@protocol CRWWebViewProxy;
// A tab helper that observes WebState and triggers the link to text generation
// Javascript library on it.
class LinkToTextTabHelper : public web::WebStateObserver,
public web::WebStateUserData<LinkToTextTabHelper> {
~LinkToTextTabHelper() override;
// Callback for GetLinkToText.
typedef void (^LinkToTextCallback)(LinkToTextResponse* response);
static void CreateForWebState(web::WebState* web_state);
// Returns whether the link to text feature should be offered for the current
// user selection.
bool ShouldOffer();
// Calls the JavaScript to generate a URL linking to the current
// selected text. If successful, will invoke |callback| with the returned
// generated payload and nil error. If unsuccessful, will invoke |callback|
// with a nil payload and defined error.
void GetLinkToText(LinkToTextCallback callback);
friend class web::WebStateUserData<LinkToTextTabHelper>;
explicit LinkToTextTabHelper(web::WebState* web_state);
// Invoked with pending GetLinkToText |callback| and the |response| from
// the JavaScript call to generate a link to selected text.
void OnJavaScriptResponseReceived(LinkToTextCallback callback,
const base::Value* response);
// Identifies if a string has any characters that aren't a boundary
// (i.e., whitespace or punctuation) character.
bool IsOnlyBoundaryChars(NSString* str);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(LinkToTextTabHelperTest, IsOnlyBoundaryChars);
// Not copyable or moveable.
LinkToTextTabHelper(const LinkToTextTabHelper&) = delete;
LinkToTextTabHelper& operator=(const LinkToTextTabHelper&) = delete;
// WebStateObserver:
void WebStateDestroyed(web::WebState* web_state) override;
// The WebState this instance is observing. Will be null after
// WebStateDestroyed has been called.
web::WebState* web_state_ = nullptr;
// Timer used to calculate the link generation latency.
std::unique_ptr<base::ElapsedTimer> link_generation_timer_;
// Regex for |IsOnlyBoundaryChars|. Lazily-initialized to avoid recompiling
// each time we check.
NSRegularExpression* not_boundary_char_regex_ = nil;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LinkToTextTabHelper> weak_ptr_factory_;