blob: 331cdf89ceb15f4b640cfaff06efb841d3112f41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <PassKit/PassKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/download/pass_kit_tab_helper_delegate.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/coordinators/chrome_coordinator.h"
namespace web {
class WebState;
} // namespace web
// Key of the UMA Download.IOSPresentAddPassesDialogResult histogram. Exposed
// only for testing.
extern const char kUmaPresentAddPassesDialogResult[];
// Enum for the Download.IOSPresentAddPassesDialogResult UMA histogram
// to report the results of the add passes dialog presentation. The presentation
// can be successful or unsuccessful if another view controller is currently
// presented. Unsuccessful presentation is a bug and if the number of
// unsuccessful presentations is high, it means that Chrome has to queue the
// dialogs to present those dialogs for every downloaded pkpass (PassKit file).
// Currently Chrome simply ignores the download if the dialog is already
// presented. Exposed only for testing.
// Note: This enum is used to back an UMA histogram, and should be treated as
// append-only.
enum class PresentAddPassesDialogResult {
// The dialog was sucessesfully presented.
kSuccessful = 0,
// The dialog cannot be presented, because another PKAddPassesViewController
// is already presented.
kAnotherAddPassesViewControllerIsPresented = 1,
// The dialog cannot be presented, because another view controller is already
// presented. Does not include items already counted in the more specific
// bucket (kAnotherAddPassesViewControllerIsPresented).
kAnotherViewControllerIsPresented = 2,
// Coordinates presentation of "Add pkpass UI" and "failed to add pkpass UI".
@interface PassKitCoordinator : ChromeCoordinator<PassKitTabHelperDelegate>
// Must be set before calling |start| method. Set to null when stop method is
// called or web state is destroyed.
@property(nonatomic) web::WebState* webState;
// If the PKPass is a valid pass, then the coordinator will present the "Add
// pkpass UI". Otherwise, the coordinator will present the "failed to add
// pkpass UI". Is set to null when the stop method is called.
@property(nonatomic) PKPass* pass;